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Chapter 2 by Catch the dream Catch the dream

Things Will Never Be The Same

You Sign Up To A Dating Site

Once home, you heat a ready meal in the microwave. Pour yourself a glass of wine and grab your note book and pen. Time to make that plan of action list for the next two weeks, However You find it difficult to concentrate with all the commotion in the tunnel earlier and decide to eat and watch TV instead. As soon as the TV is on your confronted with a dating commercial. You have dated no-one since Harry but the allure of a couple sharing good times on screen was making you longing for love. When you long for love.. you long for Harry. You quickly shake of those feelings and gulp more wine. You later curse the TV for repeating the commercial several times. Three glasses of wine and 8 dating commercials later you decied to sign up, After all this could be what you need to straighten out your two week vacation and give you purpose in making more effort into yourself.

After filling all the sign up forms it then asks you to add photos before it's complete. Hmm you have always been self conscious about your appearance. You used to look very trim and curvy 10 years ago, but a comfortable life with Harry has left you a little porky. You rummage through your pictures looking for an appropriate yet appealing picture. You decide on a vacation picture from 2015, recent enough....

Perhaps a little posey but with the wine flowing and the 2nd bottle open, you run with it.

Instantly you get a message from a guy called Shawn.. you open it up..

[Hey Sheena! Nice profile feel free to browse mine. I too, enjoy traveling :-)]

Gawd! Look at him, is that all the site has to offer? Shawn was a 26 year old slim, dark hair, nice smile but definitely not your thing.. He's 10 years younger and has has a weird eye brows! And a mole on his cheek! .. he must be !

You reply..

[Hi Shawn, Thanks but I have to say that your not the age range I'm seeking for, good luck finding your match.]

Ok, that will do. Your about to call it an night when..."Blurp" a reply...

[Oh! That's a real shame. I'm not just a pretty face, you know! Lol]

Ok let's close this creep off!

[Shawn, I'm here to build friendships and possible relationships, I'm not here to hook up with young guys who appear to be drinking while they type! C Ya!]


[Ok, Sheena. But I BET you will find nothing better than me. I know what you girls are like, you are shutting me off. But I BET my profile picture makes you wet!]

WTF! is this a dating site or a dirty flirty website. You decide to ignore Shawn. He's a big headed pervert! You leave your PC and sit back down on the couch to watch TV and clear your mind after Shawn's crude exchange.

You sit watching the news, then the lifestyle channel then comedy, you just can't switch off Shawn's comments online. Who does he think he is? You decide to switch off the TV and sleep off the tension. You go to the PC to shut it down and your met with Shawn's Profile page. Pffttt! What a loser, you scroll to the top of the page to close the internet page down. And your confronted by Shawn's pic. His smile gives you instant butterflies in your tummy. If it wearnt for his stupidity in messenger he might of earned your interest.

You attempt to shut the page down, but it says "Not Responding" Your tired and to hit the sack.. Click...Click...Click.. nothing! What makes it worse is that you have Shawn's beaming smile glaring at you, mocking you almost. You giggle nervously as you stare at Shawn's pic, waiting for the internet to respond. He has great eyes, glazed brown and a cute dimple in his smile. Your eyes are drawn to his shoulders they were broad. He looked buff! I guess he would, his profile does say he works out. You take a seat at the PC and decide to read more about him. A lot of his text is boasting! Blah, blah, blah. Let's scroll up again and check him out, once again your met with butterflies and find yourself twirling your red hair. Your mind is filled with Shawn's aura. Perhaps he was drinking? Maybe you were a harsh on him? Your eyes flicker from his hair, eyes, smile and biceps, yep he is buff alright! Why didn't you notice this before? Your squirm in your chair and place the tip of your index finger on your lower lip (Do it) You can feel a fire burning between your legs. You wonder what his voice is like ? Wow! What is going on down there? You examine it with your hand... You moisten instantly... Seriously? This has to be the wine! The internet comes back responding again.. you go to messenger a decide to leave Shawn a message.

[Shawn, ok your cheeky I get it. But why me? a 36 year old. Goodnight :-)]

You call it a night.

Difficulty Sleeping

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