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Chapter 2 by Nadure Nadure

What's your gender?


Your eyes open slowly a delicious sleepiness hanging on mind and body. The alarm clock, what is it saying, the numbers rattle around in your half-awake mind. Six thirty... really? You role over memories of the last night come back to your mind again, what a dream the image of the werewolf that bit you is vivid, at least in parts. Memories of smooth shiny fur and rippling muscle, of a long muzzle and teeth, the pain of the bite and above in all the moon shining down on you.

You shake yourself and role out of bed, enough day dreaming, or in this case evening dreaming; you hadn't meant to sleep so long, you have four classes tomorrow and although you got most of the work out of the way there is still a paper to finish up and those last few problems to tackle.

Then the smell hits you, a close damp smell of mildew and sweat and dirty laundry and and and. You shake your head did something happen in here while you were gone? No, it didn't smell like this when you went to sleep, did it? Maby I'm turning into a werewolf and my senses are getting sharper you laugh to yourself, still, I should open a window and get the place aired out. You hope you haven't been walking around smelling like that.

The bathroom's no better, it smells like someone spilled a bottle of pine cleaner and soap on the floor as well as leaving something unpleasant in the toilet without flushing. You actually open the lid to check, no nothing.

Flipping on the fan you start cleaning yourself up, you are a good looking twenty year old your blond hair hangs to your shoulders and your gray-green eyes smile back at you in the mirror. You don't look to bad in fact for a weekend of camping, you thought you had some sunburn but no you just look a little tanned.

Steam rises form the sink and you wet the rag and burry your face in it. The warmth relaxes you as you breath in the moisture.

Even as you close your eyes enjoying the hot washcloth your mind goes back to the dream. The moonlight on the beasts fur, the way it moved and above it all the moon herself nearly full building in obtuse glory. Nipples begin to stiffen, are you really getting turned on by this? Your body answers the question as your small breasts begin to throb for attention and your blossoming tits make little bumps against your tee shirt clearly visible in the mirror.

Dropping the still steaming washcloth in the sink you turn off the tap and reach up giving yourself a gentle squeeze. The pleasure is so intense it's starting, you can't hold in your grasp as you bring your other hand to join in the fun. What the hell is getting you this worked up you haven't been like this since... Sense... Sense well you can't remember ever being like this. Does it even matter, though, down between your legs you can feel your woman parts string, coming to life, crying out for attention and you know you are going to give it to them.

The house is empty you silently check as you head back to your room almost skipping with excitement. July your roommate is out late but she could be back anytime, I'll hear her drive up but still best not to make to much noise you think as you close the door to your room behind you. Then you see it, the silvery light of the full moon pouring through the window like a shimmering waterfall.

Is tonight the night of your first change?

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