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Chapter 19 by fyreant fyreant

Considering the source, this isn't going to be all that innocent, is it?

Video #?: "Feral" in an unexpectedly risque photo shoot...

"I don't appreciate getting the rug yanked out from under me like this. Influence, you know I have respect for you. But now that I think about it, this isn't the first time that Maiden America and her sidekicks have done something that rubbed me the wrong way." the tall ebony superheroine says, arms crossed. "I don't want to encourage this kind of trickery. It seems to me like she feels guilty that her..." she shoots a sidelong glance at Spangle just to let him know she knows he's listening, "less than impressive sidekick has been striking out on the, mmm... social side of things here in the organization, or maybe that she wants to smooth over some of the insensitive things he's said, and wants to use me as a prop to... to..."

Feral trails off. The leggy brunette Influence, who somehow manages to maintain an air of class in spite of her garish outfit, has leaned forward and put her hand on Feral's shoulder. Watching, you note with a smirk that the paradox of dealing with a super who can affect your thoughts and emotions is that even when you're full aware they CAN do it and have a MOTIVE to do it, by the time they've actually gone and DONE it, you'll be quite certain that they hadn't - because they are a friend, and friends don't mess with friends' minds, right?

Influence leans closer to whisper and because of the supernatural nature of the 'camera' following her, her words are audible: "C'mon, Mari. You know I'd never lie to you, Dark Energy Man really did have to take care of a mission only he could handle. I mean, it's not like the rest of us can travel through the power lines to catch up with and defeat an insane artificial intelligence created from the recovered notes of Alexander Graham Bell. And yeah, it is true that Amy - err, Maiden America - pawned this twerp off on me... Personally, I think Star is much hotter... but since we're on the same regular team I don't want people getting the wrong idea about us. You know, those nosy reporters come up with outlandish stories about me and younger heroes all the time, comparing it to that damn Dustin Hoffman movie, so I don't want to feed the fire by starring in a calendar shoot... just let him feel like a sexy stud for an hour or two. I promise, it'll only make you look better for advancement in the League when the time comes..."

The buxom younger heroine in her grip smiles and flutters her eyes proudly. "Well... it isn't like I'm shy or anything. And maybe," she says speaking up so that Spangle can hear again, "it'll help improve his attitude." she pulls a tiger-striped two piece bikini from on top of the tray.

"Now, Spangle. Or, Tim, if you prefer, I think there's nothing wrong with keeping it friendly when there's just us heroes," Influence says, turning around and smiling proudly. "I know you might be feeling a little odd about the situation, don't want to disappoint or grow distant from Maiden America and all, so if I can convince you-"

Ever since the nubian beauty in front of him had picked up the skimpy bikini in front of her and began slowly unzipping the back of her jumpsuit, the pale, freckled, buzzcut young man had been staring goggle-eyed at her. Midway through Influence's sentence he put on a burst of super speed and yanked off his clothes with speed that the eye could barely follow - swifter than he could usually manage to move when he was actually fighting villains, judging by newsreel footage of him getting beaten up and left tied up countless times. Before the fluttering star-spangled trousers even hit the ground he is standing there in just an American flag speedo that doesn't do his 2nd rate physique any particular favors. "READY!" he shouts.

"Ah... nice. Now," Influence says, hands on hips, "If you'd turn around... it would take way too long to go all the way to a specialized dressing room and back, so if you'd turn so that Feral can get changed...?"

"Ahem," the tall superheroine of the realm of beasts says in a sassy voice, "that goes for you too, Influence. I'm not judging or anything but I know you like to do more than just look at girls."

Although both of the others turn around while Feral peels off her tight-fitting orange jumpsuit, revealing her toned and exceedingly busty figure, expanses of pert, silky-smooth ebony skin glinting under the artificial lights, the camera point of view zooms in to show both Spangle and Influence staring at a semi-reflective glass door that gives them an almost perfect view of Feral pulling the tight nylon bikini over her incredible assets and all of the jiggling and wobbling that entails.

It seems that Influence is quite a talented director of photography, because the next 10 minutes of video are a montage-like cut of Feral posing in various sensual positions on the yellow sand of a false beach. In the last one she keeps her head tilted playfully to the side while pushing her chest forward and squeezing her impressive rack between her upper arms. It is when she is still somewhat distracted with this that, after a whisper from Influence, Spangle suddenly comes up behind her and begins slathering sunscreen onto her shoulders with his hands. The ebony babe jumps a little in surprise and raises her eyebrow for a moment, but then looks at the camera and does a commendable job of forcing a smile. Soon, Maiden A's male sidekick of the moment, who seems to have been won over to this idea pretty quickly, perhaps unsurprisingly, is getting the favor returned and grinning at her, showing off the gap in his front teeth as she runs her hands over his chest, applying the lotion smoothly. The stretched surface of his speedo is showing exactly how excited this is getting him.

"Alright," Feral says in a calm voice. She is, after all, a model by profession so she can keep her cool even in a situation that might be a bit uncomfortable for others. "That's good right, we can move on to the holding-up-the-flag and the League symbol pose now...?"

"Um, ahem," Spangle says in a peevish, self-satisfied voice. "Sorry Mari-"

"I'd really prefer if you called me by my heroine name." Feral says, with a cute, almost feline growl.

"Sure, sure 'Feral'. But I only applied the sunscreen on half of you. I like to keep up with scientific studies and the, uhh, doctors say that even blacks are at risk for skin cancer and stuff from too much exposure-"

For a moment Feral's eyes become slitted and almost reptilian and she hisses softly. "I think you mean to say 'black people', not 'blacks'. And we're in a damn studio...!" She slowly begins backing away from Spangle on the beach towel as he looms closer, hands outstretched towards her chest with a dab of lotion on several fingers.

"Ohh, come on, Feral, he's just trying to set a responsible example. Surely you don't think Maiden America's protege would just be looking for an excuse to touch a comrade in the pursuit of justice inappropriately?" Influence says in a singsong voice.

"I sure as hell think she wou- AH!" Feral gasps in surprise as the tall, sultry older woman settles down behind her and wraps her arms around Feral's, leaning in and planting a kiss on the back of her neck. "Hey, what about the camer-?"

"Shhh. It's on a timer. Just relax and be a good model." Influence says. Sure enough, soon Feral is sighing softly in excitement, and when Spangle starts running his hands up her firm, toned abdomen, feeling up every inch of her perfect body, she doesn't object. He first dips his hands low and massages her thighs with circular motions. Growing bolder, his hands then move on to putting dimples in her voluminous ass cheeks, squeezing and kneading them like dough.

Feral bites her lip and makes some deep, vaguely feline growls but says nothing more... and by the way she is rubbing her inner thighs together, it looks like she's enjoying it more than she'd like to admit. When the pasty sidekick's busy hands work their way back up her sides and begin squeezing her world-famous breasts together, even sliding his fingers under the edges of her colorful orange and black bikini top, the short-haired animal-kingdom heroine just shudders and seems to struggle not to let moans slip out from her lips. Soon Influence gets in on the act two, and two sets of pale hands, one clumsy and hairy and the other delicate and feminine, are squishing and squeezing her huge bosom up, down and every which way. By the time the next scene rolls around, Influence has put so much of a spell on Feral that she doesn't object to a shot that involves her bending over while Spangle tugs her bikini bottoms down around her thighs, leaving her puckered rear hole and her bare, silky-smooth chocolate cunt-lips exposed to the next flash of the camera.

Even through her very dark complexion, it is clear that the tall woman is blushing fiercely when she is tugging her bikini bottoms back up after several more 'poses' that amount to little more than increasingly shameless molestation. "That's... that's the end of the shoot, right?" she is sliding her thighs together as she stands there, quivering slightly, in a stance that you recognize as the 'I'm too embarrassed to admit it but I need to go get laid or spend some time with my battery-operated boyfriend right now' stance... which, to be honest, is pretty much exactly how you're feeling right now, watching this video.

"Yes." Influence says - to her seeming relief and Tim/Spangle's disappointment. But then the leggy brunette licks her lips sensually and smirks. "...of the beach calendar shoot. The next one we had scheduled for you, and which our devoted little eager beaver of a sidekick will, I assume, not object to standing in and helping you with, is an educational piece for new C-rank heroes and heroines on... mm, well, the kind of sensitive health information that they should have learned in high school.

"...the hell are you talking about, lady?" Feral says with a slowly deepening frown.

Influence's answer makes her jump back a step... and Spangle stand excitedly on his tiptoes: "Well, I mean sex education, of course. Let's be honest, this is an organization that tends to attract a lot of people, especially fresh young women barely old enough to be in college, if that, who are long on talent, courage, and good looks, but short on sense. And, of course, a lot of guys who tend to suffer attacks from a natural 'influence' that is stronger than my super power could ever hope to be."

Feral's mouth is hanging slightly open and she starts to laugh awkwardly. "Ha... oh damn. You always did like making these off-color jokes, Influence, it's no wonder you're still hip to the fans even after being on the League for almost 20 years..."

Influence purses her lips and struggles not to smile. "Now now, Feral. You ought to know this is no joking matter. You've heard about this terrible new disease going around that our irresponsible government wants to pretend doesn't exist, right? And well, aside from that, even if a lot of our members are immune to things like viruses... well, you've been here a while and hear plenty of gossip with that hearing of yours that is, from what I hear, sharper than a cat's?" Influence traces her fingers down along Feral's shapely body, running them from her neck down between her softly heaving melons and down to her belly button, where she gives the younger heroine a sharp poke, making her yelp softly.

"You know, spandex doesn't do a good job of hiding when a heroine's tummy suddenly starts pushing out against her leotard and she starts getting sick and running to the bathroom during morning briefings, followed by taking a sabbatical or going on a 'super secret mission' that always seems to last between 10 and 14 months? I ended up in that position myself, you know."

Feral looked like she'd been getting ready to object but then she swallows and turns aside. "What...? I mean, well, I remember seeing the pictures in the cape magazines before I joined the League myself but I assumed it was... I mean, you've invited your husband up here for the Christmas party before..."

"Mmm, yes, well, he wasn't my husband at the time. Lucky for me he ended up having a heart of gold and staying with me, but - and don't spread this around, if you don't mind - before we..." she licks her lips again, "'met', he was a high-end gun runner who got me with the old 'knockout gas in the lid of the weapons crate' trick, and I woke up bound and gagged... and the thing that the reporters don't like talking about happening to bound and gagged superheroines in skimpy costumes and sexy boots, happened. A few weeks later I was, well, 'late', and before I knew it I was having to track down someone in the underworld, hoping I could find him before I got too big to fit in my costume. Believe you me, it was no walk in the park rehabilitating him into a decent citizen even AFTER I developed my abilities enough to break through his telepathic resistance!"

All of this, Influence has been saying in a light, breezy, conversational tone as if she was telling a humorous anecdote about the time she put the wrong kind of food in the microwave and made a big mess. Feral is averting her eyes and biting her lip, looking like she's both deeply embarrassed and enjoying a voyeuristic thrill, no doubt on account of Influence overloading her emotions with both real and artificial arousal. "That's... ahh... I had no idea..."

"Yep," Influence says with a sharp nod, "and it's an issue, no pun intended, that goes way back, too. Spangle, you already overheard this once when Amy and I were having a few too many cocktails after a good mission... one of the great funny coincidences in American history is that President James Garfield might not have been assassinated if his best protector hadn't been isolating herself in seclusion on account of a big belly that he was responsible for giving her. I remember Amy refused to speak to me for weeks after I said that it sounded like karma. It was pretty insensitive in retrospect. Anyway - long story short, the world always needs more heroes, but, uh, preferably with a preamble that goes something like 'I love you darling, let's make a well-informed decision to start a new phase in our life together', and not 'Oops.'"

Feral can barely stand it any more and puts her hands on her cheeks. Spangle looks like he's struggling not to chuckle. "But... how is this involving... me and...?"

"Oh, simple!" Influence clasps her hands together. "You'll just be showing the proper way to, mmm... get the little hero who lives under every guy's belt into his proper costume." she says with a wink, brushing a beachball aside from the prop table and revealing a string of 'Aeneas-brand' condoms in foil wrappers. Feral starts to object again but Influence reaches forward and begins tenderly stroking the gorgeous ebony goddess's nicely toned abdomen. "Well... I mean, I guess they would all be paying attention if they see ME in the instructional pictures, right?" Feral says, as if talking herself into it.

Of course, given the context of the video where you are watching this, in the present day, there is something darkly voyeuristic as you wonder what is coming next... pun intended. As before, Bones seems to have a different focus than you, and gives a low, embarrassed scoff. "Ho-ly shit. The president? I mean, from like a hundred years ago, but still. Honestly I can't even really blame the government for not wanting to leave this stuff in the League's hands. No wonder it seems like the capes can get away with any level of collateral damage or sidestepping of due process sometimes. Alright, that's got to be the 'juicy part' from this one. Bunny, go ahead and put this one back in its case, we really ought to get moving. I think my arm has stopped hurting enough that I can at least move at a brisk jog without worrying about passing out from the pain..."

"No, no, Bones, please, don't strain yourself!" you say in an awkward, burbling voice, your eyes glued to the motel room TV screen. "You should give yourself uh, at least, like, another 15 or 20 minutes before you try to move and, um, let me go scout out on my own ahead, first. But we better make sure there's not anything any more... y'know..." you trail off as you watch Feral on the screen in her sexy bikini getting pulled into an embrace by the dork sidekick she's with, his short height forcing her to bend her head down and Spangle to stand up on his tiptoes in order to kiss her on the lips, his hands wrapping around her waist greedily...

Well, this video doesn't belong in here, they're being safe and sensible... right..?

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