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Chapter 3 by ntaylor ntaylor

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I return to Oracle's room, she is jumping with joy and says that I need to find a name. I move, and return. She starts laughing looking at the cheap cap on my head.

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" Uber ? Well ... It's a good name for your services ... You don't like to fight, just carry people ? It works for me. "

It's a stupid name for a cape ... but I am not a cape. Her radio rings " Oracle, I'm under heavy fire ... need an extraction ... "

Before Oracle finish talking, I can see Dinah, hiding behind a container. Perfect opportunity, I move. She is surprised to see me. Oracle says on the radio " No time to explain, Dorothy. Grab her hand, close your eyes and enjoy the ride. "

Dinah doesn't know what to do. I extend my hand, she grabs it and close her eyes. I use my senses, no cameras, and I move. Oracle smiles when Dinah shows up in front of her. Barbara says to Dinah to open her eyes.

" What ? This is ... Uber ? Nice name ... " Barbara looks at Dinah, and asks a report about the mission. I look outside, Barbara tell me that she will call when she needs me again. I point to my cap, and move. In an instant I am under her window. I cover the camera and leave the radio on. I can hear them discussing about the problem Dinah found on the other side of the world. Barbara calls me after one minute, saying that she needs me to take Dinah back. I don't move, she says it's urgent, I don't move. And she understands " No fighting ... You don't carry them ... just pull them out ... " She ends the call. Most capes work looking for a fight ... I don't want to deploy troops. Just save them. Another call.

" Emergency, I need ... " Barbara stops talking when I show her my cheap wrist watch with a countdown " 11:57:59 " She mumbles something and says " So, it's distance related ... long distance travels have half a day to recover, small distances are fast to recover ... Emergencies only ... Got it. Thank you for saving Dinah. "

And with this, my role is explained. Capes are always running after trouble, and if they know that they can get an extraction, they will push their limits ... So, it's only for emergencies. My money comes from pickpocketing the baddies. I can see where they are hiding, and taking a bill from this unaccounted pile ... no one will see the difference. So many illegal casinos ... and so much money on the boss's office. Thank you, your donation payed my cheap watch, and this cap.

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As I walk I see it, humans have pets ... or is it the opposite. The white cat jumps off to the table, pushes the apple to the ground, and seats there curled. The little girl tries to hold her, she runs. The old woman tries to pet her, she runs to the food plate on the floor. The little girl comes closer, and brush her. The old woman cleans her sand box. And after a few bites, the cat hides under the bed. Stupid humans ... I am just walking, without any goal, and I see the window of a shop. The screen is showing the news.

Another **** by overdose in the city. The steroid **** known as ‘venom’ does another victim.

Venon ... A couple of ladies pass me talking to loud not to listen " So, I pulled on the stretchy suit that hugs my body in ways that aren’t comfortable and I looked in my mirror. Now I know why the capes use this. This little thing shows off my thick, toned thighs that I am very proud of, and made my boobs look amazing. "

I continue walking, Barbara calls in a sad voice " I hear that a lot also ... For them, we are just that ... a sexy symbol. I called just to check on you ... I forgot to pay the Uber ride ... that power is amazing, but will not let you have an easy live. Drop by anytime. Night is getting cooler. I have warm tea here and cookies. " I know she is tracking my movements, so I enter the shadows. I move just one block to another, between each move I wait 10 seconds. in one minute I am in her room, eating the cookies.

" So, you work under the cookie-signal ? Me too and ... "

I walk towards her computer and open the news about the shipment of Venon. She looks at it ... " Recon ... to get eyes ? " I nod to her. She asks if that's safe for me. I move, and tickle her. To her eyes I am using some kind of teleport, that's the idea. She raises her hands to the air.

" Ok, I give up ... You're no Uber, you're a jumper. Hahahah. If you punch anyone instead of tickling ..." I raise my finger to my mouth. She stops talking and looks down. " I get it ... from punching to something else ... is a thin line ... even this pen can be deadly with your power ... That's why you carry a plastic bat rang ? A baby toy to remind you to stay on the line ? " I seat on the chair and eat another cookie, looking at the screen.

I can see her, another stupid teen trying to follow Barbara's footsteps ... A cheap uniform, and off you go, playing vigilant ... Stupid humans. Barbara opens a draw and shows me all the things they carry on the belt. Sleeping gas is a good idea ... and the pellets look like marbles. I grab one, she laughs and gives me a box. I look at them, and the grappler gun. I look inside the drawer, and take the tool box I've seen with the x-rays. Take this part here, adjust here, screw here, and it's done. Barbara looks at me and laughs " A smoke bomb launcher ? Nice idea, how did you ... " Before she finish her sentence I open the drawing program and layer after layer create the design for her. I turn my head, the stupid teen is already there. Time to go. But before that, need to get dressed. I look at her closet, the bomb suit caught my attention. She is still looking at the screen, but saw me. Typical Batgirl.

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" Thank you for the design, he is going to love this all in one gun. Net, grapple and smoke launcher. About that suit, only works with your power. Hahahaha. " I move, and I am outside her house. I can see the teen, not in danger yet. I move from block to block. This suit, under my robe ... makes me look bigger than I am. From Barbara's perspective, I am just moving from block to block, in the docks direction. But I can see her. The stupid teen is going to try it, and the Bat is to far away to catch her.

I've seen her turning off the lights of her apartment, sneaking out to the fire escape stairs, heading towards the roof. Her building is only 4 stories high, so she is thinking that is tall enough to be a good training, short enough to not get serious damage if all fails and she falls. Stupid teen.

Barbara calls " This is an emergency, can you reach the next 5 blocks at top speed ? "

I move, I can see her taking a deep breath, the air filling her lungs gives her a false sense of security. She is already running at her full speed towards the neighbouring building. She leaps, the cascade of adrenalin is making her alive. The Bat tries to fire his grapple, but needs to charge the gas. I reach my hand, and grab her. A second later the Bat is beside me, and I let him do all the pulling. He looks to the little girl, with a batman shirt and says " Before jump like me, you need to wear this. " I open more my robe to show the bomb suit. The little girl looks at it, grabs the border of my pants " Heavy and tough, not like mine. " She looks sad, I go near Bruce, and take something from his utility belt. I give the lollipop to her. Bruce is surprised with my pickpocket skills and knowing where he had them. He jumps back to the safety of her home. The adrenalin is still there, but this time because she was with him. I move, and after one minute I am in front of the computer. I pretend to not listen to Barbara talking to Bruce, behind the closed room.

" Yes, Uber is here ... on my computer, redesigning your hook. Now with an alarm to change gas before you fire the last one. And my phone says it's done. Going to send you the blueprint. Yes, I know that's not a big change, and you are going to do it when you arrive home. But look at it, please. Correct, besides the vibrating alarm, your hook now can fire also a net, smoke pellets and whatever you want to charge in it. I agree, it's a great idea. Send Uber the payment if you want to use the _design, please. Yes, they never think about it. I payed Uber with cookies. Teleport ... I think ... cool down period 12 hours for long distances ... Uber extracted Dinah from China to here in a few seconds ... No, rescue only ... Venon ... Uber grabbed my bomb suit. No need to walk, teleport at short distances as no handicap. Yes, recon only. Uber does not engage ... Yes, Uber knows, the way I was rescued ... Uber opened the secret door, and grabbed Cassandra's workout suit ... without the toys. A bat rang toy, and tickles ... after some talking that gun to fire smoke pellets. "

They were still talking, but I already moved closer to the docks. Tents litter an abandoned area. It’s lit up by fires and fairy lights. Children run and laugh as they chase each other around playing, a perfect contrast with the older ones hardened from years of homelessness. Some gather by the fires seeking refuge from the night air. Barbara says " I had no idea ... I am here, drinking warm tea and eating cookies ... and they live like this ... " I go down, just another beggar in the line. The food truck arrives, one bag for each one of us. And lollipops for the kids. The older teen gets near the van and says " Tell Wayne, that the soup was good. " The young volunteer nods to him. I grab my bag and she smiles " New here ? Don't be shy, every week new people come here ... stay away from the south side, ok ? " I walk to an alley, and move slowly. The bomb suit is heavy for them, so I need to fake it. There is nothing wrong with a crazy beggar walking slowly while looking at his bag of food. I reach the shadows, and I move. Barbara rings " You are moving south ... I don't see nothing unusual on the cameras. But if she said to avoid the area ... " I move to another block, nothing. I move again ... and can see them and hear them, but need a good excuse to reach them. Barbara calls " Nightwing is down, 5 blocks east, can you ... " Before she says something, I move. 5 blocks. My senses tells me that he is injured but not in danger. But that poison make him unable to move. Alfred is driving Tim, and Bruce is fighting alongside Robin. Jason is not in town. Found him. Back to the Clocktower. Barbara smiles, when I arrive near her bed. Dick is laying down breathing, and looking to her. He can't move yet. I give the dart to Barbara, Bruce is watching my feed. I open his gauntlet, and wait. Bruce says " Blue vial" Each antidote is specific, and in a different coloured vial. So I must pretend that I can't see the molecules of the poison, and do what he says. I pick the blue vial, and give it to Barbara. His vitals start to fade. I grab the adrenaline shot and wait. Bruce screams " Do it. " Adrenaline goes in, he is stable. Bruce says.

" A new type ... must change the antidote ... adrenalin was a good idea ... "

Barbara hugs the always smiling Dick. I can hear Cass arriving with Steph. I walk away, and point to the bedrooms. Barbara nods. The Clocktower is like the Manor, lots of rooms ... empty rooms ... and children sleep in tents a few blocks away ... Stupid humans ... this one is for Cass, Dinah, Steph, Barbara, guest, empty, another ... the last one on the row, closest to the window, smallest. Just a bed ... perfect. Before I enter Cass sees me, I wave to her, and point to Barbara's location. I take my cap, and hang it on the door. Barbara can track my buttons, but now she can also see that I'm here. Cass is asking Steph why an Uber driver is delivering bombs. Barbara laughs, and explains all. Cass is not a fan of guns, but Steph loved the idea, and the smiling Dick says that he's hungry.

I don't need to eat, sleep, or have a cool down period, but Damian told me that they like that way. It makes them fell safe. Father just needs to wear a led suit, and no one could stop him ... but he prefers to expose himself to poison rocks ... just for Bruce sleep convinced that Superman can be defeated ... Foolish humans. This suit is not for me, is for them. If you hit a wall you get hurt, but if you hit me ... your bones shatter. So this suit is perfect. I can even stand in front of a bomb if it is needed. And because it is huge, my body language is just static for Cass.

Dick is already walking, knocking on my door with a box of pizza on his hand. He opens the door in silent. I am on my bed, still with my uniform. The bomb suit perfectly tidy on the floor, I am covered with the blanket. Only my head is out, still wrapped in the hood. He walks away and calls Bruce " Uber is sleeping, in uniform, one of the old suits of Cass. The gun is near the bomb suit. No, Babs told me that she can fight, her first mission was ... you have to see the feed. Perfect undercover, perfect style ... like dancing ... better than Cass ... but prefers not to engage. She stole you a lollipop ? Hahaha, that's a good one. Yes, I know it's serious ... from what we know she could micro-teleport or whatever she does ... Yes, the gun is very simple to use. I'm surprised no one use it before ... some semtex pellets would be also good ... And trackers ... good idea. Yes, I left the laptop near her bomb suit. "

There you go, give humans an idea and they twist it according to their wishes. Damian told me to not create toys, but using a staff or even throwing the pellets ... can cause damage to these fragile humans ... A gun with smoke pellets ... just this one. Now I must pretend to sleep. Damian told me that humans need to show a weak spot. From sunrise, to noon. Six hours, to watch and listen this dirty town. And here I can be with a mask without being hidden in an alley.

I know that if I open the computer, Bruce will see the clock. So I prefer not use it. Once Damian caught me doing research faster than the computer for a whole day, and told me to not do that again. Humans need to take breaks.

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Noon, listening during the night gave me enough clues to search. Searching venom. First thing a sudden increase in overdoses. The news mention venom as the **** of choice. I cross reference with Bane. Venom is a steroid that turns the users into hulking for short periods. Using it in the underworld isn’t uncommon, but it is rare among civilians. A file drops on my computer, an hyperlink to the bat-computer. I can hear Oracle talking to Bruce.

" Uber is up ... searching for venom ... All. Yes, Uber is reading since the first case ... I know they are a lot. Her first search was about the news report. The Venom circulating is not the same ... I think that Uber is trying to find who did it. Yes, Uber is wearing the buttons, and from the computer camera, also the bodysuit. When Uber opened the computer she was already on it. Send the request for new pellets ... Ok. "

I see an envelope with the bat-signal on my screen. A request to create explosive pellets, taser pallets, tracker pallets ... Barbara is laughing from my action.

" Yes, Uber opened it ... and delete all the requests ... Extraction only ... Guess Uber follows some kind of inner code for not engaging or developing weapons ... The smoke pellets are for covering the extraction ... I think. No, I don't think Uber will be_ interest in upgrading your bat-car. Still reading the cases ... normal speed, opening all files. Photos, documents, your notes ... All ... Very time consuming yes, but Uber only moves at night or in emergencies. "

Someone knocking on my door, Steph opens it slowly and sees me in the computer. " Hi, I'm Steph, can I borrow your gun ? It's so cool and ... " I look at her, she as no idea that she is being manipulated. For Bruce and Lex people are just tools. I hand_ my gun to Steph and make her a sign to look at the computer. " Old venom cases ? " I grab a pillow and put it next to me.

" No, thank you, I am going to shoot Cass with this ... This time I am going to win a fight with her. " I raise my gloved thumb to her and continue to look at the files. Oracle is watching all using my webcam. I can hear her getting near.

" Hi, busy ? " I grab my cap she laughs " No emergency, just saying good-morning. " I put my cap on the door knob and leave the door open. I show her my laptop " Venom old files ... you know we have programs to do that, right ? ... Considering the way you redesign the gun ... I bet you can also wrote better ones ... but you are old school ... my father is also like that, he likes to know all about a case and the program only gives you the results to act and.Ah ... you're doing the worse part of the job, than you will give to me and let them engage, got it. Going to see Cass fighting Steph and her new gun. Any bets ? "

I look to her and touch my hood. She laughs " Shooting a net takes too much time, Cass will use it ... agree. " After a few seconds, Barbara and Steph enter on my room, and the tees says " This doesn't work, any ideas ? " I grab her escrima stick, and hand it over to Barbara. Babs laughs " Want to learn how to use those ? " Steph looks at her and smiles. They both leave the room, Cass enters. " I won. " I look at her, even with my bomb suit she reads my intention " Yes, she use it wrongly. Step back shoot pellets, if I move shoot net. No more flying kicks. And can use hook to escape my range ... I like to punch and kick, this weapon is my worse enemy. Must use bat rangs, smoke bombs.Not fun talking to you. Hahaha. "

Cass leaves the room, and now is time for Dick. No one works on this house.

" Hi, nice gun ... brought you the laptop and ... " Steph passes my door, I make her a sign to enter. She looks confused, I take one of Dick's sticks and point to her. She looks at me " These sticks are very hard and useless, I prefer my staff and ... " She stops talking, when I press the hidden button and the electric arc shows up " Taser sticks ? That is so ... " I hand them over to Dick, he smiles to Steph " When you complete the acrobat routine I gave you, I teach you some moves with this. " She jumps happily and runs for the training area. Dick looks at me " What are you thinking ? These is dangerous and ... " I open a new window. Black Mask. Dick looks down " That was a mistake, and doesn't give you the right to ... " He stops talking, when I show the photo of Barbara and Jason. The always smiling boy gets tears in his yes " Steph ... I am going to train her. When she is patrolling one of us will be with her ... We need to be always watching the new players ... I'm going to talk with the others ... Any more ideas ? " I open the photo of Dinah " Ah, I forgot we have our own Siva here ... She can train them ... and me. I can also learn something ... she fights ... like you. " I close all the windows, except the venom case.

" Babs told me ... you're good and refuse to engage ... Teleport and smoke bombs ... Uber ... perfect name. Are you better than Dinah ... better than Cass ? " I look to him, grab his stick and press the button. " Ah, that's cheating ... micro teleport and tase them ... not cool ... You fight like him. He is also the master cheater. Can you beat him ? " I press the button again, he laughs " One move taser ? Well I bet that somewhere on that suit, he's creating some kind of electrical absorption taser cowl and ... " Dick stops talking, when I open the design program, and he sees me drawing the blueprints layer after layer, until it's done.

" No way ... this works ? I bet it does, drag the file to the bat-envelop, it's our group box. " I do like he said, and continue reading the venom files. A few seconds later Batman appears on my screen " This is ... good. There is a laboratory on the basement ... Use it, if you want. Your last payment is under one Oracle's alias. She will give you a card, you can use it like a credit card or to withdraw money. It's yours ... use it. If you find any clues on the Venom case, send to the box. If I had time, I will do the same thing you are doing. " He ends the call. This is how Bruce works, he enters your computer and leaves. The trick is simple, he gave you the computer, and set it like that. I open the blueprint to the Clocktower, there is a camera on the laboratory. I open it. A huge empty space ... perfect. I could already seen it with my senses, but seeing it like this is perfect to show Dick how I want him to think my power works. I stand up and move. Dick is surprised, when he sees me on the laptop's screen. The space is huge and I am near a wall, and here is the empty room. I move. Back to my room, touch the bed, now it's on the lab's room. I move back, grab the laptop and return to the laboratory. I move back again, cover the eyes of a very confused Dick. When I remove my hand he is at the laboratory with me. I open my laptop, the Venom files are there. And I look at the big screen, press a button, the image opens. I close the laptop, now I can work faster. Dick is behind me watching, Bruce and Oracle are watching also. The big screen is divided in several windows. One for the files already seen, one for the notes, one for the files to be seen, one for the clues.

Dick laughs " You power is amazing, Uber. " I ignore him, and continue to read the files. Dick walks away, after a few minutes the elevator comes down. It's him and Barbara. She hands me over a card. " Easy to use, just pass it and it's done. No need for photos or signatures ... and it as a tracker, in case you lose it. " I nod to her, and look at the time. Oracle stomach starts growling and she touches her bracelet. " Time to eat girls, send your orders. " Dick and Oracle also touch their bracelets, and one by one the orders show on the computer. I look at them. Dick smiles " Same restaurant, to arrive at the same time. Here is your bracelet, just open the screen and chose." I look at it, to the requests, and press a button. My request is added to the list. Dick looks at it " You are going to eat all of that ? " I point to my suit and he laughs. I go to the bathroom. One hour later a buzz. I exit the bathroom. The computers shows someone at the door. Dick goes there, and grabs the bags. I move. Dick looks at me, close his eyes and he and the bags appear on the laboratory. All are here looking at the Venom files ... or so they should be. Steph is talking with Cass about how cool is to have taser sticks. Dick is flirting with Barbara. They all look at me, still reading the files. Dick looks at my huge bag and asks if I need help eating it. I move, grab the bag and seat on the table with them. Cass laughs, when she sees that is not only her costume that I stole. After lifting my mask a little they see my chin also painted, like Cass did. She used Grey, I use Black. Steph comes behind me and tries to pull my mask. I move and appear in her seat, still eating. Cass joins the fun, I go to her chair. Oracle says that we can play tag, after the meal. Dick is still looking at me eating faster. When they finish I eat 3 times more. Dick looks at me, getting up.

Bruce show up on the screen " OMAD ? " I raise my thumb, he laughs " No super metabolism ... " and I seat on the computer. Steph looks at Dick, and he explains

" One Meal A Day, all you can eat in a short window, to save time ... Batman does it sometimes. Try it Steph. "

Steph looks at Cass " After the digestion, I want a rematch. " I look at Dick smiling, and can see his strategy. I continue reading the venom files, one after the other. Time for a break. I open all Robins and Bats photos, and look at them for a moment. The neck protection ... let's use it.

I go to Cass's room, and knock. She opens the door " Can't talk, need focus ... Dick told her something. Must plan." I look at her, and reach my hand. She places the piece, and I adjust it. I return to my seat and continue to read the venom files. I can see them sparing even without any screen showing it.

The spar starts, Steph points the gun. The gas starts spreading. She created around her a defensive arch of sleeping gas, the_ only way out is on the direction of the taser sticks that Dick borrowed. Steph shouts " I win, don't be sad. I just borrowed this. " Cass is surrounded by gas, and she feels it. The next moment the poor Steph is already on the ground, looking up. Cass is wearing a gas mask. Steph looks at it. " Well played ... you brought one ... " She stops talking, when the mask returns to her neck plate. Cass smiles " I borrow this. " Bruce, Oracle and Dick call at the same time. The faces of each one of them appear on the screen. I touch my new bracelet and the design is sent to the box. Bruce looks at me, but is Oracle that talks first " An automatic air sensor ... Deploys the retractable gas mask ... " Dick appears on the screen " Can you make one for water ? " They continue talking, Robin appears on screen " It's not a gas mask ... it's air mask ... gas, water ... all that is not air will deploy it ... even if the user is knockout. " I raise my thumb and continue reading the files. Oracle is near Cass and grabbing my neck plate. " This is an external piece ... We should consider making it part of the uniform. " And they continue talking while I read the files. An alarm rings. All look at me. I stretch my arms up. And seat putting them down again. Dick looks at me and doesn't say nothing more. Oracle says " So we don't need to carry the gas mask on the belt. That will release space to ... " Robin looks at me " No, it's the opposite. This was created so that we can offer our gas mask to another person, without getting exposed. It's a tool to rescue people. "

_I finish the venom file and open another. They stop talking and exit the video call. Steph comes down and start complaining_ " Ok, I get it ... cheating is not good ... Can you help me to not get punched so much ? " I look to her and point to me, she laughs " Without losing my capacity to move. " I open all windows, and Steph looks closely. It's Cass fighting. All the training battles against her. She looks the first one, the second one and says " I know I get punched ... don't need to see it again. " Cass gets near her " No. Watch, not only punching, also kicking and ... ? " Steph looks closer, another video and another one, until she says " I give up, I only see punching and kicking ... different styles and ways ... but it's only I can see." Cass gets even closer and says " Yes, thats one of my weakness. " Dinah appears on the screen " Cass is a close range fighter,_ use that Steph. Help her improving her weakness. The gas wall was a great idea. Continue working on that. Close range, middle range, long range. Train for all of them. "

My alarm rings, and the Oracle voice is heard. " Sensor 35. Illegal approaching on the south dock. Recommended deploy:

Batgirl/spoiler, recon ; Black Canary, evaluation and backup

Black Bat/Batman, north dock, stop venom traffic, back door of the nigh club and emergency backup for south dock

Red Robin, middle town; Venom consumers, Interrogation, good cop

Night wing/Batman, hidden Backup for Red Robin, bad cop

Robin, patrolling, crime beyond venom, recommended Penguin Lounge.

Batman original, Assist Robin, and fill holes, including Justice League, Gordon and Bane.

Red Hood, not in town. Batman will deploy him.

Oracle, watch all, these could be bait.

Uber, read the rest of the files, emergency extraction. Cool down 0:0:00.

Green Arrow, in town, probability of night patrol 70%, Batman deploy.

Waiting for confirmation ...

Bruce show up on the screen, waits a second and says " Go. " Steph looks to Dinah " Let's go side kick ... " They all leave, Barbara looks at me reading the venom files " How did you ... ? " I press my bracelet and a map of the docks appears. 100 small sensors form a grid on the south dock, sensor 35 is blinking. She is speechless, Robin shows up on screen. " Why the Penguin Lounge ? " I press another button " Last activity detected, Penguin, one month ago. Camera shows Killer Croc yesterday with him. Other possible targets last activity, Poison Ivy and Harley, two months ago; Riddler, 3 month ago, Ratman ... confirmed in Arkham, League of Shadows, four months, ... " Robin looks at the screen, I open the camera of the Penguin Lounge and point to Barbara's screen. She smiles " We have other cameras on the area, like ATM's and traffic ... on it, good to know that you can't do all alone. Hahahaha. " They all end the calls.

Bruce calls back in a few seconds and looks at me. He wants to know my trick. I press a button, the **** field surrounds me and I hover. I press again and go down. He looks at it, and looks pleased " That's **** field ... That's why you don't create guns ... the risk is to great if someone gets them ... Children can't play with fire ... I even asked you do create explosive pellets ... Understood, I am deleting this video call now. Anyone comes pick you up ? " I wave my head and look down " We screw up big time ... Who ? " I draw a star on the screen, and touch my chest, Bruce looks at me with a serious look " Star ... Starro ... You ... killed your ... All ... Even the big ones, mind control ... " I don't look more to the screen and continue reading the files. He stops talking and looks at me. It is obvious that he wants to say something more, but the only words he can find are " Good soldier. " Before he ends the call, I press a button and the little device that was sustaining the **** field melts. He doesn't say a word, but now knows that I will not share the Legion gadgets with him.

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