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Chapter 4 by thestarwarrior thestarwarrior

What is happening in the shower?

Total nudity!

Stepping into the showers was akin to walking into a cloud. Dusty didn’t know how much hot water the girls were using, but it was enough to fill the locker room with a thick layer of white fluffy steam. She half expected to see an eldritch beast with long, writhing, thorny tentacles prowling the mist if it wasn’t for the large gaggle of lovely, giggling, and quite naked girls playing within the clouds, which made the scene look more angelic than horrific. Dusty recognized a few faces within the steam, at least those that hadn’t changed, thanks to their modifications. They were all pilots and soldiers, most of whom were around her age and were pent up as a pack of kittens. Dusty couldn’t blame any of them. Despite being asleep for the entire trip, she had at least five hundred years of energy to burn.

Dusty unzipped the rest of her suit. The skintight garment peeled off her body like a banana and felt oh-so-good to be out of. The instant the warm steam kissed her skin, she felt a tingle of immense relief and perhaps a little arousal. After making a mental note to have the ship's AI pull up some holoporn once she got to her room, she joined the rest of her crew in their playful nudity.

She navigated her way through the steamy sea of boobs and ass, avoiding towel whips and predatory tickles, when she came across a familiar face, a large Russian woman named Mika.

Mika was the very definition of a strong woman. Standing almost a head taller than Dusty, Mika’s enormous body was almost pure muscle. Dusty had personally seen her bend pipes with her bare hands, rip open magnetically sealed doors, and crush melons with her thighs. She was a very dangerous woman to be on the wrong side of, so Dusty, being the adrenaline junky that she was, always made sure to stay on the wrong side of this imposing woman.

“Hey, Micky! Get a good night's sleep?”

Mika narrowed her eyes at the smaller girl as a doberman would eye a chihuahua. Dusty lived for those looks, but it was even better if she could get her to chase her, which she rarely did.

“And here I was afraid you were a skeleton in a broken-down pod,” she said with a coy smile, “That’s what I get for wishful thinking.”

“Wait, we didn’t lose anyone, did we?” came an almost insanely cute squeak from within the mist.

When Dusty looked down, she saw who she could only assume was Casey. The last time she saw her, Casey was a small girl with small breasts and large hips. Now, it looked like someone had flipped her proportions.

“Damn, look at you, Cas,” Dusty said with a smirk, “You were always hot. Now you’re smoking hot.”

The timid little brunette’s amber eyes grew as wide as almonds, and her soft cheeks turned a bright cherry pink. She closed her innocent eyes and turned her head away from Dusty, making a squeak so adorable that it could have come from a baby mouse, and protectively crossed her arms and legs over her modest bits. Dusty giggled as the sweet little woman squished her wet breasts, forming a pair of glittering flesh-colored balloons on her chest.

“All you need now is some whipped cream and sprinkles to go on those sundaes,” Dusty said, making the girl blush even more.

“You’re going to make her faint,” Mika said with a small chuckle. She walked up to the trembling girl and lightly raked her fingertips up and down Casey’s back.

The timid young woman gradually opened her amber eyes and turned a shy gaze toward Mika. Mika had always been better at calming Casey than anyone else. From the way she treated the brunette, one would have thought that she was her big sister if it wasn't for the difference in accents. As the two stood side by side, Dusty couldn’t help but chuckle at how drastic the height difference was between them. The Russian absolutely dwarfed the brunette to the point where Casey looked like a child next to the imposing giant of a woman.

“So, who all is awake?” Dusty asked, turning to the rest of the group.

“Just about everyone,” Mika said as she cradled Casey in her powerful arms, “They woke up the medical and engineering teams first. Then moved on to us grunts. I think your group was the last one they pulled out of cold sleep.”

“Saving the best for last I see,” Dusty said with a cocky smile.

“Maybe they were trying to enjoy the quiet before they woke up the annoying little puppy dog,” Mika said just loud enough for the other girls to hear.

The room echoed with cute giggles while Dusty rolled her eyes. The young pilot had a bit of a reputation among the crew for being a general nuisance, which she could care less about.

“Speaking of, it’s too quiet in here,” she said, walking up to the AI port on the wall. “Yo! AI! Let's get some heavy metal going!”

Dusty waited for a few seconds for the AI to respond, but all she heard was silence.

“AI? Hello?” she knocked on the holographic projector as if that would somehow grab the AI’s attention, but again, all she was greeted by was silence.

Dusty turned back to the girls who were starting to grow concerned. One of the girls wrapped a towel around her body and poked her head out of the locker room.

“Hey, I think there’s something wrong with the AI.”

“Gear said that it didn’t survive the trip,” Emily called back, “We have to get a new one. Until then, you just have to do everything manually.”

“What?” one of the girls yelped, “How did we lose the AI?”

“Yeah, I mean, we just installed it yesterday,” Dusty said with a smirk, which earned her a few laughs despite a few annoyed glances.

“I hope we didn’t lose anything else,” Casey said, nuzzling close to Mika.

“Well, clearly, the shower still works,” Dusty said, turning towards the stalls, “I’m going to defrost.”

“Your twin sister is already inside one of the stalls,” Mika called to her, “She said she was tired of waiting for you to wake up.”

“Mika, can you hand me a wet towel?”

Mika crossed her arms.

“Fine, I guess I have to find some other way to torment big sis.”

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