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Chapter 2 by Sexybaby<3:-* Sexybaby<3:-*

Are they?

The meadow

“Hello, Anna are you there?”

Thats a voice I have never heard before. Its not the Docotor, and it is not Gwenith either. I don't recognize the voice, yet it feels so formiliar like I'm hearing it from some distant memory. I can't move everything in side of my mind is fighting, do i open the door and face this memory or do I leave the door closed. This could all be my mind just playing tricks on me, making me hear things that aren't there. I walk over to the door, and think to my self 'what do i have to loose'. I slowly reach for the doornob and turn it. I bearly pull it open before the door full forse swings open. The through me to the floor and everything went blak. When I finally opened my eyes, and I don't see my room I see the meadow I am always in. Not the one where I see Him, but the one where I see my angel. I always get so giddy when I am here, because I can feel him near me, but right now I can't see him. I feel like he is watching me, not in a bad way but like he is studying me. Trying to figure out my every move, just so he can know me better.

“I know you are there, so you might as well come out” I try to get him to come out, I know he is not shy. Trust me he is not shy, he is anything but that. I love him and I want to be close to him, it is hard to be with out him because he is so real, but I have this doubt like he might not be. He might just be something my mind made up to trick me. I heard something move in the bushes behind me. Then I saw him my angel, I don't think I could see anything more beautiful.

“My love where else would I be? The only reason I am in this place is to see.” My angel stepped into the light, oh my lord is he hot. I always see him waring the same thing, it is like he never changes. He wares black ripped up jeans, they don't look worn they just look.... well sexy. He never wares a shirt, so his abs are so hot. I just want to run up to him, and run my hands up and down his six pack. His abs are glistening in the moon light, his hair is wet to. Did he go swimming or just come out of the shower. Either way it is to hot for words. Oh my God only if I could kiss him. Then there is the amulet he always wares. It has a sword with a rose down the center, with a snake rapped around it. He is bare foot, but come on when you are walking on this soft of grass who would not be bare foot. Last but not least his wings, his wings are fully stretched out. They are full, a light gold , and huge they probably stretch from one end of the meadow to the other. When I see him, it is like the world stops spinning, and all the air leaves my longs. I am so mesmerized by his beauty I can't think of anything else.

“I can't believe you came. I thought you forgot, and weren’t going to come. Then I felt you hear. How can I do that?”

“My Ann why would I not come, I only live for you. About how you can feel my presence well that is a story for another time.”

“I still would like to know how you know my name.” I said this with the biggest smile, and giggled. I honestly wanted to know thought, it was a valid question.

“My love you will know everything in time, trust me. We will both know everything soon.” What in the hell did he mean by that. Soon, well buddy soon better be like tomorrow. Because the answer 'everything in time' is starting to piss me off.

“You don't have much more time with me.” He walks over to me and kisses me. It is hot, and sweet, and sexy. Everything about him is sexy, and my god do I love it. I can't get enough of it, I don't think I ever could. He stars to back away from me just as I start to feel my self waking up.

“God damn it.” I mumbled this under my breath. When I open my eyes I am back in my boring ass room all alone, but I can still fell his kiss on my lips. Its just a tingle, nothing more. Kind of like a memory, but it was so real.

What's next?

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