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Chapter 2 by Throwaway04 Throwaway04

Which Adventure?

The Newlyweds (season 1), (10 and Donna Noble, Mindwipe. Series.)

"New talent incoming!"

Neary's booming voice jolted Marisa Chen from her reverie. As the capture specialist and his fireteam rolled two gurneys into the lab, the technician stood up from her station, taking them in.

"We caught them out on the Promenade. Time travellers. Temporal refugees, at the very least." the Security Chief exposited, slinging his LTL-rifle over his shoulder.

"What neck of the woods, exactly?" Chen asked.

"The redhead's early 21st Century Earth, going off the clothing, the materials it was made out of." Neary posited.

"Surprised you noticed anything other than her tits, Neary." the young tech said, with a roll of her eyes.

"Nice, ain't they?" the soldier said, reaching down, giving one of the redheaded woman's ample breasts a slap. "They're gonna draw serious eyeballs."

"What about the stick insect?" Marisa asked, gesturing to the slim masculine humanoid on the other stretcher.

"That's... a little harder to say. Clothes were roughly contemporaneous to his mate-"

Glancing down, Marisa saw the inductee's clothes, a camel-coloured overcoat, pinstripe suit and sand shoes, neatly folded on a shelf below his gurney.

"But he was rocking this." Neary held up a high-tech device, sonic in nature if Marisa had to guess.

"He doesn't exactly look like an Earthling, either." she noted, nodding her head to the pair of flaccid pricks beneath his waist.

"That he doesn't. I don't think *those* are gonna make it past focus testing, but you never know. Doctor Buhari tells me he's got two hearts, too."

"Maybe these two aren't the best candidates for the Content Program?" Marisa protested, even as the two gurneys were rolled into the lab.

"Hey, not like it's our choice. The Board told us to collect anyone who fit the criteria. Right now, we need as many simulations as possible running. It's all about maxing out the company's quarterly earnings, you know?"

"Doesn't mean I have to like it."

"But it does mean you have to prep them." Neary countered. "Wipe their minds, load them into their pods and place them into one of the new simulations."

"Sure thing." Marisa Chen nodded. Neary left her to work, headed off to sniff around The Director, convinced Marisa would carry out her tasks to the latter, as she'd done nearly two dozen times before.

That might prove to be the entire Pimari Enterprise's undoing, Marisa noted, straightening her round glasses, rolling her computer chair over to her terminal and getting to work.

A few keystrokes opened the MindWipe program. The Scramblers descended from their sheathes on the ceiling, their electrodes finding the humanoids' temples and attaching themselves.

Marisa sent a pulse though them, and the unlucky couple convulsed for an instant as their cortexes were mapped. A standard procedure, good for dealing with any deviations in psychology that might arise.

Next step was the wipe itself. One click, and pretty much everything in the subject's mind evaporated. Pimari's logic, though monstrous, was sound. Subjects who remembered nothing outside of their implanted memories were more likely to take to the simulations, were more likely to be happy within whatever reality the script monkeys down in Programming & Design had built for them. And happy subjects were usually more enthusiastic performers.

This time, Marisa had had enough. Though to all outside appearances, she'd wiped both the new intakes' minds, she'd actually hit execute on a script she'd written, for when her indentured servitude with the Enterprise had gotten too much to take.

Preserving both minds would've been too conspicuous, but Marisa, with a little technological wizardry, had been able to partition away the neural signature of the male, this "Doctor".

While he'd have no memory of his past life while adrift in the simulation, Marisa would be able to bring him into a more aware state when he was not being recorded for public consumption. Something, a vague inkling, told her this non-human humanoid might have a few tricks up his sleeve. That, even trapped inside a simulation, he might be able to help her out.

At least she desperately hoped so. She wasn't the first tech to find her work unconscionable, to the point of taking action. In that past... it had never ended well. Marisa knew that, were she discovered, her best case scenario would be having her identity obliterated, being cast into the same simulation slavery she was trying to save others from.

"Two Blankies for Pod-Processing!" Marisa called out, trying desperately to dispel the dread, the mounting anxiety from her mind.

Two porters surged forward, disconnecting the Doctor and his comely female friend from the memory wipers, and wheeling them to the far end of the lab, where two egg-shaped pods awaited.

Marisa watched on, with morbid curiosity, as the humanoid pair were loaded into their new homes. were intubated with their N/O tubes. While the Porters dispassionately connected the stimulation ports to their genitals, needing to fashion a double-headed version for the Doctor's two cocks.

"Connections are good!" Called out the louder, and stupider of the two Porters, as he and his buddy slammed the clear doors of the performers' pods shut. "Release the fluid!"

A half-second later, the sealed pods began to fill up with an amniotic like fluid, leaving the Doctor and his companion suspended in fluid amber, almost.

With the physical preparations done, all that remained was to load the two soon-to-be performers into a suitable simulation.

Marisa scampered over to the binder containing a multitude of freshly printed WorldDiscs, and flipped to the "Earth" section. The tech browsed through a few options, her finger passing over "Wild West", "World War II", "Post-Apocalyptic" and "Gangster Movie" before settling on a more mundane, 21st Century program. That was where the female was originally from, right? She might be most comfortable there, Marisa reasoned.

Chen fed the disc into the central terminal, and then hit start.

"Well, Doctor, Donna, welcome to the Pimari Family. Let's hope you get renewed, that ought to give us enough time to get you free." Marisa whispered under her breath, as she saw the "Honeymoon" scenario go live, drawing it's two anaesthetised, unwilling inhabitants in.

What's next?

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