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Chapter 2 by Openmind Openmind

Which Adventure?

The Doctor's Dance (10th and 13th Doctors. One off.)

The planet Darillium was famous throughout the cosmos for it's two massive 'singing' towers. Wind would blow through the caverns and gap between the two towers and sounded similar to a person singing. It was a prime location for a family vacation, or just a nice get away from work... Or the last place you'd ever see the greatest love of your life.

The 13th Doctor stood on a balcony, where she had once stood with River Song, on their last night together as a couple. She gripped the railing of the balcony tightly in her fists, she had lost so much, why did she need to loose her too?

She couldn't think straight, she had dropped Yaz off at her home for her sister's birthday and didn't feel like hanging about, so she'd been wandering for a bit by herself, checking up on a few things, having an odd adventure or two. But something kept nagging at the back of her mind... Loss and pain had filled her and compelled her to return to the spot where she had last seen her one true love above all.

The Doctor had seemed to have lost everything, why? Why couldn't she just once get something back in return? Why couldn't there for once, just once, be hope for her?

At that moment, she heard a low, wheezing, grinding noise that she knew all too well. "Oh you have got to be kidding!" She exclaimed and turned from the balcony, beginning to run down the stairs of the restaurant that rested at the base of the singing towers. "Whose stealing my bloody TARDIS!?!?" She cried out, as jumped the last couple steps and landed on her feet.

What she saw shocked her, there she was, staring at her TARDIS... But... That wasn't where she'd parked her. She stared, mouth gapping open, head tilted to the side, as suddenly the door slowly opened and out walked a man she knew very well. Because he was her.

It was her, she knew it was, but it couldn't be, it wasn't possible for two of her to just suddenly pop up in the same place at the same time... Was it? She didn't think so.

The 10th Doctor closed the door solemnly, he was always doing things solemnly, and turned around, jumping with a start at the sight of the blonde woman staring so intently at him. "Ah, hello." He said with a small wave. "Eh, you're probably wondering about my big blue box." He said, trying to quickly come up with an excuse for it.

"No, not really." 13 replied, which prompted a confused expression for the 10th Doctor.

"Really?" He asked. "Because if I'd seen a big blue box magically appear where a big blue box hadn't been just a few moments ago, I'd probably be fascinated by the big blue box that had just appeared out of nowhere, well, at least wonder about it, well... Maybe, have an idle curiosity for it... Well... I think it was a good magic trick... well.. alright I suppose. I'm The Doctor by the way." He said with his hand out.

13 giggled up at him, she couldn't believe it, there he was, large as life, doing his routine... doing their routine... doing *her* routine on himself, herself... *them*selves. "So what're you doin' here?" She asked, crossing her arms over her rainbow coloured shirt.

10 took a deep breath in and exhaled. "I, uh... Someone recently told me about Darillium and I thought I'd... Come and look." He told her, matter of factly.

Suddenly 13 remembered, this was just after River was saved into the Library. This was the beginning of it.

"What about you?" 10 asked, with a raised eyebrow. "I'm just here on holiday." She told him, nodding a bit to enthusiastically. "Just takin' a bit of a break."

They began to walk together back up the stairs, when suddenly 13 remembered something. "Are you here alone?" She asked, where was Donna? 10 shrugged. "Sort of... I traveled here with someone, but she's... not coming out." He explained.

They walked back up to the balcony where 13 had just been moments before and stared out at the towers, listening to their song. A small tear moved down the Time Lady's face.

10 saw the tear and looked concerned. "Everything alright there?" He asked, to which she nodded. "Yeah, yeah, just... old memories." she explained.

The Time Lord nodded his understanding.

The two of them, or was it just the one of them, stood in silence for a few minutes, enwrapped in the melody of the mountains, until finally 10 broke the silence. "Have we met before?" He asked her. "Don't think so." 13 replied, quickly. "I'm sure I would've remembered that face." she told him, with a grin.

10 smirked down at her and took in a deep breath, turning his back on the towers and leaning on the guard rail. He shook his head in disbelief, crossing his arms over his chest. "I don't know, I feel like I've met you before." He told her, wracking his brain trying to think of where he could have met the blonde woman next to him. "No, no, it's gone..." He said, looking to the floor and running his fingers through his spiked hair. "... I can't think of it."

13 shrugged. "Maybe you met someone who looks like me." She suggested. "Maybe..." He echoed. "...But does anyone else in the universe look as pretty as you?" He said with a boyish grin. 13 chuckled, she had forgotten how flirty this face could get, and even though it was probably very wrong for her to... she enjoyed the complement.

"Why thank you." She said, graciously. She bit her lip and looked towards the sun set, it was going to be a long night.

"You're here alone then?" 10 asked suddenly, causing her to jump and look round at him, and nodded. "Yup, all alone, just me... and me shadow."

10 looked down at the shadow of his companion being cast onto the floor by the setting sun. "Only one, good." He said, under his breath.

They both had a chuckle about that comment, until 10 suddenly stopped and gave the woman a suspicious look. "Why'd you laugh at that?" He asked, eyebrow raised high on his brow.

"Oh... uh... I dunno..." 13 reached for any reason she could find. "... I think you're attractive, so I laughed at what I assumed was a joke?" She suggested, in more of a questions than an answer, but it seemed to satisfy the other Doctor, who smirked and winked at her.

"Ohhhh really?" He asked, straightening his tie, cockily. He then looked off into the restaurant and then back down to the woman before him. "I never did ask your name, did I?" He said. 13 shook her head and put her hand out. "I'm Th... er... Do--no... um, I'm..." She struggled to think of a code name to use. "Doctor Song." She said suddenly, and silently cursed herself.

"Doctor Song?" He asked. "Any relation to Professor River Song?"

13 cringed at her own ineptitude, what could she say now? She had to say something! "Sort of, I'm her husba... wife... I'm her wife. WAS! I was her wife... Well... One of them." 10 looked confused. "One of them?" he echoed. "Yeah, she had a few, couple wives, couple husbands, it's alright, we were all happy." 13 said, remembering how one had tried to decapitate her/him, but that was alright.

10 nodded slowly, only vaguely understanding. "Right..." He said blankly. "So... You know she's..." He trailed off, and 13 nodded quickly, answering his question. "Yes." She said, plainly, keeping her voice strong.

"I'm sorry, I'm so, so, sorry..." He told her, but she shook her head. "No, no it's fine, she would have wanted me to be happy, to go on, do other people, have adventures..." She trailed off... did she just say 'do other people'? She wasn't the only one who picked up on her slip of words, the 10th Doctor was currently trying to decide if that was an honest misspeaking or if she was dropping a subtle hint for him.

He scratched the back of his head in thought, trying to decipher the meaning of her words and then finally opted for the unsafe route, and took a step towards her. "Well..." He said, re-raising his eyebrow. "...If that's true, why don't we honor her wishes, eh?" He asked.

13's eyes grew large as she stared up into his big brown eyes, she remembered those eyes working like a charm on countless women when she had them, but she never thought they'd ever be used against her, she never thought she could succumb to the charm of her ownself... but here she was, grabbing him by the lapels and pulling him into a deep and passionate kiss.

Time seemed to stand still, their bodies framed against the setting sun in this perfectly unnatural moment as the Doctor kissed themselves.

Finally, after an age together, they parted, and stared into each other's eyes. Big brown, into big green. Four hearts pounded in a lustful heat as their gaze lasted as long as their embrace.

"I should go..." 13 said, regretting saying it the moment the words escaped her lips. This had gone too far, she new the look he was giving her, she had given it herself, to Rose, to Madame Pompadour, to River, to... Well to most women she'd met while in his body.

10 shook his head, and grabbed her hand. "Or..." He countered. "You could stay. Just, just stay..." He took her hand and brought it to his chest, he didn't know why, but he felt a stronger connection to this oddly dressed woman then he'd ever felt to anyone else before.

"Then... We should both go." 13 told him, giving up and hanging up the white flag. "We should find somewhere quiet..."

Where do the Doctor's find that's quiet? And what does 13 have in mind? (As if we don't know already.)

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