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Chapter 2 by Redd___ Redd___

Well? What is he?

The Devil!?

"I'm what ya' humans call the devil." He seemed to lose the seriousness as a massive grin spreads across his face. It is unsettling seeing how inhumanly wide his grin is. All you do is burst out into laughter as you hear his words. "What's so funny?" He looked at you intrigued by your reaction to his words.

You just found it funny how everyone thinks that the devil is a massive demon with razor-sharp teeth. Here he was, looking like a frail old man in front of you. "I just thought you'd look scarier." You say as you catch your breath. He smirked hearing your words. His body seemed to shift as you wiped away the tears of laughter. His body grew larger, and larger until he was at least eight feet tall. A pair of black horns grew from his head as he seemed to grow insane muscle mass. There was the most unnerving cracking sounds as he gained his horns, and a set of inky black wings, along with an equally dark tail. He grinned, the same inhumanly wide grin. This time his teeth seemed to be replaced with insanely sharp canines. His skin also seemed to gain a slightly reddish hue with the transformation. He looked down at you as if you were a bug.

The transformation stopped as he absolutely towered over you. You were dumbstruck by how sudden transformation the transformation was. He was a mountain of a man that had more muscle than any human in history. You were glad that the clothing he was wearing grew along with him, or else you might have seen a lot more than just the transformation. You audibly gulped as you looked at his imposing figure. He did seem a lot more threatening in this form. You had an expression of pure terror on your face as your eyes widened.

He chuckled seeing your reaction before transforming quickly back to his old man form. "Was that scary enough, David?" He asked obviously knowing the answer to the question. You weren't even surprised that he knew your name. You simply nodded slowly before releasing a breath you had no idea you were even holding. "Alright, now to get down to business. Your might have been an accident but I have a deal for ya'. I could send ya' to a new world, or I could reincarnate ya' on earth." He smirked knowing that the deal sounded intriguing to you.

You relaxed again hearing him speak. You had always thought about the stories of guys getting sent to other worlds, and the stories were usually of the harem variety. Of course you wanted to go to another world. You had always found life a bit boringly plain, now was your chance to change that. The stories were always the ones about magic and swordsmanship, and you were tempted to accept right away. He must have known what your answer was going to be. You were broken from your thoughts by him elaborating further. "Look David, ya' will get to go to another world where magic is real, and there are many races besides humans. Yes, that means monster girls." He says smirking as he sees you grinning like a mad man at the thought. You almost agreed to go to another world before realizing that you were being offered this by the devil. "What's the catch?" You ask seriously as you realized there had to be one if the devil was telling you this. "Well, I could send ya' to that world but ya' would have to be the new demon lord there." He said smirking as he realized you saw straight through his deal. "What exactly would I have to do?" You ask as you gave him a questioning look.

"Whatever the hell ya' want, David. Ya' can , pillage, and ; whoever, or whatever ya' want." He had a massive grin on his face as he told you this. Of course, you could do whatever you want. You thought about the deal and all of the stuff you could do. The deal didn't really seem to have a negative side. You didn't really like the idea of doing the stuff he described but you would have freedom in the next world. You wouldn't have to worry about an actual objective.

"There is the fact that ya' would have to kill the hero, though." He was grinning that inhuman grin as he saw your expression darken at the thought. Of course, there was an actual catch. There always had to be. "Ya' may have qualms about , and . The hero has none. He does whatever he wants. I would have preferred him over ya', to be honest." He sighed as he said that last part. You knew that there had to be a hero, but not one that would , and .

The thought sent a shiver up your spine. He was supposed to protect the people, not , and them. "Why am I here, then?" You thought it was peculiar how the devil didn't get the dude that had no morals. "There was a bit of a mix-up. I'm stuck with ya'. I may not like the fact that you have morals, but I hate the man upstairs even more. I want you to kill the hero. That's all ya' have to do. Once ya' do that you're free to do what ya' want in the world, afterward. Think of it as a reward, and apology for your from me, David." He seemed to mean every word of what he said as he extended his hand to you. "What do ya' say, partner?" A grin spread across your face as you heard his words. 'Partners with satan? That's a strange thought.'

What's it gonna be?

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