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Chapter 3 by eternalpandaman eternalpandaman

What game is Linkle in?

The Adventurer's Tome: ENF RP With Abagel (me!) and NinHypno

Note: This RP is not ongoing, and I'd love a partner to trade chapters with or continue.


I'm traveling as a companion with Linkle. I'm about 5 feet 7 inches tall, pale, short dirty blonde hair. I'm another adventurer inspired by the Hero of Legend, but maybe not quite as much as you. I dress in red and brown village garb and carry a battle axe. You asked me to help you search the woods for a magical tome containing spells that would open a number of temples across the land. We've just found it at an altar of sorts and we're wondering what to do with it. In classic fashion, you're eager to try out spells. I'm not stopping you, but I caution you that a tome of this magnitude could do just about anything if we don't know the nature of the spell we're casting.

I put my hand on your shoulder as you pore through the pages with hungry eyes.

"Linkle, you impress me with your dauntlessness. It's certainly the right stuff. But if we mess up here, it could be a major setback....maybe we should be more calculating in selecting our first test spell. Just a thought."


“Ok, maybe your right...but still...we are on a time limit here, we do need to hurry.” I say quickly, looking confidently at the many of pages in the book. I continue to look at it with intent eyes “Fine how about you look through it, but hurry.”


I take the book and scan the pages carefully. Your obvious impatience starts to wear on me, as I can feel you fidgeting in place behind my back. I'm almost to the middle of the tome when I spy an interesting snippet of language I can understand. "Natural" spells, it seems. Plant based, I assume.

"Alright Linkle, I think I've found our easiest test spell. This is Naturalis Incantata. It's mainly used to generate floral or weed material to quickly generate vegetation in sparse places. Wow....a tome like this would be highly valued by desert nations or those under drought."

I hand the book to you, and you seize it eagerly. "I think we should try this one. We're surrounded by nature, all you have to do is..." I skim the text again until a fragment of ancient language stands out to me."I think it says.....offer your natural essence, and the earthly spirit will take gladly."

I frown then my face clears. "Perhaps it means that it's a trade. You just need to concentrate on exchanging some material for natural resources."


“Material? What exactly do I give it? Especially since it says my natural essence.” Linkle looked at it confused hand behind her head scratching it and continued to skim the page.


I shrug halfheartedly. "If you don't like the sound of it, I suppose we could spend a while searching for something else. We'll probably have to try a few spells before we even get close to the secret of opening those doors. I just thought this might make good practice. And it could take a while to find something else."

I look back at the text, and seeing nothing very alarming, I say:"I don't really think there's much to be worried about. There's so much around here. Surely you can find something else to focus on besides something of ours?"


“I’ll try it.” She said before continuing to listen “I guess.” She shrugged and looked around. “Essence...Let’s see...” she looked around looking at the plants, slowly skimming through them, and suddenly pulls of something from one of them. “Hmm...this looks interesting. Will this do?”


I take a close look at the peculiar flower you've chosen. "That's a rare specimen! My village tries to grow them every year, but they never bloom. I'm sure it has a lot of power inside. We could make a big exchange!"

I motion to you to go ahead, and I stand back.

"The incantation is the third line down, right next to the highlighted green rune."


“Oh really? Well that’s interesting, I’ll guess I’ll try it.” She looks around and steps back at the book skimming down to the third line, she reads it in her head multiple times preparing to say it.

“Ok let’s try this." She says before pronouncing it out load and waiting. Looking at the book and back.


Suddenly an awesome green light floods the clearing and paints the stone shapes at the altar in stark contrasts. It last but a second before all is still again. Something has surely happened. I notice now that there are fluffy white shapes in the air by your feet, spiraling up and around.

"Look Linkle! Dandelion seeds!"

They spread this way and that as the wind carries them gently across the ground. I expect them to stop but they just keep coming.

You look at me and start to laugh heartily.


Linkle looks down realizing the Dandelion seeds fly past her. She smiles and giggles from it “Well this is certainly interesting.” She says as they continue floating around her “A successful first spell.” She looks back at the book “should we try another?”


I laugh with her as they keep flying around. Then I notice they really are still coming. I look down at the ground as she looks at the book and manage to spy what looks like your toes poking out of your boots. Then it clicks. I look down again, and that's definitely her well maintained bare toes poking out and wiggling in freedom, and then more of her feet start to free themselves.

"Um, Linkle. We might want to wait a second. I....uh I don't think this one's done."

Suddenly I notice more seeds flying around from higher up on her body. Oh boy.


“Yeah, so the seeds are still flying around,what about it? It shouldn’t effect anything.” She says unaware of what else was happening. She looks back at your concerned face “What? There’s nothing wrong is there?”

Abagel:"Um....I don't know how to say this. It's not bad....yet."

I look at you, raising an eyebrow. "Linkle, were you distracted when you cast the spell? What was on your mind?"

I'm trying to get an answer out of you as suddenly I notice a strip of bare stomach peeking out under your top.


Linkle raised an eyebrow ”its not bad yet? What does that mean?” she looked still confused ”What was on my mind? I was wondering what the spell was going to do obviously. Why do you keep asking these weird questions and giving me weird answers, what's up?” She stood confidently waiting.


I sigh. "Linkle, did you focus on anything in particular while you cast the spell? Because if you didn't.....nature might have chosen for itself. Look down."

I point at your dissolving attire.

I don't know how you don't feel it, but your boots are almost gone, and your socks are scraps at your ankles. Your top is just under your ribs, and your skirt is starting to get much shorter. There's a flurry of seeds everywhere as the spell hungrily eats up the fabric and leather.


Linkle continues to look confused ”Well no." She listened and then looked down ”What the-? Wait how do I make it stop?” She says now very concerned as the seeds continue to fly. She continues to watch her clothing slowly dissipate.


"Um...damn. Well- this is really uncharted territory for me. Oh wow, it seems to be speeding up! Oh!"

You're flipping in a panicked fashion through the pages now, and your clothes are departing with increasing vigor.

"I think we're going to have to keep trying different spells. This exchange is probably already complete. We can try to conjure you something to cover with, or make you invisible until we can....remember, endless possibilities. Just stay positive."

Right now, you've been rendered barefoot, your long legs are on display, and your panties are in clear view. Then I see that your top has come under your two lovely mounds and suddenly they bounce happily into view before I avert my eyes.

I try to keep my eyes above your shoulders, which I notice are peeking out of your neck hole as it widens. I'm very sure that your breasts have just broken through the middle of your top. Your bare breasts.

"Um, Linkle. You uh....You might want to cover those up."


Linkle panicked as it got faster and slowly before she knew she was fully naked ”yeah no kidding.” she said covering them up with her arms to the best if her ability before speaking behind a bush. Trying to find leaves it something to cover up it at least a little bit without having her hands obstructed the entire time.


I look at you hiding behind a bush, totally nude. You're actually quite pretty. Shoulder length blonde hair just tickling your pale bare shoulders. Just a hint of cleavage between your cute boobs and your bare knees and small cute feet are all I can see right now. You're flushed red. I won't lie, it was adorable watching your bare rear end run for cover. But right now I need to keep my head and be helpful. There's more pressing matters in Hyrule than a peep show.

"How...How are you doing over there, Linkle? I'm sorry, had no idea the spell would um....your birthday suit. Got a plan? You're the leader....even if you're um...naked now."

I'm tripping over my words. This is both a wet dream and might end up with a barrage of crossbow bolts in my direction.

"Want to try some spells?" I laugh, holding up the book cheekily.


Linkle looks over at you as you start speaking pretty clueless what to do and not in a good situation to really doing anything. ”Yeah sure do that, hopefully something will help against...what this spell did. So much for calculating what spell to use, it didn't help in the end.”

Abagel:"Ok um..but...what did you do with the book?"

I motion to you to help, momentarily not thinking about the fact that you're stark naked and clearly trying to hide.

"Did you drop it, or do you still have it? I guess we could search it for an invisibility spell.....maybe try to conjure some new clothes? I also recall a spell about increasing your physical strength, although that's not really useful yet...."


Linkle thinks for a moment, reading she didn't have the book and noticing your hand motion and looks at you. ”I don't have the book, It must if dropped, but also I'm not coming out are you crazy!?” She said continuing to hide behind the bush. ”No that's not really useful at all, do you happen to recall a spell to give me clothes or something?”


"Ok ok, I hear you. I guess I can't make you come out, it's embarrassing. I'm surprised though. You didn't strike me as the shy type."

I search the tall grass for a moment before coming back up with an object under my arm.

It's the book! I start to come over to where you're hiding, half trying to be helpful and no longer sparing myself from getting a better look.


Linkle watches you slowly from the bush, very concerned and hoping of the books finding soon, this was a setback that they definitely were not expecting.

Linkle setup back noticing the book ”Your found it good.” she said covering up again watching you get closer.


I open the book and find my way back to the page we were previously on.

"Okay, so maybe if I inverse the incantation, we can get you something back in return for more natural resources."

I give you a reassuring glance, and recite the same incantation in reverse.

And then the bush you're hiding behind suddenly evaporates into green energy, leaving you not only standing completely bare in front of me, but bathed in good light.

I can't help but trace up your legs, around your wide hips, past your smooth stomach and cute bellybutton. Your arms were already cradling your breasts but the cleavage is lovely from the way you're pushing them up.

You take a second and then realize your new predicament.


Linkle watches in hope as you say the incantation, she waits for something to happen and suddenly realizes the bush she was previously hiding behind is gone and covers back up with her arms again. She waits for a moment to see if at least something useful can't from the bush ”.....”

Abagel:Damn, you look absolutely stunning right now...blonde braids hanging down above your naked body....desperately searching big blue eyes....I have to stop it. I have to concentrate.

I look around as if asking for the arcane forces I'm dealing with to get a move on. Almost as if my prayers have been answered, the energy starts to move onto your body.....and begins to poke and prod around as if trying to sense something.

You start to look uncomfortable and start to squirm.

"Wait, I think it's working!"


Linkle looks at you hoping for this to move on as it finally does and the particles move onto body she feels slight relief but not for long as it starts to feel uncomfortable.

”Are you sure, I'm very uncomfortable right now.” she says looking onto the particles and you.


As you squirm and the tendrils tickle and poke your naked skin, they suddenly wrap around your more vital areas to cover and formulate an answer in the form of-

a rather leafy looking thing that could only be described as underwear, or a bikini. Your feet remain bare.

"Um....that's a start I guess."


Linkle continues to look at the prices move around her. She suddenly notices them rap in other areas and cover her slightly as she sighs with some relief.

”Ok good, we have something going good.” She says now glad to have somewhat not nudity.


"Ok good," I say, although secretly lamenting the end of your full nudity.

"Maybe we can do more if we try another spell. I've found that strength spell, an invisibility spell could cloak you till we find some more clothes, or we could try this says 'contact transmogrification'. It should be able to change whatever you're touching.....but into what?"


Linkle ponders the options, the strength spell doesn't seem to help at all. The invisibility spell would work, but she doesn't plan on having herself be turned invisible forever if they can't reverse it, along being invisible the entire time would be pretty weird. Contact transmogrification? This one is very weird sounding.

”I don't know but I guess we can try that one...”

Abagel: I look hopeful. "Alright, this one should at least do something interesting. So let's try it!"

I read the incantation, and suddenly I'm surrounded by white-grey drops of what looks like clay. It flies in your direction and wraps around you, and now it's coating you from head to toe. The moment it touches your skin you know there's a reaction.

And then suddenly a cloud of dust is around you. You sneeze and brush it offl.....

to find yourself totally nude once more.

"Oh dear....we're here again."


Linkle watches them fly towards her hoping for something good, she braces for a reaction and waits. She is blinded by the cloud and slowly waits for it to dissipate.

She looks to realize she's naked again and covers up again. ”Damnit I thought we were making progress, now what.”

Abagel: " know what, just take my shirt. It will be long on you."

I pull off my shirt and fork it over, and you greedily grab it.

NinHypno: Linkle eagerly watches the shirt and quickly puts it on ”Thanks.” she says happily. ”Well this is better.”


You look adorable wearing only my shirt. But apparently fate has other plans, because as you sit there running your hands up and down the fabric and looking cozy, the true nature of the spell we just cast rears it's ugly head. The shirt starts breaking apart where you wear it, to reveal that it's made of layers of dust. It quickly poofs away, leaving you nude again.

It's almost as if this book was designed to leave you embarrassed.

"Um, wow. Ok. I think our problem just got bigger. You sure you don't just want to go nudist and cut your losses?" I half-joke.


Linkle watches as the shirt eradicates and covers up again. “What the heck, why does this keep happening.” She complained looking confused and annoyed.


"Ummm....don't freak out but I think I may have just made you....a rather magically enforced....nudist."

It's obvious that whatever I put on you is going to go the way of my shirt. And we've only got so much clothing between the two of us now.

"hehe. Sorry Linkle. What should we do? more spells? Get help?"


Linkle stared pondering what to do “I guess we can try more spells, I don’t really want anybody else seeing me like this.”


I can't help but check out your beautiful naked body again, from head to to the tips of your small cute toes. You squirm a bit, obviously embarrassed. For a moment I'm distracted, but you remember the spells I mentioned before.



“Well, That invisibility spell, can it be reversed easily?” She asked considering what to do still.


I take the book and check. "Supposedly, yes. It's supposed to be a pretty basic spell all in all. It does require a lot of concentration though."


“Alright I guess let’s try it for the time being.” She says practically willing to do anything.

She looked at it hoping it would work.


I look at the book again then back at you.

"Ok, so says I need to be holding what I want to make invisible. Is that gonna be a problem?"


“Uh...I mean if you turn around then no...” she says hesitantly. She wonderers if she should really do this.


I'm looking seriously at you now. "I'm serious, it wants me to be touching.....a pretty good amount of what I'm making invisible. I'm gonna have to basically wrap around you if we want to get a lot of time out of this. Or I could just do a quick poke and we can test it."


“Uh a quick poke would be preferable.” She said concerned at the thought.

She quickly wondered why it required that but gave up trying. “That’s really weird.”

What's next?

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