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Chapter 4 by 91timhard 91timhard

Where to now?

Test subject nr. 2: Thomas (side story)

(This is not the main storyline. I do this chapter because I can’t wait for the real author to continue this beautiful story. @dm67281 Please continue your story parallel to this.)

Among the 10 test subjects that Jenny chose, one is especially interesting to her: Thomas. He is not as obviously beta as the other boys and nerds. Thomas just turned 30, does a lot of sports and pretends to be alpha quiet often. He works in the lab with Jenny as a short part of his medical carrier.

Even though he pretends to be alpha, with only 5 feet and 7 inches he is much shorter than the men that Jenny is interested in. She knows that he plans on spreading his short whiteboy beta genes, something that Jenny would like to prevent.

Even though he usually pretends to be masculine and cool, Jenny keeps on noticing him checking her out. Thomas tries to be subtle, but he uses every opportunity to stare at her, through every mirror, every reflecting window. Jenny knows that every time she turns around, his eyes are on her ass. No matter how much he pretends, she knows that he is just as **** for her as the other 9 subjects. And no matter how much he pretends, a short whiteboy like him wont last with her. He’s gonna cum quick.

She looks at Thomas as seductively when mentioning the trial. Its funny to her how much he tries to not stare at her cleavage, just to repeatedly fail.

"What would i need to do?" He asked trying to keep himself from staring to much either at her cleavage or her face.

"Well, the pill we're developing is a male enhancement pill" she tells him before puting her hand on his shoulder and leaning in to whisper in his ear "So youd have to be willing to let me see your penis, and take some measurements, and let me get it erect... and make it ejaculate... and then do it again a few days later to compare results. Would you be willing to let me do that?" She finishes before moving away and biting her bottom lip, while awaiting his answer.

Thomas loses his cool facade immediately. He blushes and gets hard, barely leaving blood left for his brain. She looks at his crotch, slowly moves her hand up his thigh till her fingertips touch his bulge and says: „looks to me like you’re interested“ while giving him a sexy wink.

„O-ok, I guess we could do that.“ he says. Of course he does.

Unfortunately, he is still aware enough to read the contract before signing it. He reads the part about the early significant side effects that have been shown so far.

„..a complete and irreversible sterility with an effective sperm count of zero after 3 days has been witnessed in 1 out of 10 individuals who ejaculated inside 30 minutes, 6 out of 10 individuals who ejaculated inside 20 minutes, and 10/10 individuals who ejaculated inside 10 minutes… Conclusion: While the pill enhances total volume and velocity of the ejaculate, it leaves all test subjects who ejaculate before the 10 minute mark permanently sterile. Early research suggests that the pill is only be used for men who’s family planning is finished.“

„What the fuck“ Thomas yells. „This sounds extremely dangerous!“

Jenny sees she needs to seduce him into this. She puts her hand on his cheek and talks with her lips closer to his: „You know that this side effect only happens after ejaculation. You’re not telling me now that you would just prematurely ejaculate during this trial, right? You’re not one of these pathetic Premieboys, right?“

„O-Of course not!“ Thomas stutters.

Jenny: „Also, as you can see here, the pill has shown to prolong ejaculation in all indivuals by a minimum of 5 minutes. That is part of the enhancement.“

Thomas: „I wouldn’t even need that.“

„Perfect, I was disappointed in you for a second! Sign here.“ She points at the line where it says that in case of complete chemical castration, he refuses all legal actions. With her hand on his thigh and a pulsating erection, he eventually signs. She got him.

Thomas: „So..when do we do this?“

„We can do it right now. I have the pill in the lab and I have capacity right now.“

Thomas: „Now?“

Jenny bites her lips and looks at his crotch: „Yes, now! Just follow me.“

All the way to the lab he stares at her round perky ass. She’s very aware of that and smiles all the way, knowing that she got him. He wants to fuck her so bad, every cell of his body, all his biology tells him to procreate with this female. As they get closer to the lab room though, he looks hesitant though. She grabs his hand and leads him inside.

Jenny: „Alright then, you may already take off your pants, Thomas.“

He slowly opens his pants and takes them down. Jenny giggles as she sees his, now again softend, white dick.

„Why the giggle?“ he says, in a glimpse of insecurity.

„Well its just.. its shorter than the ones I’m used to..and much thinner, hihi. But no offense.“ Jenny says with an amused grin, while bringing the measuring tape.

„Well, its not hard yet. Its a grower.“ He responds. The boner he had during the talk before disappeared out of nervousness.

„It has to be hard for the measurement. Maybe think about your girlfriend or sth.“ she says, while subtly pushing her boobs together and coming closer. „Or..I can help you a little..let’s see how much effort it takes.“ She says with a smile, taking his right hand and decisively placing it on her left boob. He instantly gets rockhard.

„Wow, that was easy!“ she laughs. „But it’s nice to see that you find me attractive.“

His dick is a little over 6 inches long and little over 4 inches in circumference. He knew that it was on the thinner side, but he always believed it was quite long. Then again, he did only compare it to his other whiteboy friends. As she gently holds the measuring tape against his dick, her skin featherlightly touches his dick. How often did he dream about this while starring at her.

„Didn’t you say it would get bigger?“ She says with a big grin.

„Its more about what I can do with it you know…“ he says in an attempt to safe his ego.

„Are you implying you could fuck me hard with this little white dick?“ She says partly mocking, partly seductively.

„Of course I could.“ he says, trying to sound alpha.

„For how long?“ she whispers, looking deep into his eyes.

„All night long!“

„Really? Then you for sure have nothing to be scared of in this trial.“ she giggles, while pushing the pill gently against his lips.

„Open up Thomas.“ She says while pressing more firmly. She looks deep into his eyes without blinking. She bites her lower lip, as Thomas opens his mouth just a little, the pill slides in. She knows he’s too scared to swallow it, so the moment its inside, she seals his lips with a gentle yet sensual kiss, pushing her beautiful thick lips against his. Her hand is on his neck. He closes his eyes and for a second loses himself in this short kiss. She feels on his neck that he’s swallowing the pill. She ends the kiss and smiles victoriously.

After realizing what he just did, he asks: „So how exactly does this trial look like? Do we…you know..“

What does the trial look like?

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