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Chapter 3 by dragon_jak dragon_jak

What does Jacob do?

Takes one

Well, she seemed fine. He took a tablet, grabbed some water, and gulped both down.

The moment it went past his throat, the nose bleed stopped. His left ear suddenly became a bit louder, and he realised, with his limited medical knowledge, that he'd had a concussion.

"Holy shit," he said, prodding his ear as if to test, "you are magic."

"Whatever the hell that energy was, it must've... I dunno. Wait, when you said... When I told you I wanted something for my head, you said I wish. I heard it twice, like an echo in my head" Ruby said, pointing at the box, "I think you're the magic one!"

"Weeeeeird..." Jacob looked around at the steel box, "how many goes do you think we get? Is it like a genie's three wishes?

"Try it again, maybe you get another?"

"Alright, lemme think. It's gotta be a good one..." Jacob scratched her chin thoughtfully, before clicking his fingers, "I wish Ruby had a huge ass!"

"I wish Ruby had a huge ass"

"Okay, ru- wait, I heard it again!" Ruby cried, shaking her head. No way could she ignore that. It sounded like it was coming from inside her own head. Not quite in Jacob's voice, but not in Ruby's either.

"Well turn around, let's see if it worked!" Jacob cried, gesturing to her with a toothy smile.

Ruby gave him a look out of the corner of her eye, which did cause the grin to become sheepish. Still, she did as she was asked, twirling about to allow a view of her sweatpants. She yanked them down, and mooned Jacob.

"Either you just used a magic wish to pay me a compliment, or nothing happened," Ruby said, letting her pants snap back to normal, "because I don't feel a difference."

"Oh no, you don't think we wasted it do you? Like, we only had one and we used it on headache cures?" Jacob began to look worried, squeezing the package in his hands.

"Well, I dunno. Wait, what did that paper say?" Ruby scrambled over to it, and scanned it once more, "this was sitting underneath that box, so it's gotta be rules or something right? You do fancy writing, can you make sense of it?"

Jacob rolled his eyes, tempted to remind her his fancy writing had essentially become bed-time stories for her, but he held off. He scanned the paper himself.

"Seems really jungian, honestly. Lots of stuff about opposites keeping each other in check. Maybe it means that there's some counterbalance, stopping us from wishing for anything?" Jacob said, turning the paper over in search of anything else.

"Wait a second," Ruby snatched the paper back, scanning over it again, "I'm it!"

"Whaddaya mean?"

"I'm the counterbalance! It says that the powerful need an equal, so that magic power thingy must've given you wishes, but you also can't do anything without me saying so! That explains why I can hear what you've said in my head, and it kinda sounds like both of us speaking at once! It's checking me to grant your wish, because we share the power!"

"Damn. Gotta step up my text analysis game," Jacob said, looking again at the paper, "I figured this line at the top might have had something to do with only being able to wish for things that benefit each other. Y'know, can't have power over yourself, but you can give people headache medicine."

Ruby looked again, and nodded, "damn, maybe. Glad that this power knows how much of a hassle buying new pants would be. Okay, what do we want to test first?"

"My theory, obviously," Jacob replied, a grin playing across his bearded face.

Ruby rolled her eyes, but gestured for him to go ahead.

"I wish..." Jacob said slowly, looking around himself as if expecting another explosion, "that our bed was already here and had been set up in our bedroom."

"I wish that our bed was already here and had been set up in our bedroom."

They both stood still, as if waiting for some noise. When nothing came, Ruby walked out and over to their bedrooms. She founds boxes filled with clothes, computer parts, various notebooks, sex toys, and a few appliances, but no bed.

"It didn't work," Ruby leaned back out the door.

"Fuck!" Came from the kitchen, mock indignation colouring the syllable.

They reconvened in the kitchen, Jacob now leaning against the countertop, eating the rest of his half finished sandwhich.

"So, what do you want me to wish for?"

"I kinda do wish we had the beds already here," Ruby said, smiling and grabbing up her own sandwhich.

"I kinda do wish we had the beds already here."

"Called it," Jacob said, taking another bite of sandwhich. The bread was a bit stale, but the ham was too filling for him to care.

"Called what?"

"I knew you were magic," Jacob said. Seeing his girlfriends inquisitive look, he elaborated, "I heard that just now. The echo you were talkin' 'bout. You must be magic too."

"Daaaaaamn. So it's not just me keeping you in check?" Ruby said, her eyes widening as Jacob nodded, "I wished Jacob had a huge dick!"

"I wish Jacob had a huge dick!"

"Hahahahahaha, sure, why not," Jacob said, his carefree grin quickly turning to surprise as he felt energy burble up inside him.

Jacob felt his underwear stretch as that energy coursed through his body. Looking down, he and Ruby saw his crotch glowing a brilliant purple. It felt like a mixture of pins and needles coupled with a soft mouth kissing him. He grunted as his bulge grew, the sudden tightness of his underwear growing with it. The two of them heard a ripping sound, and Jacob very nearly came. He sunk to his knees, his shaking hands rushing to push his shorts off. Ruby watched as his pants sunk to his knees, releasing a monster. It had to be at least a foot long, half hard, and as thick as a bare roll of toilet paper. Even at this insane size, the energy, now a brilliant glowing purple, encased the swelling member. A thin line of drool rolled out of Ruby's mouth, and she made no effort to whipe it away as she stared, mesmerised by the glowing tip. An inch, another, another, another. It looked like it was reaching up to say hello to her, to give her a kiss. She leaned down, ready to oblige, when Jacob convulsed. His hips bucked, thrusting his cock forward and blasting a cumshot onto her face. She reeled in surprise, briefly brought back to earth as her boyfriends cock stopped growing, finishing at a foot and a half of length with the thickness of a coke can.

Ruby weaved her finger across her face, getting as much of the cum as she could. When she brought it away, it was much less than she'd expected. Looking down at her wheezing boyfriend turned stud, she saw his balls had stayed stubbornly the same, looking like marbles sitting under a machine gun. She shrugged, sticking her cum laden finger in her mouth and licking it clean, getting all that delicious, salty spunk into her mouth.

"It worked," Jacob said, taking in a deep, shuddering breath and reaching a hand out to his now deflating, but still titanic cock, "it really worked."

What do the couple do now?

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