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Chapter 4 by SilentBanshee SilentBanshee

What do you do?

Step Forward

Opening your eyes fully reveals your fantasy to be true. You don’t know if these sentient beings of the forest placed the thoughts into your mind or if your night-dream vision has manifested this reality before you, but you were certain of one thing: You, a mortal outsider, are being invited to this party.

Without movement or words the great tree-king spoke a command within your mind: “Step Forward.” For a fleeting moment you consider rejecting the special summons; standing nude and unwashed as you were when you fell into your bed earlier that day, you feel **** and inadequate. Nevertheless, the air in this mystical place was heavy and musty with the scent of celebration. Drawing it deeply into your lungs makes you feel impulsive and even a little tipsy.

The decision made, you find yourself stepping barefoot into the mossy glade while every one of a hundred eyes silently follows your every move. Stopping some twenty paces before the throne, a tense hush lingers in the air for a moment. From somewhere within the crowd you see a short pot bellied faun approach you with a hollowed branch for a jug within his grasp. You marvel at his grace as his hoofed goat legs deftly navigated the terrain. With a tentative smile, the balding man half of his body holds out the jug to you with pudgy fingers. The congregation around you held its breath as you accepted the wooden hollow from the little goat-man. You are not sure what you expected, mead or some other smell of heavy fermentation, but what greeted your senses was the sharp-sweet smell of pure spearmint. As you slowly moved the vessel closer towards your mouth you can feel them all leaning forward with anticipation. With great impetuous spontaneity you rush the jug the last inches to your lips and lift its bottom towards the full moon. Your audience erupts into cheers and laughter as you take several long luxurious pulls on the refreshing spearmint spirit.

The dancing and merriment continue renewed for the forest glade as your exhausted drink is lowered and you wipe the remaining dew from your chin. It dawns on you that you are the bell of the ball as a handful of magical creatures rush to you to be the first to receive your favor. However, it is the bold faun who greets you first by surprising you with another jug of spearmint from behind his back. Amused, you accept it and allow him to be your chaperon as he leads you into the heart of the festivities, an entourage following in your steps. You noticed the fat little faun was excitedly speaking to you in an unknown tongue, but that you could understand and answer him. The odd twist of vowels and sounds pour from your mouth like a waterfall, but you don’t understand a single word of it; rather, you merely catch on to concepts, meanings, and requests as if they were obvious.

Eventually your small party of creatures made it’s way to a grassy hillside where there is an indentation in the earth perfectly suited for you to sit back upright and comfortable. The faun, who was chatting about his charming homeland a mile a minute, sat squarely on a stump in front of you. Beside him crouched a minotaur easily four times the faun’s size. He was solemn as he occasionally nodded his great bull’s head in agreement with the talkative goat-man. While the heavy looking gold ring hanging from his snout was off-putting, you delighted in sneaking glances at his great bulging chest and biceps. You realized you were a little more than just tipsy as your eyes lingered longer than your normal restraint would have allowed. Still, it felt different than being drunk on mortal swill; the feeling was crisp and cool and you didn’t feel at all addled or without control. You liked the feeling and once again let the cooling liquid flow down your throat.

Looking to your left you found yourself looking into the exquisite emerald green eyes of the forest dryad beside you. You found yourself mesmerized by the delicate lines and features of her face; her ears were light and pointed and the strands of her golden blond hair played a wispy dance down her face. You felt tingly as you let your eyes follow the strands of her golden hair down her neck, her collarbone, all the way down to the curling tress ends as they played around the cleavage of her full substantial breast. You feel comforted to know that you are not the only life here in the glade bearing your boobs for all to see. Your mind is drifting as you noticed that the farther down her torso you went the more her human looking skin slowly folded and creased into something more plant like. Her chest looked as delicate and soft as a freshly sprouted leaf and her nipples were like stemless upside down rosebuds.

As the unaware faun continued his tales of past heroism, you abruptly realized that you had been staring at the nymph’s breast for untold minutes. Darting your eyes back up to the nymph’s own, she merely gazed back at you with her cheek nestled in her steadying palm. With the gentle tap of her finger upon your nose she quietly whispered to your mind, “you’re cute.” Sheepishly, you blushed and turned your face to your far right. The last of your group perched herself while dutifully regarding the faun and his monologue. Poised and proper, the Greek sphinx was clearly a chiseled warrior. With the lean body of a lioness, the folded wings of a bird of prey, and the torso and head of a woman, the sphinx cut a strong figure. She seemed to take no notice of you as you examined her deeply brown eyes and matching silky brunet hair. Her hair was loosely braided and adorned with leather ribbons and simple bronze jewelry. She had matching bronze arm bands squeezing at her wiry upper arm muscle and a leather band crossing her chest to hold an ornate sheathed short sword at her side. Far smaller than the dryad's, the sphinx’s breast were firm looking and pert. Two perfect hand-fulls, her bust was tipped by small dark brown nipples standing at attention. As you continue to trace her athletic features you catch her glance at you more than once from the corner of her eyes.

You feel exhilarated as your eyes are increasingly allowed to sample bits and pieces of these lustful visual appetizers. You are only listening to the plucky faun enough to realize he had just told a raunchy joke when everyone in your small clique, including you, started laughing uproariously. As the laughing died down it more than once picked up again as you and your new friends were laughing more with each other than at the jest itself. Eventually there was an uneasy silence while all of you thought about what next to say. You look to one another, your eyes searching the sphinx’s face, when you feel the tender nymph’s hand extend and tuck a few strands of your fallen hair back behind your ear.

You turn and look at her. Her verdant green eyes seem to whirlpool seductively as her out stretched hand move from your lock of hair, down the side of your face, to caress the side and back of your neck. Her finger tips move upward to touch her soft nails to the nape of your neck sending a vibration through your jaw and lips. You can see her desire to kiss you lingering on her face. Slowly, without real thought, you turn your head that slightest of degree in acquiescence. The first thing you know is her absurdly soft lips mash fully upon your own. Your lips and hers move together; malleable full flesh rubbing one upon the other. Lost in the moment you realize that your left hand was caressing the nymph’s head and neck in a mirrored pose to her own. You can feel every little hair on your body stand up on end heightening your every physical sense. At first you think that you feel the nymph other hand brushing against your right breast, but as you begin to perceive the warm moist licking of a tongue you realize it must not be her.

Unable to pull yourself away from the nymph’s deepening kiss, you allow your body to feel the duel sensations. As your own tongue begins to mingle and curve with that of the nymph’s you feel the other play around your outer areola. Like a butterfly flirting with a flower, the flicking, circling motions cause your nipple to tighten and grow harder. The sensation slowly builds until you can no longer avoid knowing. The nymph seems to anticipate your desire as she pulls away from your kiss by taking your plump lower lip between her teeth and gently pulling away until the embrace is finished. Your senses returned, you open your eyes to her triumphant smile.

Looking downward at your own chest you see the sphinx tending to your peaked nipple, her pinned dark hair falling forward in long thin curls. Finished with the outer ring where pail skin meets dark, she has moved on to making precise circles that climb up from the areola to the tip of the nipple itself. With a warrior’s dexterity she coaxes a soft moan from you as you begin to feel a pulling on your frame from within. The sounds the sphinx teases from you is a music the nymph cannot ignore. Sliding downward on the soft grassy hillside hallow, she wraps her hands around your waist as she lines herself up with your left breast. Without any preamble she latches onto you fully, prompting the sphinx to do the same. The inward pulling you felt only moments ago is replaced with a lightning shooting from the tips of your tits strait downward into your loins as the two supernatural women suck and pull and lap at your breast.

You can feel yourself dripping from your spread legs as you look forward. The euphoria pulsing outward from your swollen lips and nub radiates through your body. The urgent sense of need claws at your mind as your own hands feebly hold onto the women at your bosom. There before you is the answer to your needs as the great brawny man-bull simply sits watching your writhing body. Comically beside him sits the short faun pounding away at himself while feasting his eyes on your pleasure. At least he is silent for the moment you think.

Turning your attention back to the minotaur you plead with your eyes for him to come to you, but he makes no movement. Your hand slides down the sphinx’s lean back, reaches upward and turns upright to beckon the men to join your titillating trio. The fat masturbating faun wastes no time as his goat legs spring forward. You wanted the massive physique of the minotaur pressed against you, but with your body screaming to be filled you know you will take anything you can get. Surprisingly, the faun moved towards the dryad instead of your invitingly open legs. With a slap of his hand upon the dryad’s round ass, she lets you go and arches her back upward. The forest nymph’s breast hang heavy before you. You don’t know what the little boorish goatman is doing to her, but she shudders and groans as you take her petal soft breast into your own hands. Everyone’s position shifts like subtlety changing tides as you nuzzle your face into the dryad’s ample cleavage; rubbing and kissing at her flourishing pillows you place your mouth around her rose bud nipple and draw her in. The sphinx detaches from you with a wet plop, and you can feel her start to nibble and tease at your neck and shoulder as the nymph’s hands explore your sensitive body.

Coming up for breath you are disheartened to see that the mighty minotaur has moved behind the sphinx. He roughly takes her lioness’s tail in his hand and lifts it upward as he starts to mount her. She suddenly forgets that you are there as her face transforms from concentration into strained ecstasy. Her tits are firm in your kneading hands as she begins to rock back and forth. She makes no noise to betray her delight, but her face and clenching paws tell the story as the minotaur’s pace begins to quicken. You are racked with jealousy as you watch both of these beauties exploding into pleasure as they are fucked and sucked by the minotaur and faun. Meanwhile, your legs are beginning to ache from spreading back so far.

Hands and mouths are a blur of sensations as the five of you pulse together as one sexual being always teetering on the edge of satisfaction. Still, it is as if your companions focus is always drawn away from your watering flower; it’s as if some taboo keeps them from quenching your yearning. You feel as though you are going to climax by fondling alone when the ground before you begins to move and turn upon itself. At first a single green glowing sapling begins to emerge from the forest floor only to then be joined by another and yet another. Out of the ground springs the vines which twist and wrap upon themselves to rise up in some sort of figure. The plant life ages and grows changing colors and melding forms until the rough lines being to smooth themselves out. You realize that it is the tree king, come to grace you with his boon. What was hard and bark-like of his form transforms before your eyes as he becomes more and more of a bronzed human man. His transformation completing, the leafy crown upon his head, he stand before you like a chiseled Greek god.

You could just about kill him as he takes his time, admiring you as you continue to squirm and twitch with lustful hunger. He is bemused, but you can also see that there is a hunger within his luminescent eyes as well. The others continue to enjoy each other as the great tree king makes his way towards you. His hands are the perfect blending of rough skin with a tender touch, like those of a carpenter or painter. Without a word he lightly runs the palm of his hands up the outside of your thighs, over your hips, to take your waist into his grasp. The girls, deeply engaged in their own merriment, turn back to licking and sucking at your breast. Your own hands pull at the king’s hips, urging him forward, bracing yourself for his penetration. You expected him to be gigantic, a sequoia of a man, but are surprised that he is quiet average. It doesn’t matter as your womanhood eagerly accepts his phallus inch by inch. Back and forth he fills you; adding himself into you little by little. His speed and timing are perfection as he enters just deep enough within you to not cause pain. You feel his muscles flex with his back and forth rocking as you begin to feel your lips start to tighten around his shaft. Gradually, by slow degrees you realized, the great tree king was growing in girth. Already twice as big as when he began, his growing member was starting to push all of your sensors into overdrive. Seeing in your face that you have discovered his hidden abilities, the tree king gives you a passionate knowing smile. As the mountain of your climax begins to rise in earnest you can’t help but fill the forest with repeated moans. Your moans turn to full blown sexual wailing as the king surprises you again with another smaller phallus which begins to softly poke at the button of your derriere while a third begins delicately massaging your swollen clitoris. The pounding pulsing euphoria eclipses all of your thoughts as your every erogenous zone spasms with wet dirty pleasure. You scream joyously into the night as your orgasm begins to shatter through your body like no other has ever before. Every tissue of meat and muscle throughout you clenches into a hard ball as you pull others’ heads and bodies and anything else within reach tightly to yourself. Pure eruption.

Slowly, the apex conquered, you begin to feel the endorphins cascading over you as you become a puddle of flesh within your companion’s arms. Everyone’s smiling as they begin to chuckle from the falling excitement. The great tree king relaxes, looks into your mind, and asks you if you only wanted to go once this evening. You could barley muster a snicker as your spent mind and body drifted slowly into a deep sleep.

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