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Chapter 3 by RicoLouis RicoLouis

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Stay Quite and Don't Embarrass Piper Again.

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I sat up and shook my head then stood up not saying a word as I didn't want to embarrass her like yesterday. “I am looking for shots my classmates would have missed.”

“If you have time you should check out the chapel. It should be open by now. I go there some mornings when I am feeling home sick. The sunlight beams in through the stain glass casting the pews in light but only this time of the morning.” Piper smiled happily.

“Thanks. That sounds great actually. I will check that out.” I nodded. That was exactly what I wanted. Shots that could only be gotten at the right time of day.

“Your welcome. I was about to go over there myself. It is the one place on campus I feel at home.” Piper shrugged.

“Let me guess. Choir girl?” I teased and grabbed my bag off of the table..

“Preachers daughter.” She blushed slightly.

“Ah. I can imagine so then.” I shrugged. I pictured her spending a lot of time in church growing up.“You will like this one then.” I smiled as I pulled out my phone and went back to the picture with the chapel as we walked toward the front.

“Oh wow. How did you add a lake into the shot?” She said as she turned her head trying to figure it out..

“It's a puddle from last night.” I smiled and shook my head at her.

“Oh.” She smirked.

“If you thought it was a lake then the shot came out exactly like I wanted.” I said and put my phone away.

“About yesterday I am sorry for you know.”

“I have no clue what you are talking about.” I shook my head.

“You know when you walked in on me...changing.”

“I meant I will never tell a soul.” I replied as she missed what I meant completely.

“Oh. Thank you.”

“Of course. Julie with you?”

“Nope. Sorry. She probably went to the cafe for breakfast.” Piper shook her head

“You didn't want to go with her?”

“I might go over later. It is to crowded first thing in the morning for my taste. It's like one of those zombie movies with all the half awake college students shambling in. All of them saying Coffee, coffee, coffee.” She said as she put her hands out in front of her and plodded back and forth. “I will wait till the horde makes there way back here.”

“So what are you checking out?” I looked over at the book she had in hand.

“A book on economics.”

“You take econ 101?” I asked.

“Yep forth period. Me and Julie.” She nodded. I guess I hadn't thought about them taking business classes but what they would do after graduation was a business. A large one if you got into a major fashion company.

“I have it third before lunch.” I smiled. “I am taking business as my major. I figured if the photography thing never pans out I be better off having something I could use in any job.”

“Hmm.” She nodded. “Good to know if I ever get stuck. Sounds smart actually. Luckily I don't see anyone not needing clothes anytime soon.”

“No I guess not. I think your job is a pretty safe career option.” I replied as we reached the front desk and she checked out the book. I felt a little weird back tracking my steps and heading back to the chapel but once inside I saw it was well worth it as the church was lit in vibrant rays of light beaming in through the stain glass window catching the light dust in the air.

“Here we are.” Piper said as she walked in. The colored lights dancing over her body as it showed off her petite figure. She did a little spin causing her skirt to rise up slightly to show a little leg.

“Lovely. Thank you.” I smiled.

“Mmm Hmm.” Piper nodded and went up front to prey. I set up in the back to catch the light coming in through the windows setting my camera out of the way in case anyone else came in. Trees outside and caused the light to shift slightly so I couldn't help but wonder what the pictures would look like under long exposure with the dancing light.

“Amen.” Piper said up front before after I had started my second shot.

“That was fast.” I smiled.

“Just saying hi sort of. Like I said. I come here because it reminds me of home. That and I come on Fridays to ask with help to pass my test. Every little bit helps right” She giggled. “So when do you take the picture?” She asked.

“Taking it now. It's a long exposure so it takes a minute to capture the picture.”

“I love to get a copy when you print it.” She said.

“I can do that.” I replied. Not that I typically printed them but I could make a copy. “I can take one of you if you like with your phone while I wait? It be faster.”

“You sure?”

“Like I said I have a minute before the pic is done. All I can do is wait.” I replied.

“Okay.” She smiled and pulled out her phone from her purse. I led her up to the front. The place was small. An old church that had been here since the founding of the college if not before and could maybe sit fifty people.

“Sit right here.” I pointed to a spot on the front row. I moved around the front of her and took a knee so the light was coming right at me. I moved to where the sun was behind her head and played with her phone to turn in the flash. She sat with her hands in her lap and her knees together in her little dress. I lined up the shot and took it and smiled.

“Beautiful.” I said.

“Thank you.” Piper blushed.

“One more?” I asked turning the phone horizontal.

“Okay.” She replied. She crossed her arms in her lap causing them to press her breasts together slightly. I lined up the shot trying to get all three windows and keep the sun behind her which took a little moving around but I got the shot.

“Lovely.” I smiled making her blush and lower her head.

“Thanks.” She said coyly. I handed her phone back to her and she smiled brightly as she looked at the pics. “I love this. Thank you. Typically I don't like pics I am in but these are like really really good.”

“I don't know why. You are a pretty girl.” I shrugged and went to check my camera and move it to get the windows from the front of the church.

“Where are you taking Julie to get pictures?” Piper asked.

“Not sure really. I know I want to get her at the fountain and on the hill later but I do not know a lot of places around campus.”

“Of course. Julie was happy last night when she came home so I am glad to help. She is like a big sister to me which I never had.” Piper smiled. We talked for a bit as I got some shots. Piper coming over to peek through my view finder and give me a peek at her cleavage down her dress to see what the camera was taking a picture of. We talked for a bit as I explained what I was doing more or less and showed her the few pics I had taken with my phone while I waited on the camera. I finished off my film roll and put a new one in.

“Well I am off to find the next location.” I smiled.

“You don't want to get the alter or anything else.” She asked?

“No. The theme is architecture so windows, doors, walls, hallways, etc. Anything that can't be moved really.”

“I see. Well thanks for the pictures Jake.” She smiled and brushed up against me as she gave me a peck on the cheek. Her small yet full breasts rubbing up against me.

“Least I could do for the tip.” I winked. I headed on my way to take more pics and she headed off to find breakfast.

The rest of the morning I wondered the east side of the campus with a map I had picked up from the book store/gift shop my first week here to find my way around. The campus was not as busy now as during the week but there were still some people allowing me to use long exposure to remove as many as possible. I could see why the teacher had assigned us the project as it made us explore the school but doing it over the weekend allowed us a chance to avoid large crowds. I found the aquatic center but saw nothing of note that interested me as the building was newer and more modern but at least I had some clue where Rory went every morning now. I ran into other photography students along the way. Smiling as I saw Angelina, the only other girl in class besides Samantha in my class. She was throwing up a handful of leaves in front of the camera and taking the picture letting the leaves fall into her shot to simulate autumn leaves falling.

Angel was a pretty full figured woman with a hell of a voluptuous full figure. She was mixed having caramel skin, dark brown hair, and baby blue eyes that stood out against her darker features giving them a ghostly look to them.

“Hey Jake.” She smiled and gave a little wave as she went to pick up the leaves leaning over to show off her cleavage in a camisole she wore. She had to only be shooting for a second, maybe two, but it would create a nice effect in front of the camera. Angel was very artistic person and like me had hated the black and white shoot. She preferred bright vibrant colors.

“Neat trick.” I smiled.

“Thank you baby. How are your shots going sweetie?” She said. Angelina was a what I call an innocent flirt. She called everyone sweetie or baby and not just me. The type of girl that was friends with everyone she meet. If she had a mean side I sure as hell had never seen it. She turned getting the last of the leaves in the tight ass jeans she wore that showed off her bubble butt beautifully. She typically dressed in far nicer clothes in class but I guess she had worn something she could work in more easily for today.

“Good. Are you shooting short or long?” I asked out of curiosity.

“Short today. Trying to add some aesthetic to this dull assignment.” She pouted as she stood up.

“Bet that looks nice. You should try doing some with your flash on to bring out the leaves more in the foreground and illuminate them. That or shoot so the sun is coming through the leaves shooting east.” I suggested.

“Thank you baby. That is good advice.” She smiled and went to move her camera turning it toward another building.

“Of course.” I nodded. “Glad I could help.”

“Can you hold these for a second so I can move this? ” She said holding out the handful of leaves.

“Sure.” I nodded and took them off her hands. She turned on her flash and leaned over and peeked through her lens showing off her big beautiful breasts. Then I caught sight of her thong peeking out just a bit from her low rise jeans in the back.

“Little tip since you helped me out babe. If you want to get some great architecture pics. Try setting your camera low so you are sitting on your ass looking up. The low angle will make the building more imposing in your shot. That why I am wearing jeans and not a skirt today because I have been doing a lot of squatting shots.” She said adjusting her camera angle and adjusting the light levels on her settings.

“Good to know.” I smiled watching her work while I admired her full figure. I was picturing her trying to squat in those tight ass jeans.

“Of course. Okay throw them for me baby.” She smiled and I tossed the leaves out in front and she snapped the shot.

“Thanks.” She smiled.

“Hey. No tag teams.” A voice said and I looked over to see Samantha coming over in a loose fitting cotton flannel top and a pair of cuffed denim shorts. A pair of mirrored black sunglasses covering her eyes.

“Hey Sam. Glad you could join us hot mamma.” Angel smiled.

“I don't get up early if I can help it.” Sam shook her head.

“How is the?” I pointed to Sam's chest.

“Hurts some but it didn't blister thankfully.” Sam smiled as she pulled her glasses up to rest on her head.

“What didn't blister?” Angel asked.

“I went to blow out a candle and spilled hot wax on my tit by accident.” Sam shrugged and undid the top button of her shirt and pulled it aside to show off the bandage above her breasts.

“Ouch girlfriend. Fuck. That is no way to get rid of nipple hair.” Angel teased and Sam shoot her the bird though smiled. I couldn't help but give a little laugh myself.

“Luckily boy scout here had a first-aid kit and patched me up.” Sam looked over at me and gave me a playful push.

“Sorry I missed that.” Angel giggled and looked at me.

“Oh hey. I got a pic you will like Tiger.” Sam said as she pulled her phone from her back pocket and scrolled through it till she found the pic and held the phone out. I could just barley make out her body as the picture was of her chest in the dark with the bandage that glowed brightly under the black light. She had a piece of what looked like packing tape across her chest over her nipples. She had ran highlighter over it to make it glow in the black light and then wrote the words “out of order” in big bold letters over the tape that covered her tits. Sadly the darkness of the pic kept it from being overly erotic as it was more of a tease though the first and last O seemed to line up with her nipples underneath. I was sure it looked better in camera then on her cell phone.

“Very funny.” I shook my head at her and smiled.

“Girl. That is just wrong.” Angel shook her head and chuckled..

“So where are you heading?” I asked Sam.

“Girls dorm. Figured I see if any are out sunbathing and offer to rub suntan lotion on them?” Sam smiled slyly.

“Seriously?” I gave her a look.

“No. I am not shooting till after the sun goes down some. The shadows are to harsh even for me.” I am just coming back from getting some coffee and dropping off my camera rolls I took yesterday so I will know what didn't come out so I can fix today.” Sam smiled.

“Probably right there about the sun. I am using a polarizer lens to make the colors more vibrant and reduce the glare plus I shooting at a shorter exposure speed so I can get away with a bit more brightness and not have to worry about over exposure but I will have to call it soon myself and find something in doors.” Angel frowned. “What about you Baby? You going to call it.”

“Our boy here has a date at noon taking pics with a model.” Sam teased.

“Oh really? Jake you playa.” Angel teased and reached over giving my shoulder a rub as she put an arm around me. “So who is she?”

“She is not a model. She is a fashion student.”

“Is she modeling the clothes she made in the pictures you are taking?” Sam smiled as she put her hands in her pocket.


“Is she beautiful?” Angel asked.


“Then she is a model.” Sam said and both girls snickered.

“If you do decided to take pics in the sun see if she has a parasol or something. If not I have one you can use as a softbox to capture pics in harsh light or use it as a reflector in a pinch.” Sam gave a little shrug. That wasn't a bad idea as using reflectors typically required a second pair of hands outdoors.

“Why do you have a parasol?” I asked wondering where she came up with the idea in the first place.

“I don't know. Why would a light skinned redheaded goth girl need shade from the sunlight in summer?” Sam gave me a smirk as she cocked her head.

“Fair point.” I replied. The conversation soon turned to aperture settings and histogram levels for light as well as ISO's and shutter speeds. All the technical stuff Angel was struggling with in class. She had more of a natural talent for taking pictures then an understanding of the technical knowledge we were studying in class. Truthfully until I shot pics for Mrs. Fairchild I didn't know a lot about light levels and such myself and shutter speeds myself and still felt like I had a lot to learn behind the camera. Sam joked about just going to the architecture building and shooting a diorama they had of the entire campus and be done with it. Something I did not know they had but I guess it made since given they could have the students make the models as free labor.


I headed back to the central campus and finished the camera roll off at the main gates doing long exposure shots from the shade at different exposure lengths to blur the students coming and going from the school. Most of the student body seemed to be leaving so it gave me plenty of people to shoot. I went to the store across from the campus and picked up some bottle waters thinking Julie might get thirsty during the shoot later while drinking one on my way back to campus.

When I arrived at Julies class room around noon people were leaving the class. No where near the number I had seen the day before but about half a dozen had decided to get the extra time drawing the model. Mostly guys though I couldn't imagine why. As I entered the model was sliding on her robe as I saw pretty much everything before she covered herself. She was listening to a woman who I guess had to be in charge but she looked way to young to be a professor who was sliding the robe over the models shoulders.

Julie smiled at me as I came over to where she was finishing some last minute touches on her drawing. “Hey there handsome. How's it hanging.” Julie bit her lip as she blushed and brushed a few loose strands of hair back. She was wearing a cute white crop top that hung from her breast loosely under a red demi cardigan, a red plaid skirt, black stockings, small leather ankle high heeled boots, and a choker with a pendent around her neck. The whole look screamed naughty school girl to me. Julie definitely had her own style.

“Hello.” I smiled.

“Heard you got quit the show this morning Jake.” Mira teased as she looked over. Her blonde hair pulled back in a blue bandanna out of the way.

“Something like that.” I shook my head.

“You at least like what you saw?” She teased and looked at Julie.

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