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Chapter 3 by SchlockTheMonkey SchlockTheMonkey

Who (not counting redshirts) do you take on the landing party?

Spock, McCoy, Sulu, and Uhura

"Lieutenant Uhura, bring a diagnostic kit and look over the comm system on that station," you order. "I'd like to know why we lost contact." You catch Spock's eye and he follows you toward the turbolift.

"I'd like to come along too sir, if you don't mind," says Mr. Sulu. I think I met Dr. Vetter once at a xenobotany conference."

"You think?"

"It was seven years ago sir, and he didn't present a paper." It's a better link than anything else you've got so far, and Sulu's a fine scientist in his own right. You nod and he falls in beside Mr. Spock.

Dr. McCoy, Ensign Rustam Koocheksadeh, and Yeoman Kim Choi are waiting in the transporter room when you arrive.

"I wish we could take a shuttle over," McCoy grumbles. "I don't trust this gadget."

"I understand why you prefer the reliability of our shuttlecraft. Shall I begin preflight checks on the Gallileo?" Spock replies. The shuttle sitting in the hangar bay is not the first to bear the Italian astronomer's name. Spock and McCoy had barely survived the demise of the original some years earlier. Looking sour, McCoy steps onto the transporter pad.

Your team beams over to the control room of the space station. What you see there... well, part of you gets the satisfaction of seeing an emotional response from Mr. Spock. Most of you is too busy having an emotional response yourself to properly appreciate it, though.

What do you find on the space station?

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