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Chapter 2 by Dontaz Dontaz

What's next?

Some Answers, More Questions

Seriously lady what’s in this for you?

Dre was no fool. Nothing in this world was free. Everything had a cost and that cost usually went up the greater the quality of the gift received.


He closed the first window then onpened the one currently pending.

Dre waited several moments for a response. No answer huh? He thought as he finished his breakfast and left the table. And on a completely different subject I really need to start spending these skill and stat points I keep stacking. Since he always woke up early as fuck he had a solid hour the dick around and figure out exactly where he wanted to put those points, and hopefully get some answers from the mystery voice in his mind.

Dre stood in front of his homes backdoor staring at nothing in particular. The image staring back at him looked thoughtful. Okay, let’s do a quick rundown of my current situation. Potentially cool, but completely untested powers, check. Belly full of half decent food, check. Money for school lunch, big fat negative. Two out of three, not a bad. Now I just need to get my priorities straight and I’m all set. Priority number one get answers. The last thing he wanted was to find out that the cost for his abilities was his soul or something crazy like that.

I don’t suppose you could offer any info on that at least? Dre wondered directing the question inward. He figured since his mystery guest had access to his thoughts he could probably just project a question in there and she’d be able to hear it.

*Well, well somebody learns fast. Anyway, no I don’t want your soul. I only have one prerequisite for you to live by. You must hide from everyone the true extent of your powers.*

But why? He couldn’t help himself he had to ask even though he was certain he wouldn’t get a straight answer.

*I'm sorry, who’s talking?* The voice asked tartly, irritation rolling through their mental link.

You are. He answered contritely.

*That’s what I thought. Anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted. I’m sure you’ve noticed the potential for just how overpowered you could become right?*

Yeah, he replied. If today represents day one of a new game then I'm already down the road to OP status. If I was playing a game like this I'd say the balance was broke as fuck. It’s like having God mode turned on from the start.

*Interesting interpretation. I may have underestimated your intelligence.* Which would not have been difficult since she originally hadn't held it in very high esteem. *Regardless you’re definitely on the right track.*

Dre was so engrossed by what he was hearing that he didn’t even realize until a cool breeze touched his face that he’d at some point walked out the back door.

”What the —!?” He cried hoarsely as he tried to keep his voice down.

*Oh sorry that was me.* The voice replied smugly.

*You looked a little funny just standing there so I encouraged your body to step outside.*

Thanks, I guess. What else could he say? Not only could his internal guest read his mind she could override his bodily functions without him noticing until after the fact. Great.

*Like I was saying, you’re definitely on the right track.* She continued. *There is one thing I would change though.*

That surprised him. Really only one thing?

*Don't be an ass. It's early yet I'm sure you'll find time to fuck shit up later.*

Since Dre had no response for that she continued. *Anyway, you should consider yourself an outlier. In fact, you should make that simple fact the basis for how you progress from now on.*

You mean I —

Suddenly there was a flash of lightning in the distance.

*No,* she interrupted his thought. *Sorry, I would appear that I don’t have as much time as I thought to let you hunt and peck your way through this.*

There was another lightning flash, this time a little closer. *Something’s come up.* She continued quickly. *And I need to be elsewhere so let me make this simple for you, well simplish anyway. Your life is now for all intensive purposes a game. I’ve taken the mechanics of a MMORPG and alter reality in such a way that it will react to you according to those guidelines. Think on that. Bye for now.*

Wait, his mind screamed. He wasn’t sure how he knew but he was absolutely sure he was finally alone in his own head. She was actually gone this time. And she hadn't left happy either. Something about those lightning strikes had made the mystery voice nervous. He didn't even want to know what could make someone who could apparently re-write the the laws of reality nervous.

Dre took a deep breath. He needed to get his mind off things he had no control over and focus instead on issues he actually had a chance of solving. Okay, I've got a decent foundation now I just need to figure out how I can use what I know to my advantage.


“Cool,” Dre noted as another window appeared before him. Curious, he decided to test a theory. He used a finger to physically manipulate the window. He used a finger to manuelly move the window. Ok, even I have to admit this is pretty cool. He thought smiling as he read window.

Interesting. Dre wondered. The way the achievement was worded made him wonder if his mystery guest was the one who wrote it. He shrugged then dismissed the window. But he couldn't help but wonder if his mystery guest was the one wording his achievements. It would be more disturbing if she wasn't. Because that would mean someone else was watching him, and that was just too disturbing an option to concider. Or perhaps the solution was more benign. Maybe all the windows were already pre-queued, simply waiting for the proper circumstances to present themselves so they could activate.

Alright, enough of that. Let’s think. I just got my second new skill. How can I use it to my advantage? By itself, Focus didn’t look like it would be very useful but maybe he could use it to gain another skill that would be.

Dre walked through the backyard towards the picnic table and took a seat at the bench. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and set a ten-minute timer, took a deep breath, closed his eyes and activated Focus.

While Dre’s thoughts were focused elsewhere lightning continued to flash slowly drawing closer and closer to his home.

Brrrrring. Brrrrring.

Wow, that didn’t feel like ten minutes, he thought as he turned the alarm off.

Ding! Ding!

Dre heard the sounds that usually signified the appearance of new windows but he didn’t see any. Then he noticed a small flashing (!) now hovered just above his wrist. He noticed no matter how he moved the icons location relative to his hand remained the same. He tapped the icon and two windows popped up.

Fuck yeah! Dre was pumped. Persuade was a skill he wouldn't have a problem finding a use for. Fuck, I know what skill I’m gonna start to start pumping skill points into first. Or maybe I should start pumping stat points into Charisma instead. Hell why not do both.

Since the skill was only at level one currently he could only influence his target by a grand total of ten percent. That was okay but it probably wouldn’t give him the power to influence any type of major decisions.

He decided to see if he make changes to his stats and skills without pulling up his status sheet. Mentally he pictured himself adding (+4) skill points to Persuade and (+15) stat points to Charisma.

He nodded in approval. I call that solid confirmation that the same rules that govern every crappie RPG ever made apply to my powers. Not sure how I feel about that.

Dre figured he had a pretty good understanding of how he could both gain new abilities and make them stronger. It’s all about experimentation. Gaining new abilities would be easy. The hard part would be making sure that since it was so easy to gain new skills he didn’t end up with a skill sheet full of crap.

”Hey dip shit. What are you doing over there?”

And great, Dre thought bitterly. Janet fucking Billings the bane of my and every other penis carrying citizen in existence.

”I know you hear me over there dumbass. What the fuck are you doing?” She screamed at him again. Just in case he hadn't heard her the first time. He had but she really didnt care. She really just liked hearing the sound of her own voice.

Janet Billings was the snarliest most foul-mouthed wannabe trap queen smart ass bitch Dre had ever met. They’d known each other all their lives and had hated each other for almost as long. Though in actuality, most of the hate floated in one direction, towards Dre. He had no idea why she hated him so much.

Curious he cast Observe on her.

Damn, I’d love to use Dictate on her but I don’t have a fucking clue how many (rp) points she has, he thought frustrated. But I bet there in the negative. Which means I won’t have a clue the level of effectiveness the skill will have on her until I actually use it.

Now he just needed to decide if he wanted to risk using his skill on Janet.

Please comment. This is my first full story so every comment is helpful.

Is she even worth the effort?

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