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Chapter 2 by FallenSaint FallenSaint

Who are you?

Rael The leader

Rael hated seeing the and destruction that had befallen Cromly hill. Bodies were everywhere and many of the buildings were nothing but ash. What she hated most though was that she had become used to the sight. Beside her stood her mother's dearest friend, and a woman she had counted on herself many times. Milmaria was a gentle healer and loving mother, but also a fine beauty and a demon with her staff.

Rael herself was a swordswoman. She had learned all her skills from her mother and father and now used them just as they had: hunting monsters. But with the rise of this goblin warband and the raids, she knew she couldn't do it alone. She had first been approached by a woman a few years younger than her named Benji, who was currently checking into the whereabouts of the two goblin raiding parties. The young woman had lost her fiance to one of the raiding party leaders and she couldn't bare to stand by and do nothing about it. Benji had taken up her lover's bow and prepared to take . With the inexperienced archer by her side, Rael had then gone to recruit Milly, who was more than happy to join in the hopes of finding out her son's fate. John had joined the military to help fight against the goblins. He had his mother's skill with a staff, but lacked the experience that Milly had in actual combat.

"I hope John didn't get caught up in this."

Rael shook her head at her friend's worry. They both knew John wouldn't have been here, but even still she understood the woman's fears.

"He wouldn't have been. The attack happened before the troops arrived and we've met with the soldiers that came since then. We'll find him."

Milly nodded slowly. Rael started to try comforting her friend more, but she caught sight of someone running towards them.

Vanessa, Nessy, was the youngest and smallest of their group, but she was also the fastest. She was also a klutz. The girl was running full tilt at them when her foot caught on the leg of one of the bodies and she went flying. The girl spun in the air, grasping for anything to save herself, but it was too late. She landed flat on her back and Rael heard a slight groan escape her lips. As Milly rushed to check her, Rael couldn't help but remember their meeting.

Rael had been leading the others through the town of Resting Point. They had gathered some supplies and were preparing to leave for Cromly Hill when she felt a hand digging into the money purse she wore at her belt. Rael had turned and grabbed the hand in one motion and found herself holding the eighteen year old girl. Nessy had broken down crying and after Milly had calmed her down, she explained why she was stealing. The girl had been born to a prostitute mother and had borrowed money from the wrong people to buy her own freedom. Time was running out to pay off that debt or she would be in a worse spot than she had started off in. Rael normally didn't give in to sob stories, but that one hit her hard enough to invite the girl along. If she needed money that bad she could earn it by helping them.

Rael watched as Milly helped the girl to her feet and smiled as Milly continued to check her over. The girl only had a few scrapes, but the motherly figure of their group couldn't let it be. She was about to step in to save Nessy when she noticed Benji coming from another direction.

Benji reported to the group that the closest of the two raiding parties, the one that had attacked Cromly Hill, was heading east towards the village of Allen Springs. The other was heading north, closer to the capital city Pencia. Two different bounty hunter groups were headed after the one going to Allen Springs and the army was about to move after the one heading towards Pencia. After Benji had reported in, Rael looked towards the others.

"Personally I would rather move with the troops and try to take out the farthest group instead of fighting with the other bounty hunters, but I'll think its best if we put it to a vote."

Rael didn't want to fight either the military or the other bounty hunters for the gold they could get for the goblin skins, but she knew if Pencia fell, there would be no reward. She knew what her vote would be.

Follow the Army or try to save Allen Springs?

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