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Chapter 4 by JWtts JWtts

What happens next?

Rachel Is Not Sold

Thomas moved through the house doing his normal ‘Dad’ checks, making sure all the doors were locked, windows shut, and lights off, minus the one or two he and Rachel left on just in case anyone needed something in the night or the kids needed to find their way to his and Rachel’s room.

He did one last check on Lucy and Nathan before making his way to the master bedroom. He knew Nathan would be out like a light soon, but Lucy would ‘sneak’ out her book light to read one of her comic books he had bought for her earlier in the week. Rachel was not a fan and preferred Lucy read ‘normal’ books, but Lucy was a lot like him and enjoyed art and struggled a bit in school so he was happy to find what he thought was a compromise. His rebuttal to Rachel was always, “At least she’s reading.”

As he walked into the bedroom he looked around and saw Rachel in the bathroom applying one of her moisturizing creams or something. He didn’t keep up, but knew her night routine was a bit more involved than his. He chuckled to himself as he watched her stand on her tip-toes to lean over the sink and get closer to the mirror.

While he was still frustrated with her, more so after their impromptu interview with Aubrey, he couldn’t help but stare. She had showered and dressed for sleep, wearing a pair of short, gray cotton shorts that hugged her ass nicely and a snug, pink v-neck shirt. Her blonde hair was still wet and brushed across her shoulders as she continued to peer into the mirror.

He stopped and leaned against the frame of the bathroom door.

“So… what’d you think?” he asked.

She looked at him through the mirror. “Of?”

“Aubrey, the woman who will be taking care of our kids this summer,” he replied.

“You mean the tall, busty supermodel who will be in the house with you all summer?”

“Oh come on. What was I supposed to do, ask the agency, ‘Hey, please make sure the nanny is old or unattractive.’”

“So you DO think she’s attractive!”

“I didn’t say that, but I’m also not gonna lie and say she’s unattractive, but again, the whole point of getting a nanny was to free up some time for US to be together. Not to mention, allow me time to get some work done while still being around for the kids, and for us to not have to cook, clean, and do other chores this summer so we can spend more time together as a family.”

“I don’t know. I mean, what would you think if some hot guy was our nanny and it was me staying home and you were off at work all day?”

Thomas chuckled again at seeing Rachel flustered. He then moved around behind her and ran his hands over her hips and under her shirt to feel the soft, smooth flesh of her stomach as his body towered over hers as she looked at her through the mirror.

“I would think he’s probably not doing a good job as he’d be distracted by my sexy wife all day.”

Rachel then stopped her routine and held his hands over her stomach as she stared back at him through the mirror. Those soft, blue eyes of hers setting his heart to race.

“I’m serious.”

“I am too,” he replied as he moved his hands past hers and up under her silky smooth breasts that still sat so nicely on her chest. He caressed them gently before he let his fingers dance over her nipples that were slowly rising. She closed her eyes for a moment and let out a soft moan, but then stopped his hands again as she pushed him back with her ass and turned around to face him.

“Look at me. I’m over 40, have a fat ass after pushing out two kids, and these,” she said, grabbing her breasts, “aren’t as perky as they used to be. I’m nothing like her,” she pouted.

Thomas looked down at her and smiled, almost laughing as he placed his hands over her hips and closed the gap between them again. He then bent down and kissed the top of her head, taking in the floral and coconut scent of her shampoo still prominent on her wet hair before he looked down into her eyes.

“Yes, you are over 40. We both are, but you have a great ass,” he said, reaching down and taking hold of it and lifting her up onto the sink counter, “if not even better after giving birth to our two amazing kids. And your breasts… still amazing and they fit perfectly in my hands,” he finished as he moved his hands up under her shirt again before leaning in to kiss her.

Her lips met his, but she held his hands at her hips as they continued to kiss. His cock was swollen and pressing hard against the counter as he leaned in, but she pulled away.

“And what was with her calling you Thomas?”

Thomas pulled away and sighed. “That was me. I told her to do that instead of calling me Mr. Weston. It felt too formal and you know how I feel about being called that.”

“I know, but she’ll be working for us and I don’t think we should be so informal.”

He gave her an odd look. “And living in our house and caring for our kids is formal?”

“Forget it,” she said before she hopped off the counter.

Thomas was dejected and frustrated again, now in more ways than one.

“Fine. I’ll call the agency on Monday, but remember it was YOUR boss that recommended them and the agency said that she was pretty much their only nanny that knew both French and Madarin, knew how to cook healthy and edible foods, and was available to live in our house for most of the summer, so…”

Not much was said after that as Rachel continued her night routine and Thomas did his before crawling into bed. They said their goodnights and soon Rachel was fast asleep. Thomas on the other hand had trouble sleeping. He didn’t expect that he and Rachel would have sex that night, but he was frustrated nonetheless as it had been awhile. In fact, it was their therapist who had recommended a summer away from it all so they could reconnect both emotionally and physically.

As he laid there staring up at the ceiling his thoughts began to drift to Aubrey. She had been so light and fun around him and the kids. Unlike Rachel, she was present and dialed in, and then there were the minor flirtations or what he thought were flirtations. He didn’t want to admit it, but Aubrey was an sexy distraction. He shook his head, knowing it was wrong to think like that and blamed his horniness and his frustration with Rachel for his drifting thoughts. He was a married man and loved Rachel. They just needed some time to be together.

A week later?

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