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Chapter 3 by calx86 calx86

What's next?

Questions and answers

“Wha...what happened? How are you…” Trevor stammered as Lily sat up cross-legged on his chest.

“Just so you know, I’m breaking several rules right now, but I couldn’t bare to see you in such pain,” Lily looked into his eyes.

“You’re’re talking...but how?” Trevor asked waiting to wake up from another dream.

“As far as the how and why, I’m not really sure. I have memories from all the way back in the store you purchased me from, but the first time I actually thought for myself was when you were painting and clothing me. I like the look, by the way, you have good taste,” Lily blushed as Trevor continued to look at her mouth agape.

“This is another dream, it has to be. I mean, you’re a doll formed from plastic. It doesn’t make sense. I mean, are you a ghost possessing a doll or…” Trevor stopped as Lily stood up and put her tiny hand across his lips.

“Look, I don’t have all the answers but I think somehow you brought me to life,” Lily whispered.

“ I’m not magical or a wizard or anything,” Trevor began gently rubbing and prodding Lily, eliciting a couple of giggles.

“Well you certainly are forward I’ll give you that,” Lily grinned as he promptly stopped.

“Uh, sorry. I was just…” Trevor looked away blushing.

“Shut up, I’m just playing. Like there’s any part of me you haven’t seen or felt up already. It would be kind of silly for me to be bashful now, wouldn’t it?” Lily giggled.

“Well, ahem, I guess, but why do you think I brought you to life?” Trevor asked.

“I dunno, you were holding me when it happened so I’m just guessing. I’m not the only one though, some of your sister’s dolls are alive too, however, they have this rule that we’re not supposed to reveal we’re alive to our owners. Apparently, there have been times in history where people went crazy or thought living dolls were evil just because they were alive, which is ludicrous of course,” Lily smirked.

“Well, what makes me so special?” Trevor asked as Lily sighed.

“To be honest I always hated that rule. I’ve grown to like you Trevor, plus I don’t really have any other dolls or toys as companions in here. I don’t really fit in with your sister’s dolls either. On top of it all, I just can’t stand to see you sad anymore. You’re a good guy and have an eye for art, despite what your asshole dad thinks,” Lily leaped onto the nightstand with hands on her hips. Trevor continued to watch in awe at how fluidly and gracefully she moved, despite being made of plastic.

“At first I was afraid of breaking the rule so I just embraced you as you slept, hoping that in some way I could comfort you, but decided to say ‘to hell with it’ when I saw you eyeballing that pill bottle,” Lily began bashfully kicking her foot as she noticed tears running down Trevor’s face. She leaped onto his shoulder and kissed him on the cheek, just before sitting back down.

“Come on stud. Let’s get out of here,” Lily grinned.

“Wha...what? Where to? It’s like five in the morning.” Trevor asked only halfway caring as he already stood up ready to go.

Where are they going?

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