Alice through the bedroom mirror

curiouser and curiouser

Chapter 1 by SandWalker001 SandWalker001

The dorm party was a raging success. So much so we were running shy on everything, including munchies for the stoned. I started collecting money for a food run when Steve pulled me aside.

"Don't sweat it, babe, I've got popcorn in my room."

"Well let's go," I said, pushing Steve toward the door.

Stoned as I was I floated down the hall to Steve's room, hung a Ralph and stumbled through his door. "Nice shit," I said looking around the room.

"I like it," Steve answered, "It belonged to a distant cousin in England. They say he wrote kid's books."

I walked around touching the intricate carvings on the furniture. It kind of swirled around at my touch. "Whoa, babe, you're really stoned," I snickered.

"Not the mirror," Steve said, back handing me across the face.

Does Alice ignore Steve OR ...

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