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Chapter 2 by Musictaker Musictaker

Does he take her up on her offer? How?

Nut sucking and a Rimjob (Dirty)

I stood there for a moment considering my 'options'. The moment felt so surreal. Why the fuck not? “You know what, I Will take you up on that offer. If you want to suck my nuts, and you offered a Rimjob too? Why the hell not, go ahead and blow me.” I said with a chuckle, expecting to be slapped and thrown out of the store. Obviously this was some kind of prank or test or something. I was curious to see how far I could push it. “But I'll warn you, I'm not feeling particularly 'fresh' down there, if you catch my drift.”

“That's... okay sir.” She said with a slight hitch to her smile and voice, as though I'd told her one of the toilets in the back was clogged and she needed to go clean it up. Sometimes customer service is a dirty job I guess. “If you'll please step around this way I'll be, happy, to help you. Though it's just going to be a rimjob and some nut sucking, no blowjobs. I'm a cashier, not a prostitute.” Gesturing me to step around the counter, while reaching under it to place a sign that says “Please see next cashier” in place. As I walked around most of the customers in line behind me moved to other lines with only the slight muttering of people who had been waiting and now had to start over. Everyone except the elderly couple who had been standing behind me, as it seems they planned on waiting.

As I was coming around she was just bending over to place the sign, which gave me a full view of her figure. She was even thicker than promised when viewed from behind, a nice juicy ass, with cellulose hanging down but still perky enough not to sag overtly. Beneath that were some sweet thighs topping her long curvy legs, with no sign of a thigh gap to be seen. I couldn't help myself, I leaned over and gave her a quick spank, and boy did she jiggle nicely. Especially when she snapped her attention around to me, glaring daggers.

“Excuse you sir! That is not appropriate! I am trying to get ready to suck your nuts and polish your asshole here. I do not appreciate you getting handsy while I'm getting ready! Am I am trying to work here.” She says with hands on hips. She stands there glaring at me for a few moments as if to make sure her point comes across, then she starts to get down on her knees and adjust herself to so she can kneel comfortably.

“But, and correct me if I'm wrong, didn't you also say I could also fuck your ass? Wouldn't that involve some ass slapping” I asked curiously, watching her skirt ride up her thighs, eagerly enjoying the wobbling flesh revealed. Clearly she was upset, but equally clearly it wasn't getting in the way of her earlier offer of 'help'. I was curious as to why she was pushing back on this, while offering so much. Was it something to do with the way those thoughts felt different?

“I mean I guess, but all I'm consenting to is hips on cheeks no-” “And my cock up your shithole.” I interject 'helpfully', to see how she'd respond.

“And your cock up my shithole.” she agreed. “But, just because you can fuck my ass that says nothing about you slapping my ass with your hands while I'm at work! I know some people don't see customer service as a 'real job' or the people who do it as worthy of respect, but please sir. I'm just trying to help you out.” She said while looking up past my now undone belt and trousers, my cock straining to get out of my boxers.

She seemed to be waiting for some response from me before continuing. “Of course you already have a hard job in front of you. “I said trying not to snicker, “It would be a shame for someone to come along and make it harder.”

“Speaking of which sir, when you said you weren't feeling particularly fresh downstairs,” she started while eyeing my boxers warily “how 'not fresh' did you mean?”

The source of her unease probably had something to do with the multitude of stains, a combination of precum, some post ejaculate drip, and a piss stain from when I took a leak and some dripped out after I thought I was done. So maybe I'd been working from home and not seeing many people for a while now, and maybe my hygiene hadn't been improved by this.

“Oh it's maybe been a couple days since I last showered but that's not a problem is it? You are still going to help me with my, ummm, oh yeah, vertigo. You're still going to service me, won't you? After all what have I done to be denied service?” I said with the least sincere smile I've ever worn.

“I- I guess nothing. And I did offer you service.” She says, becoming more resolute by the word. She then leans in and first gives them a sniff, wrinkling her nose, then grabs onto the rim, shifts her grip to find a less damp part, and then slides down my boxers, freeing my cock. And freeing was the right word. During this exchange I had been getting harder and harder, the way she pushed me away while acting like sucking me off was no big deal, the way she told me off for slapping her cheeks while also agreeing that it's fine for me to fuck her 'shithole'. It meant that when she pulled my boxers down my cock sprang out of it's hiding place, smacking her on the chin and leaving a streamer of precum strung between us. She blinked in surprise, then wrinkled her nose as the smelled rolled out, now unconstrained by anything. I hadn't been lying when I said I wasn't fresh down there. It had been a couple days since my last shower, and much longer since I last shaved down there. What can I say I hadn't been expecting this kind cashier to suck me off today, sue me.

My cock bobbed gently as she examined it, or at least how to get to my balls under it. My whole package glistening moistly with a thin sheen of oils and sweat from a combination of the heat and lack of cleaning. My musk was immediately obvious, rather rank, and seemed to be giving this poor girl some second thoughts about her duties, a grimace marring her customer service smile.

But she was a professional, and as such she took a deep breath in, which she seemed to regret immediately as that just gave her a big whiff of the smell, causing her to gag a little. Then she breathed out, and reached forward to lift my cock up and leaned in towards my nuts. I could feel her hot breath on me, disturbing the matted, sweaty hair and just before she made contact I put my finger on her forehead. “Hang on a second.” I wanted to try something.

She looked up with relief, head tilted in curiosity.

You will start by kissing my balls. She sat there looking up at me.

You Will start by kissing my balls, I thought with more ****. Still she sat there, blinking up at me blandly.

What had I done differently before?

You will start by kissing my balls.

“Oh I'm so sorry sir, I almost forgot! Silly me, I almost forgot, the way I'm supposed to start is like this,” And she leans in, lips puckered and gave my left nut and nice gentle smooch, as though kissing her boyfriend good morning. Soft, welcoming, and inviting more attention. As she leaned back her nose was wrinkled and she coughed again. She looked like she was trying not to get anything from my balls into her mouth. Adorable.

“Oh no, you're welcome. I'd hate to see you put in all this, urgh, effort. Ah haha, and not be doing it right.” I said grunting as she went back to work, alternating between kissing my nuts and wiping her mouth with her hand, coughing occasionally. Her hot breathe mixed with the warm damp air rising from my groin.

You will French kiss my balls slut.

She was bobbing gently from one testicle to the other when she suddenly froze. Up to this point she hadn't actually put anything in her mouth, and seemed to be trying to only kiss with the outer edges of her mouth. But as I watched she slowly lowered her head to the hairy skin of my bollocks and extended her tongue. Her movements seemed **** and jerky but once she touched down everything else was sweet tactile sensation. Her warm wet tongue pushed along the front down to the bottom, cupping my wrinkly plums, before sliding back up and around tickling and pushing them, even as she pushed her puckered wet lips up against me. The sensations were all wet and gentle sliding motions, and felt like the beginning of what I knew was going to be a great time.

After a few sloppy minutes of work she came back up for air and asked “Is this good sir? Is this helping with your dizzy spell?” She looked up with one of my pubes stuck to her chin, and after a second fished another out of her mouth with a look of discomfort. Then went back to looking quizzically and innocently up at me. While holding my cock and balls aloft. La vie est drôle.

At first all my response amounted to was some gently panting and enjoying the sight this woman, my slut, on her knees at her day job kissing and licking my low hanging fruit. The tight green shirt she was wearing under her store apron, the closest thing to a uniform she was wearing, had a couple wet spots from where her spit and my precum had dripped down, including a glaring white patch on her skirt that was joined by a second one as I watched.

She was still holding my cock up and out of the way, trying not touch it more than necessary, though it's length and girth were giving her some difficulty in keeping it out of the way. As well the longer she went on the less she paused to turn her nose up at the musk coming off of me. A few days without proper bathing has left me a little ranker than a date would normally allow, but this lovely woman was giving her customer some proper service anyway. It was heavenly.

“You are doing an amazing job slut, but don't you think that's enough of an introduction for now? After all you aren't just licking my balls for fun are you?” I said teasingly. “You're supposed to be Sucking them for support. Oh and I'm still waiting on that tongue up my ass.” I continued, leaning back against the counter and spreading my legs with a smirk.

She reached up to where she had her hair up in a kind of cross between an Afro and a bun to touch it up quickly. She had lovely dark curly hair that looked like it would be perfect for tangling my fingers in. Maybe later, once she 'gets over' her **** to suck my cock.

“Of course sir. I wouldn't want you thinking I'm here kissing your balls just for fun. This is a work place after all.” She says with the long suffering smile of someone who is practised at customer service and 'managing customer expectations'. With a look like she wanted to spit she swallowed instead and leaned back down, mouth open wide and tongue sticking out to engulf my hanging sack. My balls were feeling bigger and kind of swollen, each one hanging distinctly downwards with a liquid weight. The fact that my pubic hair was matted with sweat and spit did little to make them more appetizing. Not that it mattered I thought with a grin that was a little to wide to be friendly.

She couldn't quite fit them both in her mouth at once, so she began the delightful process of sliding one slippery nut into and out of her mouth and then the other. Tongue pushing and manoeuvring, lips wrapped gently around, and teeth occasionally nipping loose skin in a playful and exciting way. All while looking like she would rather have just about anything else in her mouth. Her **** obedience and half baked rationalizations to my mental(?), commands were turning me on so much I was starting to steadily drip precum onto her hand and head.

Looking down at her past the cock she was still trying her best not to deal with or touch as much as possible I got a fun idea.

Grab your ankles.

She made a slight groaning noise of despair that translated into some pleasant vibrations for my nuts, and tried to tuck my cock into my shirt, which didn't work. It swung down and smacked her in the face with a meaty CLAP as soon as she pulled her hand away. I looked down to see the tip slidding through her hair as she bobbed between my balls while my shaft rested in between her nose and cheek, her eyes crossed to locked at it. I started to hump her face, gently rubbing my cock back and forth, all while dripping pre into her hair.

Her eyes narrowed in annoyance but she didn't shift or move away. Just kept dutifully suckling and slurping, her fingers clenched around her ankles. Focused on the task before her, she took a deep breathe and dove in. She surprised me by opening her mouth wide and managing to pop both my plums in at the same time, though it left her cheeks bulging, and started to lick the bottom of them with her tongue.

I gasped, my own eyes going wide, and started panting harder. Holy fuck that was nice. Holy fuck was that Nice! Holy shit! If I'm not careful she's going to make me bust a nut in her hair without even getting to my ass. And with that thought in mind I started to rock my hips very gently forward, spreading my legs until I could feel her chin touching my ass cheeks. “Stick that tongue of yours out as far as you can slut.” I said looking down at her with a demanding look. And fuck did she ever. I felt her tongue slide along the bottom of my balls until it started tickling my taint and she gagged.

With a loud SLORP noise and a retch she released my balls and wave of spit from the tight wet prison of flesh and leaned back to gasp for breath. “Ugh. That was, something. A lot of something. Just give me a second. Sir.” She **** out, panting and gasping for breath. She stopped to wipe her tongue on her sleeve. “Just a note sir but if in the future you're looking to receive this kind of service, can I recommend washing up a little better beforehand? You're kind of fragrant and umm, flavorful right now. And not in an especially, clean way.” She said nervously, obviously fearing a rebuke. “Maybe we could forgo that rimjob? After all you don't seem to be having any more troubles balancing, are you?” She says looking up hopefully.

In my mind I knew what I was doing was wrong, taking advantage of some poor cashier for no other reason than it seemed I could. But on the other hand, it really seemed like I could push here, as she was only making suggestions so far. Looking down at her I thought hard about letting her go.


I reached down, grabbed a handful of her hair in one hand, causing her to yelp in surprise and discomfort, lifted my balls in my other hand, and shoved her face between my spread legs. When I felt the tip of her nose prod my asshole I started rubbing her face up and down. As bad as my balls probably smelled I bet my ass crack tasted even worse.

“Stick out your tongue” I ordered.

Underneath me she was struggling as much as she could while on her knees griping her ankles tightly and feeling me use her hair as reins to ride her face. For a minute I thought she wasn't going to respond, as she bucked and jerked, trying to pull away from me. Had I pushed her to far to fast? Then I felt as much as heard her try to suck a deep breath from between my cheeks, and she obeyed. Her warm, soft muscle sticking out to taste everything I had to offer her.

I tilted her head further back and started humping her face as I half squatted on it, half stood over her. Oh. Fuck. Yeah. I could get used to this. The feeling of power from grabbing a hold of some stranger and using her face to tongue fuck my ass was pure bliss. She wasn't even fighting it anymore, just dutifully sticking it out and letting me hump her face. I can feel the twin bumps of her nose and tongue tickling my taint, sphincter, and crack, her cheeks pushing against mine. I stopped humping for a moment to line that tongue up with my balloon knot and started pressing down firmly, feeling that wet pressure against my backdoor.

“Go on, push your tongue right up there. You promised me a Rimjob didn't you? Said you were proud of how you 'service' your customers? Well get to servicing my asshole you filthy little bitch. Inside and out.” while relaxing my anus and pushing downwards. I was rewarded with the sensation of her pushing upwards and extending her tongue until it was pressing into my ass. “Oh fuck yes. You just keep tongue fucking my fart box whore. That's right, just. Like. That.” Her tongue began to slid in and out of my ass, pressing as for up into my anus as she could retch- I mean stretch, before sliding out to give the rim a tickle. That wet and wiggling sensation sliding between my cheeks was quickly pushing me towards orgasm, especially with the earlier work she'd been doing on my nuts to stir up a batch.

I looked down at the random woman I had somehow commanded to tongue fuck my asshole, without so much as learning her name I realized. I stood there for I don't even know how long, just enjoying the wiggling tongue in my shithole, 'eagerly' seeking nerves and moans of approval from me. My hand still gripping the back of her head insured that she barely paused to breathe, though she had little room to breathe anyway and seemed to be trying to suck enough air through her nose from betwixt my sweaty balls and taint while her mouth was occupied.

Her lips were pressed up against my ass kissing it and pushing lushly against it as she pushed her tongue as far up it as she could. It was hot and wet and accompanied by various pitches and volumes of slurping, coughing, gasping, panting, and groaning. The old couple still waiting for the young cashier to return to work didn't seemed disturbed by the obscene noises emanating from behind the counter. Only occasionally looking over from where they were chatting to check if I was done being serviced yet. In fact glancing around showed none of the other cashiers or customers seemed bothered by my sitting on this woman's face or her rather loud and not particularly enthusiastic response to it.

Answer my question honestly.

I release the back of the woman's head and while she does pull back some to adjust her position she doesn't stop licking and kissing. Though it does sound like she starts to breathe a little easier. It seemed she had accepted her position as my butt slut and would continue even without my direct pressure. Fun. I had intended to ask her a question but her willingly fucking my ass with her tongue slowed me down for a minute. Or 5. It was getting hard to keep track. The old couple it seemed was packing their things to move to another line. Before they could finish leaving I decided to try something.

Grab some gum and leave money for it on the counter.

The old couple stopped and the man reached over and grabbed a pack while the woman reached into her purse for some change. They put it down on the counter beside me and the man leaned over to fake whisper “I imagine the lass will be in need some breath freshening when she's done with you there. Least you can do is have something to give her to help freshen up when she's done.” he finished with a wink.

“What a dedicated young woman, she sure has one heck of a work ethic. I'm not always sure about these young people today but she does give me hope.” The old woman comments to her husband as they move to the next line over, the 2 of them glancing over at me as they go.

My eyes widened, both at my impending orgasm and at the realization that whatever this is worked on more than just pretty cashiers, and that it worked on multiple people. That was something to think about. Later. Right now I could feel that familiar tightening and clenching in my sack and taint. I grabbed the woman's hair again, pulling her back, to see her red faced and sweat slicked, tongue hanging out as she panted and tried to suck as much clean air as she could.

Where will I cum?

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