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Chapter 2 by A Nony Mouse Coward A Nony Mouse Coward

Who suffers first?

Lisa GodBitch destroys her boyfriend

Lisa GodBitch appeared out of thin air with a pop! of displaced air on the front porch of her intended victim.

For her 18th birthday, her mother had made Lisa omnipotent. Well, partially omnipotent; Mom was the one who ultimately ruled the Universe, and She had decreed that the really weird stuff was for later, so there was only so far Lisa could fuck with reality. In practice, her godhood ended at line of sight, with only a few quality-of-life focused exceptions. She couldn't alter the fundamental skein of reality, and she was required to place all mortals who witnessed her power under a compulsion to keep quiet about it. Human culture at large was not to be disturbed for at least ten years.

Individual mortals though? Mortals were basically silly putty to her now.

Lisa's perfect red lips twisted up into a cruel, smug smile. Josh, her boyfriend, was about to learn firsthand what that meant. Before she could lose her nerve--she'd never actually hurt anyone before!--Lisa rang the doorbell.

A few moments later, Josh opened the door, and all of Lisa's doubts withered and blew away. Josh was only mortal. He was pond scum. He was, as her mother had explained when they first started dating, just someone she was supposed to get close to so that when it came time to kill him it would temper her soul properly. Now Lisa understood what her mother had meant.

"Lisa, what happened?" He was staring at her new cleavage. She'd been somewhat flat before today, and now her chest bounced smartly with each step.

"Do you like them?" she said haughtily as she brushed past him into the house, briefly pressing her new cleavage up against his shoulder as she went.

"Y-you look great," said Josh. And it was true. While he was still a plain, boring mortal, she had become a Goddess and all Goddesses were beautiful.

Her glossy chestnut hair fell in loose curls around her shoulders. Her skin was smooth, pure. Her eyes twinkled as she regarded him with a cruel, hungry smile. "Thanks. I've come to break up with you."

"What, what?" Josh's face crumpled into distress and sorrow. "Lisa I love you!"

"That doesn't matter in the slightest. You're not good enough for me anymore." Her smile grew. Lisa rose into the air, her hair and clothing buffeted by a sweet warm breeze from nowhere, a pure shining halo of light blooming from behind her. "I have transcended you, mortal. You are not worth my time. But nor shall I allow another to have you after me."

Josh peed his pants and began to cower. Cascading waves of mortal terror washed over him, blotting out thought with the raw animal instinct to freeze in the face of an unimaginable threat. Lisa laughed gloriously at his terror, and alighted gently in front of him.

"But first, I'm going to show you the proper relationship between mortals and Gods. Do you know what We do to mortals, little piggy?" She leaned in and whispered in his ear. "We **** you."

Josh immediately believed her to the core of his being. She was a Goddess. She was omnipotent. She could do whatever she wanted to him, and no **** in the Universe would save him. His dick grew painfully hard.

She brushed her fingertips against his chest and he was launched across the room to slam painfully down on the couch. With another flick of her fingers, Lisa telekenetically ripped his clothes off, leaving him naked and exposed. With a final flick, she washed away how he'd messed himself like the cowardly ape he was, along with all of his body hair.

Her hip cocked, her smile malicious, Lisa regarded her boyfriend's inferior body and his inferior cock. "I can't believe I was once excited to see this. I swear, your dick got smaller when I wasn't looking, didn't it?"

Indeed it had. Tiny, trembling, turgid and painful, Josh's dick wasn't exactly a selling point at the moment. He flushed deeply with irrational, divinely-**** shame.

Lisa unzipped the front of her tight jeans and slid down her panties. Out came her enormous shlong. She had to use her hand to help it unfurl--well, did not have to, but it was fun to do it by hand, to contrast how small and dainty her fingers were with how enormous and intimidating her cock was. How impossible it was to believe it had fit inside those tight pants. When Lisa's cock finished readying itself, it was like an iron bar the dimensions of her forearm, standing firmly at an angle.

"Mine's bigger."

Josh screamed and tried to run. Chains exploded out from under the couch cushions and locked themselves to manacles that appeared around his wrists and a collar that popped into existence around his throat. They clanked and rattled as they pulled him back onto the couch and drew taught, his arms spread wide, his neck pinned back.

More chains hoisted his legs up and out, spreading him and pulling his body into a tight, uncomfortable contortion against the couch. A tight uncomfortable contortion that put his body at an ideal angle for fucking.

While this was happening Lisa had slithered out of her tight clothing and daintily folded everything and set it to the side. Then she popped a bottle of magic lube out of thin air and squirted a generous portion onto her enormous dick.

"This is Dark Goddess Lube," she explained as she lovingly spread it down her dong. "To me, it feels like satin, like an oiled lover. To you, it's gonna feel like habaneros and sandpaper. Enjoy."

And with that, she shoved her dick in his ass. Probingly at first, and then with a few short, brutal thrusts. Josh bucked and screamed in futility into the ball gag that appeared in his mouth. He looked down helplessly at the grotesque distending of his gut as she penetrated him over and over again. Lisa groaned in pleasure as she psychically fed off his pain and horror. Her soul sang with joy at the pure, unburdened freedom of cruel impunity.

With her rhythm established, she let her telekenesis carry the pumping action forward, freeing up her hands to play with his dick. Play with it as in, pull, twist, squeeze, smash. She filled her hand with his scrotum, twisted and squeezed until she felt his testicles break one after the other. His muffled screaming with up another octave and he bucked and thrashed against his agony. Wrapping his dick twice around her hand, she pulled and stretched it like a rubber band, giving it a twang and laughing at the sound. Finally she let him snap loose and tied his flaccid, ruined penis into a fancy bow.

He began thrashing around, **** to escape her torment, but the chains she had magically bound him with held firm. The sight of the boy she had never really loved, had mainly tolerated because she was lonely and wanted to feel powerful, before she knew what real power was, the sight of that boy broken and helpless and impaled on her cock while his own ruined junk was a rubbery ruin beneath her hands, it was all too much for her and she came.

Lisa came like a **** of nature, like the Goddess she was. A bulge **** its way up his throat and after a moment of his cheeks bulging obscenely around the ball-gag she'd **** into his mouth, exploded out of his lips in a geyser of jizz. Again and again the geyser blew, splattering Josh, the couch, the ceiling, the floor.

Coughing and retching, Josh slid off her softening dick as the chains released him and retracted into the nowhere from where they came.

Lisa's clothing reformed around her, and she smirked at her broken mortal ex-boyfriend as he cowered naked and covered in her cum.

"How'd you like getting ****?" she asked him, hands on her hips. "I can do it again, you know. Whenever I want. Nobody who can stop me will."

Josh clutched at his ruined cock and balls. His dick was still tied in a knot. "Please, don't leave me like this."

But Lisa was filming him on her phone and laughing. "You're going to be a star, baby!" She slid the phone back into her jacket, and with a last sneering grin she left him there, a broken husk of a human being. She would never be punished for her crime, and she understood that now. She was completely above and beyond all concepts of human law or morality. She was something new. Something pure.

Being a GodBitch was great.

Who to fuck next?

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