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Chapter 2

What's next?

Breast Envy - Veronica & Jane

Jane Fuller is a cop. It has been something she has always wanted to be ever since she was a little girl and she saw her great grandfather's portrait on the wall at the police station. She will never forget why she was there, her father was killed during a drive by shooting while opening a new store down on the far East Side and her mother was called in to the station to provide any information that could be used in the investigation.

Little Jane was scared, sad and upset. Why would anyone want to kill her Daddy? He had just built her a beautiful little playhouse in their backyard over the weekend and Monday morning he was dead. "Mommy, why did those bad men kill Daddy? Didn't they know he had a family and loved us?" Jane looked up to her mother with tears rolling down her cheeks.

'I... Do not know sweetie. Bad men do bad things." Her Mother looked down at her little angel, trying very hard not to cry, but her own determination couldn't hide her own feelings.

Looking at her mother trying so hard to keep her emotions in check was hurtful to Jane but at the same time she admired her mother's strength. "It's NOT FAIR!" Jane explodes in a flurry of emotions that was enough for both of them. "Those bad men need to pay! They had no right!"

Bursting into tears of her own, Jane's Mother dropped to her knee and embraced her daughter tightly, tears streaming down her face as the pressure finally broke through the coffer dams to her heart like Hurricane Katrina would do to New Orleans years later. " You are so right Janey! They DO deserve to pay!" Jane's Mom exclaimed and after a few minutes of holding her daughter and crying on each other's shoulders in grief. she pushed her little girl to arm's reach and looked her straight in the eye. "They will be caught and we are here to help. Anything may help sweetheart..."

"Mrs. Fuller?" A gentle looking man wearing a suit stepped out of a door a few feet away. "We are ready to speak to you."

"Okay," Jane's Mother looked up at him with a weak smile. "Janey, can you sit here and wait for Mommy while I speak to Detective Archer?" Watching her daughter nod, Mrs. Fuller stood up and ran her hands down her skirt nervously before walking away. "Be a good girl for me, okay?"

"Okay." Jane said turning around and watching her mother as she walked into the office.

"Don't worry, we will find him." The Detective said with a reassuring, confident smile before pulling the door shut behind him.

Jane would never forget the shiny gold badge attached to his hip. For that brief moment he looked like Superman and when she sat down on the small wooden bench in the hallway to wait, she was confident the men who killed her Daddy would be caught and locked away for years. Like all seven year old girls however, boredom soon kicked in and little Jane could not sit still. Try as she may, her feet not yet long enough to touch the floor, couldn't stop herself from fidgeting. It was barely five minutes and she was off to explore. Wandering the police station, most of the police officer's were busy with cases of their own or kicking back with one another laughing. Jane was not impressed with those officer's and wondered why everyone was not working to find out who killed her beloved father! It was a small town after all and ****'s do not happen often right? It was when she was wondering the halls that she found a small alcove of pictures. Intricately framed, the Hall of Heroes was dedicated to every police chief and officer's who accomplished noteworthy deeds. Seeing these faces made Jane smile but when she ran into one portrait in particular, she stopped and her jaw dropped.

"JANE! Oh my god, there you are! I told you not to run off, You scared me!" Jane's Mother cried when she cam running down the short hallway, her heels clacking hard, with Detective Archer in hot pursuit.

Hearing her mother, Jane was still mesmerized. She knew she had done wrong but was to in shock to care. "Mommy... Is that Grandpa Jake?"

Skidding to a halt, Mrs. Fuller looked to where her daughter was pointing, the alarm in her face still stretching her face, when she diverted her gaze from her daughter to the portrait on the wall. "Uh... Yes it is, Grandpa Jake was Chief of Police a long time ago..." Her reply drew from her lips as a it relaxed, her heart still pounding in her chest.

Turning to face her mother, Jane simply looked up at her and smiled. "I want to be a police person when I grow up."

Fast forward nineteen years and now she was. Enrolling in police academy right after graduation, Jane was walking beats and busting pretty criminals, saving kittens and writing parking tickets. It sis not matter what she was doing, Jane did her job with no complaints and very little criticism. She was as passionate today as she was back then, and it was barely two years later that Jane made detective on her first opportunity. She aced her testing, she earned the respect of her peers through hard work and determination.

Sounds pretty cool right? Well that's how Jane saw it. Every task was a chance to get noticed. Reality though was that Jane was only one of three female officer's and her male sergeants and lieutenants kept assigning her minuscule cases and beats. They simply were not impressed with her. Jane was average, no taller than five foot seven and nothing to write home about. In fact all of the female officers were physically inferior and mousy looking. The other two were overweight meter maids and Plain Jane was the best looking of the bunch. Now the question begs to be asked, how did Jane get promoted to detective so early in her career? Thank the Mayor's Initiative and the Federal Government. Yep, you guessed it, while Jane earned her spot, it was only given to her because of some lawmaker who made the current Chief put a woman on the Detective Rolls.

Jane never knew the truth. The stares of "Admiration" were in fact impassioned smirks for the lithe Detective with a flat chest and lanky build. She may have been smart but she was no looker and while Jane thought herself a powerful and successful woman who dreamed of being Chief someday, she was in fact quiet and kept mostly to herself. She never made time to get to know her fellow officer's and that made her seem aloof and distant.

Things changed when Veronica arrived six months later. She was the polar opposite of hard working, nose to the grind Jane. She was built like a brick house, a former softball, basketball and volley ball star for the local High School across town. Not only that but Veronica came from the influential Cunningham family, a little detail that Jane resented immediately when the "Rookie" was going to be her new partner.

This was absurd! This "Veronica" had just graduated Police Academy and she was being made a detective? Why wasn't she writing paring tickets and directing traffic? Why wasn't she working the beat and earning her stripes like the rest of us? Bull shit is what it was according to Jane, but the men seemingly didn't care. Veronica was top of her class. She aced the test while still in the Academy. She was able to beat up the boys and was a crack shot. Perfect for the newest program the Chief implemented to get his department on the "Cutting Edge" or so he loved to boast about only a week ago. When Veronica walked in on her first day, Jane's jaw dropped...

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