Baywatch - Devil's Beach

Baywatch - Devil's Beach

Dark and devilish erotic fun featuring Baywatch lifeguard Caroline Holden (Yasmine Bleeth)

Chapter 1 by exxxidor456 exxxidor456

(Author's note - This one might be a bit niche! But with a new Baywatch film out there, I was reminded of the original TV show, and how amazingly hot Yasmine Bleeth was in it as Caroline Holden - see photo. So I thought it might be nice to combine that with a bit of erotic horror. Feel free to add chapters!)

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Caroline Holden had had a good day. As a Baywatch lifeguard, she often saved lives, but today she’d made a particularly good rescue. She’d pulled an attempted suicide from the water. The poor deranged soul had fought her as she’d made the rescue, but she’d kept her head and managed to pull him back to the shore and out of the water. He’d seemed dejected, even resentful at her as the emergency services had taken him away to get the help he needed. She felt good about making an important difference in the poor fool’s life.

She was closing up her tower for the day. Her luscious curves were still tightly sheathed in the red swimsuit that flattered her bountiful figure so well. She knew that lots of male eyes followed her as she worked the beach, and it made her feel good.

She looked forward to getting back to Baywatch HQ so she could shower and change, then spend a nice lazy night at home in her apartment. Looking out from the tower window, the beach was almost empty now. Only a few distant figures walking along the twilit beach. As she locked the tower, she turned and gasped. Several robed figures stood at the foot of her ramp. She was about to challenge them when she felt a presence at her back. She hissed as she felt a sharp pain in her broad left buttock.

Firm hands gripped her arms and a sinister voice spoke in her ear. “You took our sacrifice from us, little one. You must repay us, and our Dark Master. You must join us…”

Caroline was about to struggle but a wave of **** wooziness swept over her as whatever had been injected into her luscious ass took effect. Blurrily she saw the robed figures advance up the ramp towards her as she sank into the deep waters of unconsciousness.

She woke to the sound of low chanting, and her eyes slowly became accustomed to her surroundings. She was in a large room, lit by flaming braziers. Robed figures surrounded her in a circle and they swayed back and forth rhythmically as they chanted in some sort of language she didn’t understand. Latin, maybe? She was lying on the floor and could see that she was in the center of some sort of design, painted onto the hard concrete. It was hard to tell from her low angle, but it looked like a pentagram.

She tried to rise to her feet then noticed she had iron manacles round her wrists and ankles. These were connected to shiny chains which were fastened to brackets on the floor. She was still wearing her figure-hugging red swimsuit. She made an incongruous sight – a Baywatch lifeguard in the middle of a Satanist ceremony!

Still groggy from the **** she’d been injected with, she managed to get to her feet, and found that there was just enough slack in the chains to let her stand. Shaking her head in an attempt to clear it, she summoned her indignation at this outrageous treatment, and shouted at the assembled group. “You have to let me go right now! What the hell are you people doing?”

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Again, she heard that sinister voice from the darkness beyond the ring of blazing braziers. “Hell is right, my lovely. We worship the Fallen Angel. And soon you will embrace his Dark Majesty too.”

“What? Never!”

A tall robed figure emerged into the light. All she could see of the face under the hood was a cruel but handsome jaw, with a sleek goatee beard. The dark figure, clearly some sort of High Priest, sneered at her.

“You prevented one of my Acolytes from offering himself to the Dark One. He had been properly anointed and his soul was prepared. He tried to give himself to the dark embrace of the ocean, but you prevented him. Our Lord will not be denied, so you must give him something in return.”

Caroline struggled against the chains but they held firm. She began to panic as the High Priest continued to advance slowly towards her.

“Look, if you just let me go, I’ll forget all about this!”

“Oh, I don’t think you’ll forget this night, my sweet. We will teach you to revel in the delights of evil and perversity. There is no turning back now.” So saying, he snapped his fingers and two of the robed figures leaped to their feet and rushed forward, taking hold of Caroline and holding her fast. A third approached with a bowl held in both hands. Thick steam or smoke rose from the bowl, and the figure moved in front of Caroline. The curvaceous lifeguard could now see that this figure was female, and she could see a nose ring and several piercings glinting under the hood in the light from the fires.

The pierced Acolyte smiled wickedly as she raised the bowl so that it was just below Caroline’s face. The sweet, pungent smoke billowed up and filled her mouth and nostrils. The two figures to either side held her face in place so she couldn’t pull away from the vapor.

The High Priest stood just behind the female Acolyte and spoke to her in commanding tones. “Breathe, my sweet. Breeeeathe…”

As a trained lifeguard, Caroline Holden could hold her breath for quite a while, but eventually she had to gasp for air or pass out. Her body betrayed her and she gulped in a heady draft of the cloying vapor. The powerful narcotic the vapor contained flooded into her lungs and in seconds, its potent effects began to take hold of her mind and body…

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