His Son's Friends

His Son's Friends

A middle-aged father's fantasy of teenaged girls

Chapter 1 by Torg Torg

Jack stood in the kitchen looking out the window into the back yard. It was a warm day in July, the summer sun hot overhead. His son, Brad, was enjoying his summer after his senior year in high school before he got ready for college. He watched his boy entertaining three girls from his class; they were all beautiful, barely clothed in the hot weather, and eighteen. Brad always had girls around, though only a few ever dated him.

Jack was in his mid-forties, but looked much younger, maybe late twenties or early thirties. He often got carded for buying **** or cigarettes. He was wearing a white t-shirt with fantastical M.C. Escher drawings on it, a pair of walking shorts, and sandals. His long brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail. He had grown his hair out in his late thirties after his divorce. A former girlfriend had suggested it, being a fan of longhaired rocker boys.

As he stared at the girls in the yard from the safety of the kitchen, he felt his cock stir. There was Tammy, a tall thin blonde with legs that never ended and nice tits that stood out on her slim frame. She was wearing a white crop top with four buttons in front and the skimpiest white sprayed-on short shorts Jack had ever seen; both contrasted nicely with her lightly tanned skin. She wore her yellow hair in a short ponytail. He could just barely see her black bra peeking out from the crop top, both revealing generous amounts of her medium-sized breasts. Her hips were narrow, made for fucking, not childbearing. She had a lovely face with high cheekbones and a cute little mouth. He imagined her kneeling in front of him with her lips wrapped around his cock.

There was Marsha, a short brown-skinned girl, probably Hispanic or Middle Eastern; it was hard to tell. She was a voluptuous girl, all hips and breasts and curves. Her face was round like the rest of her body, round cheeks, round eyes and full lips. She had long dark brown hair flowing loosely around her shoulders. Marsha was wearing a red scoop-necked shirt that was stretched by her large boobs; he couldn't tell if she wore a bra on those tits. Her black skirt came halfway down her dark thighs, holding tight to her big beautiful ass. Her shirt stopped just short of the skirt, revealing a strip of rounded brown belly. He imagined her on all fours with her skirt flipped up and his stiff cock thrusting in and out of her dark snatch between her deliciously brown ass cheeks.

Then there was Sam, most likely short for Samantha. She was wearing black chinos and a black bikini top, sharply contrasting her milky-white complexion. This girl had short, bright red hair, dyed for sure, and several body piercings: eyebrow, nose ring, tongue barbell, belly button, and more rings and studs in her ears than Jack could count. He had also seen intriguing lumps through her bikini on the tops of her small breasts, possibly nipple piercings of some sort. Jack wondered if she might be pierced down below. Her face also matched her body, all sharp angles. He fantasized about going down on her and playing with the clit ring he guessed might be there.

Jack saw Brad get up from the lawn chair and head toward the house. He quickly started putting dishes into the dishwasher, not wanting to be caught ogling Brad's friends.

"Hey, Dad. I'm going to the mall for a couple hours to buy some shoes. Is it OK if the girls stay here until I get back?" Brad asked.

"Sure, no problem. Just put gas in the car, please. There was only a quarter tank left after you borrowed it Saturday night," Jack replied.

"OK. See ya later." Brad grabbed the car keys off the key rack and headed out to the garage, waving at the girls along the way. In a couple minutes, he backed out and drove down the alley.

Jack thought that now was the perfect chance to see if any of these girls were interested in fulfilling his fantasies.

(Author's Note: I've started a tip jar over at Ko-Fi. Drop-in and say hi!)

What does Jack want to do with whom?

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