A New Visitor

A gifted and perfect being lands on earth with the goal of scouting the planet

Chapter 1 by RomanticJock RomanticJock

In a galaxy far far away live the people of a great planet known as Zunia. Zunia has most of the similar qualities of Earth: it is a spherical planet with two poles, rotates on its axis, has 4 seasons, and revolves around its sun.

The planet is made up of 3 main states; each having it's own landmass. The three states are known as Omela, Erera, and Agaen. Each of these states has a distinct special power that every citizen must possess. However, the overarching government known as “The Tri-Powers” rules the three states, but most people just call them the Tri. The Tri-Powers are run by a Triarchy, or a government run by three equal decision makers. These three decision makers are each voted in every 4 years from their respected country, so each country has equal say in the decisions of the government.

Every child at the age of 12 must be taken to the center of the states, where each state touches, known as "The Core". The Core is where the Tri headquarters are located, and is the world capitol. At 12, the powers exhibited by each citizen become noticeable, and they then must be sent off to the correct state, to live with the others who also share the same power. The power of each state is,

Omelian's have the power of mind control. They have the ability to change any thought or anyone to do what they please. In the past Omelia was an anarchic state, which had very little control over its people. But with the invention of the new -Band, Omelia has become a state filled with prosperity and happiness. (The -Band was an invention by the greatest minds of each state to limit the abilities of each power when worn by the citizen)

Ererian’s have the power of time; they can stop, go back, or go forward through time however they please. Ererian’s are a very peaceful people, always making sure that their actions are deemed correct by others, and if they mess up, they always seem to go back to fix whatever situation they caused.

Agaean’s have the power to transform anything into whatever they please, even able to change their or others body types into whatever they want. This has led to the Agaen people being physically flawless, and their state looking equally flawless.

Everything seemed perfect for the people on the planet Zunia. Or so they thought…

What is wrong?

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