sexual inhibition removal chip

Chapter 1 by jakelyon jakelyon

"You invented a what?" Dr. Fredrick Jamison asked.

Dr. Jerry Daniels answered with satisfaction, "A sexual inhibition removal chip. It removes sexual inhibitions from humans. When it is activated on a person they become very susceptible to sexual suggestions. The SIRC will revolutionize sexual therapy, and allow people to be cured of all sorts of sexual problems. No longer will ****, and rapists be incurable, with treatment with the SIRC we can take a person's sexual desires back to base and reprogram them. It would even be possible to change a person's sexual orientation, or remove sexual inhibitions that interfere with a person's enjoyment of sex."

Fred continued to question his friend Jerry, "But how do you deliver the programming. How did you get past the need to do brain surgery to implant the chip?"

"We deliver the programming though a sophisticated light sequencing pattern through this device," Jerry held up a device no larger than a pen light. "In about 30 seconds you can deliver basic programming that will allow for more complicated stuff to be overlaid later. The light pattern goes right to the brain stem and overrides existing programming. Right now I have loaded four basic settings, 1--Remove inhibitions, 2--Increase Sexual Desire, 3--Change Sexual Orientation, 4--Follow Suggestions. Just this morning I used the device to cure a pedophile. The man claimed to have normal sexual desire when he left, of course it will take a follow up and testing to make sure that he does not revert to his previous sexual pattern, but still an amazing breath through.

Fred was thinking to himself also and said, "Yeah, but you could have some real fun with it too. Imagine how you could get any woman that you wanted to fuck you, no questions asked."

Jerry cut him off speaking in an angry tone, "It must never be used like that!! The danger to the world is too great. It would make people not trust the basic social contract. It would be ****!" He finished emphatically.

"Whoa", Fred answered. I just thought it might be fun, I am not looking to fuck up the world."

"As long as we are clear on that we can continue. I need your help with some of the technical documentation so I can present the device at the forum next month." Jerry continued.

Jerry spent the rest of the day going through how the device worked, and what Fred needed to do to get the presentation ready.

Jerry went home at 5 as he always did, and Fred stayed late to "finish his work", but he had other things on his mind. He decided use the SIRC and give it some field tests. He was most interested in what he could do with it, or more importantly what he could get other people to do after he used it on them.

What does Fred do first?

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