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Chapter 2 by Electricbull8i Electricbull8i

What happens next?

R.E.D Operation: Reward

Some time after the first week of school where they accomplished stripping Renee for a state wide broadcast, nationwide television, the whole school, a softball game, and her whole church congregation and the livestream viewer. As well as getting a family friend of the Beaucorps to bug Renee's room, who also began the process of systematically sabotaging Renee's wardrobe. The Inner Circle of R.E.D sat together at lunch to brainstorm ideas on how to further humiliate the **** Redhead as the internet had caught on to calling her.

In it came up the promise of a reward to Melvin after he'd sent them the video of her skirt top being torn off by Ms. Cribble. As well as the multiple things he'd helped with during that week. Hacking all the major news networks, bugging the principal's office, bugging Renee's room and bathroom. All while running the R.E.D website letting him have access to all the photos and footage. So giving more content wasn't going to work.

"Does he have any classes with her?" Tracy asked.

"The three of us share P.E together. As well as Tim and Jacob" Elizabeth answered.

"Don't we already have a couple of her P.E uniforms sabotaged? What if we set it off in there with them?" Tracy offered.

"And how is that supposed to reward Melvin? He's already seen her naked in person while in the crowd after we tied her to the flagpole. Plus he's got personal access to her daily shower streams now. I don't think that'd be much of a reward" Erica pointed out.

"So what? He should be grateful for the opportunity anyway. Otherwise I'd doubt he'd see a naked woman in person ever. Nevermind someone as annoyingly gorgeous as Red" Tracy said.

"Be that as it may, no matter the cause it's best to keep the foot soldiers happy or at least give them reasons to stay loyal. Especially in the risky situation we're in, and how useful and dangerous a worker like Melvin is" Erica explained.

"Pfft how dangerous could a runt like that be?" Tracy laughed.

Rolling her eyes Erica explained "for one he's a master hacker who can get past the security of multiple billion dollar News organizations. Secondly, he has access to all the proof he would need to expose us to the authorities as the ones who planned and caused Renee's humiliation. On multiple accounts. And with a bit more courage, even without the police he'd be able to take us down. Whether that be by reversing our game on us, if he decided that just seeing Renee wasn't enough. Or just by leveraging the dirt on us to take over the whole operation. I don't know about you but I'd rather not become that nerds bitch and probably be **** to pop his cherry and a list of other things he could think of using the threat of jail."

Wide eyed Tracy gulped, having not considered what would happen if one of their members went rogue. Especially not one as weak willed and easy to push around as Melvin. "Keep the nerd happy, got it?" she replied.

"That's close, but not my entire point" Erica clarified. Then seeing Tracy raise an eyebrow she continued "the point is to keep him under control. Keeping him happy with rewards and opportunities is just one way to do that. Lucky for us Melvin is easy to please and doesn't seem to be very ambitious or crafty. Anyway back to how we reward our hard working nerd?"

The group went silent for a moment. Tracy was unable to focus on the task as she took awhile to absorb what Erica said.

During which a thought crossed Elizabeth's mind. "Hey haven't you two noticed she's a bit of a clean freak?"

"What do you mean?" Erica asked.

"Well with all the footage we've collected after bugging her shower and room, I noticed that she showers both in the morning and when she gets home most days. Then there's how tidy she keeps her room, closet, and even her lockers" Elizabeth pointed out.

"So what? Sure she takes two showers a day. What does that have to do with the plan at hand?" Tracy questioned.

"Well it's not just at home. Erica do you remember her habit of showering both before and after everyone of our Hockey games?" Elizabeth brought up.

"Yeah she was always weird about it too. Like she couldn't do so with anyone in the locker room. So she arrived super early and stayed after everyone had finished up. And God forbid someone show up halfway through, making her immediately shut the water off and get dressed. Making sure not an inch between her shoulders or thighs were ever seen" Erica recalled.

"Yeah! And apparently it's not just for sports. She does the same either before or after P.E. Even getting special permission from the coach and the teacher from her next period to be late" Elizabeth said.

"Little Miss privileged pfft" Tracy spat annoyed at the favoritism the staff showed Renee.

"I don't like her either, but to be fair they'd probably do the same for you if you were a star student, athlete, and member of the student council three years in a row" Erica said objectively assessing Renee's standing in school. Despite being just as jealous and perturbed as Tracy.

"And a professional brown noser. Seriously you'd think she'd have sucked off all the male teachers with how they baby her. Don't know how she did the same with the female staff" Tracy said while half playing with the mystery slop the school served for lunch today.

"Anyway I think I know what Elizabeth was getting at. And not only can we reward Melvin but Tim and Jacob too. Who have been tirelessly replacing Renee's clothes" Erica said with her devious smile. Not only thinking about the plan at hand but all the fun replacement to Renee's wardrobe she couldn't wait to set off. Remembering how impressed she was at the multiple ways Tim and Jacob either modified Renee's existing outfits, or even entirely replaced them with look-alikes.

Elizabeth hearing this also smiled as she added "not just Tim, Jacob and Melvin. I happen to know that a certain male sports team uses the locker room right after their class. Hehe" she ended with a giggle.

Tracy finally catching on also got a wicked grin, asking "well? How we doin this?"

What's next?

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