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Chapter 2 by RetrospectiveInsomnia RetrospectiveInsomnia

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Chapter 2

Mary Simons

There was a common saying within the Free Use program that the first week was always the hardest. Most of the participants interviewed about it afterwards tended to say more or less the same thing. In this case though, most people didn’t always mean everyone and thus for a certain Mary Simons, a convict in her third month in, she couldn’t quite bring herself to agree. Not that her first week hadn’t been hard as she lay there in bed with her pussy soaked through hands clenched above the sheets, but even as the second and third week arrived and the novelty had started to wear off, it was as if the difficulties of the program never once changed.

In short, she needed to cum, and she needed to do so now. Every day that she woke up, she was greeted with the same thing. An emptiness between her legs accompanied by a stiffness around her nipples and her clit, and the frustration wasn’t made any better by the rough fabric of her underwear as they rubbed up against her all day. Morning, afternoon, on the weekends and even at night when she was trying to sleep, by the time her second court mandated hearing came around, she was already trying everything she could think of to distract herself short of going insane. Yoga, tennis, meditation, sports, out of desperation she had even gone so far as to see a therapist about the entire thing whose only unhelpful answer was that it was all in her head. As if the root cause of her malaise was her attitude towards life instead of the fact that there was an orgasm suppressing ring currently secured around the base of her clit.

As such, it wasn’t exactly accurate to say that the first week was the hardest. Rather, it was more appropriate to say that every week was. Every last one of the three hundred and sixty-five days that she had to get through with her orgasms locked away and her pussy aching for relief. And standing in the middle of the bus as it trundled along at a mere thirty miles per hour down the rough city streets, stopping at every other corner to let more and more passengers in, it wasn’t too far off the mark to also say that she was far from enjoying her morning routine.

“Give me one margarita, I'ma open my legs…”

“Give me two margaritas, I'ma give you some head…”

“Give me three margaritas…”

Mary sighed.

Besides her, the headphones of one of the passengers continued to leak, spreading his questionable taste of music for everyone to hear. Having to ride a bus was the worst. Almost akin to being skinned alive in a pool of hydrochloric acid. And on top of that, the prospect of having to use public transportation wasn’t that much improved by the bright red choker the judge had ordered her to wear around her neck. She tugged absentmindedly at it, regretting for the thousandth time the fact that her license was suspended. It was only a natural consequence of her punishment though for being above the legal intoxication limit while driving home after a late night out with her friends. She really should have listened to their advice and called a cab. Even if it meant that her account would have gone into the negative, having to pay a simple overdraft fee was a piece of cake compared to having to deal with this.

Quietly, she bit down on her lips. Across from her and on the other side the situation was just as bad. A man, overweight and older than her by ten years, leered up at her as she desperately looked around for an open seat. She didn’t need to be a genius to know what he was thinking. A giant neon pink “Fuck Me” sign hanging above her head, and unless she felt like serving out the rest of her sentence in prison, the only thing she could do was to smile and politely say yes.

“Give me four margaritas…”

Hopefully though, it won’t come to that. If her luck could hold out that is. Which was looking more and more like it wouldn’t be the case today as the bus stopped at the next corner again and the doors split open with a hiss. More passengers climbed onboard into the already crowded interior and pushing and shoving past one another, they clamored towards the front for their tickets. Fighting against the crowd, she winced as she unceremoniously caught an elbow to the face. Oh, the humiliation of being **** to stand here among strangers she would normally never associate herself with. She was just trying to get back home after a long day of work. What did she ever do to anyone to deserve having to go through this?

Then, a moment later, almost as if the devil himself had heard, the situation wasn’t made any better as an especially strong surge caused her to stumble backwards and into the arms of the man who had been eyeing her up ever since. Well, so much for staying out of the way. Sometimes, she thought miserably, the goddess of Fortune must really have it out for her. It was probably something to do with the fact that the old hag had to be at least several thousand years old by now while she could still pass for barely a day over eighteen.

“Well now,” he said, “Is that a Free Use collar around your neck, or are you just happy to see me?”

He smiled, and she cringed as she tried to ignore the way his hands slid over her waist. The feeling wasn’t helped at all by the sudden touch of something hard pressing up against her rear.

“Please, sir,” she tried weakly, “I don’t want any trouble.”

The man only smiled again though, as if she had just said something particularly amusing.

“Right you are, lass,” he said, fingering the collar around her neck, “Which explains why you just so happen to be wearing such a lovely little thing. As a joke perhaps? Or do you really not know what it means?”

Lingering for just a little bit longer, his hands reached up to cup her breasts as she bit down on her lips. It was obvious what he wanted, but surely he couldn’t mean right now, here of all places. They were standing in the middle of a moving bus for goodness sake. There had to at least be a limit to such things, even if her status as a criminal reduced her to less than a citizen.

Another squeeze against her breasts however, and Mary let out a sigh of defeat. As much as her mind was screaming at her to run away, it wasn’t as if there was much she could do about it and so after another short moment of him pawing at her chest, she did her best to keep her voice from shaking as he reached down towards her waist. Hopefully if they were quick about it the other passengers wouldn’t also notice and join in. His hands slipped underneath her shirt, and she tried not to move too much as his fingers trailed over the sensitive skin of her stomach.

“Well,” said the man, “I’m waiting.”

“I-…,” she said, “Alright, I understand. It’s just-… we can get off at the next stop to go somewhere more private and-…”

Her voice faltered as she tried to think of something else to say. If she could just get him to hold off for another few minutes, then they might be able to find a bathroom somewhere to sneak in, and then…

Well, she tried not to think about it too much before it actually happened. It felt wrong, but at least then she wouldn’t have to deal with the embarrassment of having to do it out in public. Or even worse, run the risk of having someone record it for the entire internet to see.

As how it usually went in these situations though, the man seemed to have other ideas.

“And what?” he said, laughing at her again, “So you can sneak away? I’m hurt, you know.”

“But there’s people here,” said Mary desperately.

“And there’ll be people at the next stop as well,” said the man, “Besides, it’s not like it’s your job to do anything else except agree.”

His hands moved up even further underneath her shirt, his fingers rubbing over the sensitive ends of her nipples, and she tried not to clench down too much against the dull spark of heat. It felt awful, a wet ache between her legs as the two points stood up on end, but despite how much she wanted to resist, she knew it was pointless. Already, people were starting to turn their heads and unless she wanted to cause a scene and end up being arrested again for resisting, she didn’t really have any other option but to accept the current situation. Shivering, she tried not to think too hard about the possibility of being reported. The only thing worse than having her orgasms locked away for an entire year was to have her sentence extended again for double the length.

Taking in a deep breath, she **** herself to relax as the man reached down with his other hand to trace over the soft outline of her most intimate place between her legs. Tap, tap, tap, his fingers went, and she jumped as he found her clit.

“I’m sorry, sir,” she mumbled, “I apologize for my insolence. Mary Simons, Free Use Girl 395824. Under section 5 of the Free Use Act, I submit to you my mouth, pussy, and ass.”

The man smiled even further as she squirmed again underneath the rising frustration. Both from the arousal that was already starting to rise up and her inability to do anything about it.

“Eric Davis,” he said mockingly, “Under section 5 of the Free Use Act, I claim your pussy as mine to use as I see fit.”

There was only one thing left to do after that. Reaching down with a smile, he lifted the back of her skirt before pulling down her panties. At least he had picked the least worst out of the three. She had never really liked anal much before, and she really didn’t want to go through the rest of her day with the back of her throat tasting like semen. As such, it was only with the slightest amount of relief that she felt the tip of his member poking up against the entrance of her labia and her pussy. Leaning forward to brace herself against the walls of the bus, she winced as he slid all the way in.


Instantly, Mary moaned as she grit her teeth. Inch by inch, she felt his member scrape past her walls until it was buried all the way inside her up to the base. It hurt a little, but the rough friction was made a little more bearable by the fact that she was more or less constantly dripping wet nowadays from the lack of relief. The man paused, the very tip of his dick pressed up against her cervix, and she felt himself clench down against the intrusion.

“God you’re tight,” he said, “Feels like you’re going to rip it right off if I move the wrong way.”

He slammed into her again, and she blushed from the shame. What was she even supposed to say in response to that? It wasn’t as if she had a whole lot of control over how her body reacted under the restrictions of the program. Already, it had been just a little over three months now since she had last been able to find release, three months of cold showers in the morning and sleeping with her hands clenched above the sheets, and even just from something as simple as having her pussy filled up it felt like she was already on the edge.

Slap… slap… slap…

The frustration wasn’t made any better as the man began to pick up speed, and she groaned as the rough feeling of his member pushed her up to the very brink of a climax just out of reach. One that seemed to tug at the at the orgasm suppressing ring wrapped around her clit. And even as she thrust her hips backwards and he scraped over her g-spot with the very tip of his glans, the emptiness only seemed to increase all the more regardless of how hard she tried not to clench. She groaned in frustration at the feeling. The last time she was able to experience anything even remotely close to being satisfied felt like a lifetime away. So long ago that she could hardly even remember it.

The memory rose unbidden into the back of her mind. A sudden tightness of her walls, the tantalizing pleasure of her fingers against her slit, and then at the very precipice of madness, the intoxicating rush of pleasure as she tipped over the edge…

“Yeah, take it,” he said, “Take it like the slut you are.”

Mary panted, the sound of their hips slapping together echoing out throughout the bus. She tried not to blush against the embarrassment of being seen. At least it would be over soon. Despite his aggressive attitude, the man was getting close now and she could feel it. Down below, her walls fluttered desperately around the thick iron bar of his shaft. Over and over it plunged into her pussy, hammering deep against the sensitive organ of her g-spot and her cervix. Then, one last pump into her, and she felt the sudden presence of something hot and wet. Looking back over her shoulders, she watched as the man placed both his hands on her hips, pulling her tight against his groin as he emptied himself into her with bliss.

One second, two seconds, three…

The pressure grew even higher, and she groaned as she waited for it to end. Her clit felt like it was on fire, burning with the frustration of her need, and it took her every inch of willpower not to reach down between her legs. Both because she didn’t want to lose her balance and because she knew it would do nothing for the emptiness inside her despite the heaviness of the load that was currently being pumped into her body. Then, bit by bit, as the flow of semen finally stopped at ten seconds past when it first started, she found herself stumbling forward as the man pushed her away without so much a farewell kiss.

“Oh!” she cried.

It was finally over at last. Shivering, she winced at the aftermath of the fucking. Against the absence of anything for her pussy to clamp down upon, the sudden emptiness almost felt like a blow to the head. Gradually, however, as the world came back to her, she watched as the man pulled a tissue from out of his pocket to clean himself up before returning to his seat. No such luck for her. Her pussy clenched one last time, and with her face still burning bright red, she was left with the awkward task of trying to pull her panties back up her legs. Somewhere behind her, an older woman coughed and shot her a rude glare. Aside from that though, the rest of the passengers stayed silent, preferring to mind their own business rather than get tangled up in the affair.

Well, she thought miserably, that was only to be expected. She was a criminal after all, and this was just another way for her to learn her lesson as part of her rehabilitation. Slowly, she smoothed her skirt back down again, wincing at the stickiness of the fluids leaking out of her pussy and into the fabric that covered it. She would have to find something clean to get changed into after she arrived back at her apartment.

A few minutes later, the bus pulled up to her stop. Mary sighed as she slowly got off. The man didn’t even bother to look at her as she left, his face buried in his phone again as if none of it had ever happened. At least it was over now, even as her pussy ached with the aftermath of the fucking. Slowly, one step at a time, she thought silently, and maybe it would all be over before she even knew it. Only that as she felt another trickle of semen flow down the inside of her legs, it was only through a conscious choice of effort that she managed to stop her walls from squeezing down against the frustration.

The longer she could hold it in, the easier the cleanup would be. Her nipples poked up through her shirt, still rock hard from their earlier treatment, and she winced at the feeling. Letting out a sigh, she tried not to think too hard about the number of days she had left until her sentence was finally over.

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