Horse breeding

Horse breeding

He wants to buy horses but meets willing mares

Chapter 1 by Prinz_Heinrich Prinz_Heinrich

Here's another of my older works that I've re-edited to be published on CHYOA.

What can the reader expect from this story?

I chose the "Cheating Spouses" category because the main part consists of the stud farm owner's wife's erotic adventure with a horse trader. An underlying theme is delayed or denied orgasm. There are several successive scenes with other female partners, so that in a broader sense it is a "harem story", i.e. one man has several wives. Various ways are played out in which the man and the respective women come together - consensually, seduced, ****, as a couple, as a threesome - depending on the social position of the partners in the respective constellation in relation to each other. My aim was to create a believable, comprehensible plot. It develops from the different motivations and personalities of the characters. It is told from the perspective of the man.

This story is set in the USA at the time of the American Civil War. On the one hand, this provides a historical framework. On the other hand, I have also tried to express this in the behavior and expressions of the characters. This includes sexism and racism according to the timeframe.

And there's a little twist at the end, just the way I like it.

I hope you enjoy reading this story. I'm looking forward to any comments and feedback.


It was the second year of the war with unexpectedly high casualties, and the army desperately needed horses. Recognizing an opportunity for good profit, I scoured farms in rural Maine for affordable animals to sell to the government at a higher price.

That evening, I arrived at Carlyle Manor, a large rural mansion where, according to my inquiries, only the wife was supposed to be present as her husband was an officer at war. This was perfect for my purposes, as I believed women were infamous for having no business sense.

A black maid greeted me and led me into a drawing room, where a lady in her mid-thirties, dressed in an elegant green gown, awaited me. Her long blonde hair was intricately pinned up in an elaborate hairstyle. But what struck me most were her full red lips and long eyelashes shading bright blue eyes. She held out her hand for me to kiss, which I did with perfection.

"Welcome to Carlyle Manor," she greeted me.

"Thank you so much for seeing me, Mrs. Carlyle. My name is Alexander Webster. I am a horse dealer, and I buy animals for the army. I heard in town that your husband is a horse breeder."

"He would if he were here." Her remark sounded sarcastic. "Since he's chosen to lead a regiment at the front as a colonel since the first days of war, I'm responsible for the estate. Given that he has also taken our steward with him as the company sergeant, you will unfortunately have **** but to work with me."

I had to be careful not to smile too smugly. This scenario was perfect for my plan, as everyone knew women knew nothing about business and certainly nothing about horses. Instead, I tried to flatter her to lull her into a sense of security and make her sympathetic to my cause.

"That's perfectly all right. You're certainly as capable as any man of negotiating with me."

She smiled gratefully at the compliment.

"But I'm being rude," she said. "I'm sure you'll want to freshen up after your long ride. And a little snack afterward? Unfortunately, we've already had dinner."

"No, thank you, I'm not hungry. But I would actually like to dress more appropriately before we talk any further."

"Of course," she called towards the door. "Lilli, please show this gentleman to the guest room. Make sure he has everything he needs. Mr. Webster, I'll see you here in the drawing room in about two hours?"

"Yes, with pleasure. If you will excuse me?"

What's next?

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