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Chapter 10 by Thronx Thronx

What is Sett going to do?

If you can’t sleep, you have to get tired.

Sett tried for an hour to banish the thoughts to fuck Ahri out of his head. He tried to sleep next to her, but he might also had tried to understand Rek’Sai’s screeches, so less he achieved to sleep. His mind was full of thoughts how he could fuck Ahri and the more he thought about it, his mind came up with more **** situations.

He imagined her whimpering his name, while he fucked her relentlessly in the ass…he heard her scream his name and beg him for his cum, while she rode him hard…He heard her gulp down his seed, her eyes filled with this endless hunger…

Sett stood up. He couldn’t sleep anyways, so he decided to get other ideas into his head. And he exactly knew how he could get different thoughts in his mind…

With one last look at the sleeping Ahri, he opened the door to his room and left her. The corridors were dark and empty (it had to be nearly midnight by now), but Sett walked through the mansion, knowing exactly where he wanted to go.

He found his destination after five minutes of walking, right after he found the entrance hall, opened a door on the first floor and walked down another corridor until he stood in front of a door, with the inscription ‘GYM’ on it. He opened the door with a lot more strength than he actually wanted and the door crashed loud open.

Sett stood now in a very modern room, completely different to all the wood-panelled, baroque rooms before. Dumb-bells and weights did hang on the walls, racks and treadmills stood next to punching bags that dangled in the middle of the room. Sett had expected to be alone, but he actually wasn’t.

A young, muscular man with brunette hair stood by the punching bags, in a blue tank top and black shorts. His hands were wrapped with white bandages, which he adjusted the moment Sett stomped into the gym.

“Good evening,” Garen greeted Sett, mildly surprised. “You’re still awake? Or did you just arrive?”

“No,” Sett said grimly. “I can’t sleep and need to let off some steam.”

He went next to Garen and without even caring to bandage his hands, he started to punch the heavy sack. Every hit did hurt his knuckles, but the pain was exactly what Sett wanted. He knew he was full of testosterone, because his cock was hard since Ahri felt asleep and he hoped he could reduce it a bit, with sports. Also, he imagined Evelynn with every hit he did on the punching bag and that helped his mentality as well. Soon Sett was sweating, hitting the punching bag like a madman, punching all his frustrations out of his body.

Why had he been so dumb? Why had he to sleep with Eve, who wanted just the worst for him? He could have fucked Riven, Nidalee and Ahri and probably all three women could have slept in his bed today. Instead, he had to sleep with Evelynn, who cursed him with some weird sex-magic that made him permanent horny and disrespectful, giving him dirty thoughts, he wouldn’t think at all. Yes, he thought about fucking many champions, he could sleep with, but he always wanted to make it a meeting, pleasuring for him and the woman he wanted to fuck. Instead, he couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t think about anything else than sex, he got knocked out by basically **** Ahri, he imagined all the women he adored as his sextoys…

'Make them yours...they all want to be yours...claim them!'

Sett stopped to hit the punching bag, after a few minutes of constantly hitting the sports equipment. The brown, heavy leather shined with blood and Sett looked down on his fists that were hurting, his skin open and wound.

“Pretty much steam to let off,” Garen said next to him.

Sett nodded and looked at him, happy that his constant horniness seemed to cool off for a moment. Garen had watched Sett’s relentless **** on the punching bag and frowned at him. “What happened?” he asked.

“Long story,” Sett muttered. “And not your business, sorry.”

“Alright,” Garen said and shrugged. “But if I were you, I wouldn’t ruin my hands, before the tournament. You certainly are competing, right?”

“You can bank on that, big guy,” Sett said, still catching his breath. “Actually…why are you here, though?”

“I arrived half an hour ago,” Garen explained and pointed outside. “My sister is getting the keys and I thought I could train a bit…”

“In the middle of the night?” Sett asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Well…” Garen said with a slight smile. “Why not? A bit of workout, before going to sleep can’t hurt, right?”

“Are you planning this regularly?” Sett asked him, returning the smile.

“Just today,” Garen said, shaking his head.

“Interested on a one-on-one?” Sett asked him matter-of-factly.

Garen looked at him, half amused, half surprised. “Fight me? After you punched the living shit out of this poor bag?”

“Scared?” Sett asked him grinning.

“Not tired?” Garen replied.

“Apparently not,” Sett said and raised his fists, standing in front of Garen in an aggressive stance. “What about you?”

Garen looked at him and Sett thought to see his mental struggle. He grinned and asked him again: “What’s up? Scared?”

“No, not a bit,” Garen said and shook his head. “I just…don’t want to get harmed seriously tonight.”

“I am not going to smack you in the ground, Garen,” Sett laughed. “Also…doesn’t Katarina likes it, if you are all sweaty and warmed-up?”

Garen’s eyes blinked very dangerously for a second, then he cleared his throat and smiled. “Okay you won. But just training, no hard feelings.”

“Not against you, Garen, promised,” Sett grinned and raised his fists over his head, just like Garen himself.

He was on the verge of attacking Garen, but before he could move a muscle, the door behind him opened and he turned around. In the door frame stood a young, red-headed woman, in a black leather suit that showed off her muscular body, her breasts and her incredible curves. She had crossed her arms and looked at Sett with raised eye-brows, the scar on the left side of her face shining prominently in the light of the gym. By the look of the woman, Sett’s cock immediately got hard again.

He imagined these tits around his cock and this face, splattered with his load…Katarina orgasming with his cock in her ass...Katarina bouncing moaning on his lap...

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“What’s that going to be?” Katarina asked sweetly, even if her eyes gazed at Sett very coolly.

“Just a quick warm-up fight,” Sett replied, trying desperately to banish the pictures out of his head.

“Ts, ts,” Katarina clicked with her tongue. “Boys.”

“Hey, just let me have a quick fight with your Example of Demacia here and then you have full access to…” Sett started, but Katarina interrupted him with a voice sweet as honey: “I prefer him right now, Sett.”

Sett sighed as Garen walked towards Katarina and gave him a quick pat on the shoulders. “Soon, mate,” he smiled. “I am counting that you win a few rounds on the tournament.”

“I will for sure,” Sett grinned and gave him a fist-bump too. “Have fun you too.”

“We will,” Garen winked at him. “Actually Kata…I need a shower right now, if you don’t mind…”

“Baby,” Katarina grinned as she took his hand and pulled him out of the gym. “I don’t mind at all. I only mind, if you are getting your pretty face smashed before even all champions are here.”

She closed the door and Sett sighed again. On the bright side, his cock was getting flaccid again. On the other side, he didn’t feel tired or less horny at all. Katarina’s appearance only showed him that it still wasn’t over. He stared into nothingness and tried not to think about what happened in the showers right now in the meantime. Should he just join Garen and Katarina? Ahri had told him that they were very open…

Katarina, in the middle, grabbing onto Garen’s shoulders, while Sett fucked her soft ass…Katarina sucking both of their dicks, while fingering herself on the floor of the shower…

A cackle, far in Sett’s head, but yet very prominent, made him close his eyes. Why, he thought annoyed. How am I getting her away? Was it just the simple solution to go to Evelynn again? His cock twitched immediately as Sett imagined himself going to Evelynn again, saying she should end her magic. That was probably just what she wanted, he thought grimly. Making me beg her to end her subtle ****. Bitch.

Sett stood a while in the middle of the gym and couldn’t decide what he wanted to do. Then he made the only decision that was simple enough for him now and went to the weights and dumb-bells at the wall. He grabbed two dumb-bells and started to heave them up and down.

After a while he lost interest in them and just lied down to make sit-ups, counting them like kids counting sheep to help them fall asleep. He just reached number 147, he heard the door open again and looked up. He had expected to see Garen or Katarina again, instead, a blonde girl, not older than twenty looked into the gym.

“Oh,” she said mildly surprised. “Hey Sett. I didn’t expect you here…have you seen my brother?”

“Yep,” Sett said, still doing his sit-ups. “He was here.”

“Okay cool,” Lux said and stepped inside. She wore her usual grey robe and in her blonde hair stuck the usual hairband. Her staff wasn’t there. “Where is he now? I have his key.” She showed Sett a silver key, just like the one that Sett got from Vayne.

“Shower,” Sett replied shortly. “With Katarina.”

He continued his sit-ups for a while, until he looked at Lux again. She gazed at him, seemingly unsure, if he was trying to fool her.

“Seriously?” she asked carefully.

“Very,” Sett answered. “If you want, you can look after him…the showers are on the other side of the corridor.”

“Ugh…no thanks,” Lux said with disgust. “I am not going to watch my brother, while he and Kata…” she didn’t finish the rest of her sentence and Sett just kept on doing his sit-ups.

He reached five-hundred after a few minutes and decided to rest for a while. As he sat on the ground, catching his breath, he noticed that Lux sat on one of the banks at the wall and looked at her knees with a very sad face.

“What is it?” Sett asked her surprised.

“Nothing,” Lux answered him, kind of dull.

“Bullshit,” Sett replied calmly and turned around fully to her. “What’s the matter?”

“I…” Lux sighed and gave Sett a very grumpy look. “Why does he have to be this way?”

“Garen?” Sett asked confused. “I thought you know that he and Kata…”

“I know that they are in a relationship, or whatever this weird constellation with Talon is meant to be,” Lux interrupted him annoyed. “I…ah, I don’t know. Forget it.”

“No, I am not,” Sett said seriously and was very happy that his mind was working quite normally right now. “What is it? Is it because she is Noxian?”

Lux made a sound, half amused, half annoyed. “Noxian. In here these allegiances means nothing anyways. No…its just…he just arrived and immediately he and her...well…have sex.”

Sett shrugged. “I guess they are just using their time very well.” Lux sighed again and muttered something unintelligible. “Sorry?” Sett asked smiling. “What was that last part?”

Lux gave him a very grumpy look once again. “Nothing,” she said again.

“I don’t believe you,” Sett repeated very calmly again. “What is it, Lux? Angry at your brother?”

“No,” Lux muttered. “Just…ehm…I feel…you know…I…ah…actually…”

Sett watched how Lux sat there on the bank, chewing on her nails, her eyes focusing the empty floor next to Sett.

“You want to have someone too?” Sett asked softly after a whole minute of awkward silence.

Lux head jerked up and her cheeks got red instantly. She opened her mouth, but no word came out. Sett smiled at her knowingly, even if an image flashed through his mind, which made his cock hard again: Lux lying on his bed, nude and with a bashful, yet nervous smile on her young face.

“I…” Lux stammered. “I…I…I may…thought about…ah, okay, I am jealous!” She suddenly stood up and looked at Sett with a mix of desperation and embarrassment. “I am jealous at my big brother and all of the other people that just come here to fuck the whole time! Where are my chances to have such a meeting?”

“Ezreal surely won’t say no,” Sett smiled.

“Ezreal,” Lux rolled her eyes. “He is a dumbass. He has the biggest crush on me, but I don’t. Understand? I am not interested in Ezreal.”

“Sure,” Sett said calmly. “I am sorry, Lux. Really. I can imagine that this whole situation is frustrating, but…well, I guess you just have to wait and maybe soon you’ll find a champion who wants you.”

Maybe one is sitting in the same room right now, he added mentally. His cock was very hard again and now he saw himself on top of Lux…he could hear her moans as he entered her young pussy with his cock…he already could taste her lips on his mouth…

“Who would have sex with me?” Lux said sadly. “I am still a virgin…all the other champions aren’t.”

“Just because you are a virgin, doesn’t mean that you won’t be good in bed,” Sett said calmly, even if he was fighting against the urge to jump on the blonde girl right now. The fact that she was a virgin seemed to make him even wilder and his cock harder than ever.

Oh, she'll love your big cock in her tight pussy!

Lux didn’t answer him and just looked at him frustrated. Then she sighed and shrugged. “I guess you are right. Time will tell. Ehm…I think I wanna sleep now. I just take the keys with me, if my brother returns, tell him they are in my room and he can get them tomorrow.”

“Alright,” Sett nodded, still fighting against the strong need to pull Lux towards him right now. “See you soon Lux.”

“Bye. And good night,” she smiled adorably at him and went out of the gym.

The moment, the door closed, Sett couldn’t help himself and touched his aching cock in his pants, jerking it short and fast. “Stop it!” he growled. “You are better than this. Stop it!”

A cackle in his head filled his ears and his cock throbbed hard. Sett closed his eyes and tried to calm down, but nothing helped. In his head he saw Lux, moaning as he claimed her pussy the first time. He saw Ahri, riding him gently, but passionately. He saw Nidalee devouring his seed that he splattered all over his face. He saw Riven shivering in his arms and heard her soft moans as she came all over his cock.

Sett opened his eyes again and stared into the empty gym. Evelynn’s grinning face seem to stare at him from every dark corner.

‘Sooner or later, you will pay for this. You will see, Sett. You will regret this. No one breaks my spell.’

Sett sighed before he lied down again and started to do sit-ups again. He lost track of time, while he kept pushing his body up and down, trying to get his mind free of all the things Evelynn set in his head.

Does the sports help?

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