Upper Management

It's never 'just' a promotion

Chapter 1 by ABGWrites ABGWrites

All her life Cora had been happy with how she looked. At 5'4" she knew there were taller women out there but didn't let it bother her. She took great pride in her athletic body, her perky B-cup breasts and firm derriere. The 25-year old woman was blessed with naturally lustrous auburn hair which she typically wore in a ponytail. In point of fact Cora was frequently the object of envy ever since puberty.

All of that changed the day that Cora was promoted. Sure, it was exciting to be able to say she was the VP of marketing at a big bank. The bank paid for her to relocate and she would even be provided with her own private office. Almost all of her new coworkers and employees were kind as they were capable.

Except for Vanessa, a woman which Cora soon discovered had been up for the same promotion and had been passed over. Upon first meeting Vanessa, Cora stayed professional but felt somewhat envious. Vanessa stood at 5'10", boasted a more pronounced yet visibly firm ass which her shimmering black hair was nearly long enough to touch. On days when Vanessa wore short-sleeved shirts it was clear she was in good shape, too.

What began pushing Cora over the edge was Vanessa's immense chest. Cora guessed Vanessa was somewhere in the DD-cup range, possibly even E-cup. Whether it was implants, some strange diet, the world's best push-up bra or voodoo Cora didn't know. On Vanessa's tall-yet-slim figure her tits looked just enormous.

Cora theorized that Vanessa caught her staring one day which is what set her off. All she had done was ask Vanessa to re-send an email.

"Sure thing, little lady," Vanessa had wryly replied.

"Th-thanks!" Cora stuttered.

Cora had hesitated just long enough that it was clear she took it personally. From each day onward the teasing became worse. Vanessa would wear some combination of high heels, tight skirts and/or revealing tops. The ensemble was just enough that Cora couldn't catch her on violating the dress code policy. Still, it caused Cora to spend hours each day seething in her office.

Vanessa decided to push it over the edge by barging into Cora's office one day. She was wearing a white blouse with a lacy black bra that was clearly visible beneath the shirt. The blouse was clearly a size or two too small as the buttons were bulging trying to keep her contained.

"Hey, kiddo, my reports for the day are all done," Vanessa said with a grin. Both women knew the effect that Vanessa's words were having.

"You don't need to print them Vanessa, you can email them, but while you're here we need to talk about—" Cora was cut off. Vanessa had leaned over to place a stack of folders and papers on Cora's desk as she spoke. That moment, three buttons popped off of Vanessa's blouse revealing a canyon of milky white cleavage. The display left Cora utterly speechless.

"Oh, goodness!" Vanessa gasped as she immediately covered herself with both arms, "sorry about that! Guess the girls aren't done growing!"

Cora's face and ears ran hot and red. She was both angry yet aroused at the ongoing show.

"U-uh, yeah," Cora chuckled nervously, "well, take whatever time you need to change. Thank you for the reports, that'll be all!"

Cora was speaking at nearly mach speed, looking down and away from Vanessa's face. She couldn't have noticed that Vanessa was grinning ear to ear, eagerly drinking in Cora's embarrassment. By the time Cora looked back up Vanessa was wordlessly hurrying out of her office. It took Cora an hour to cool down which she spent isolated, in her office, with the blinds shut.

At the end of that fateful day, as Cora took her leave of the office she spotted Vanessa seemingly unpacking boxes in her car. Confident she wouldn't be spotted, Cora kept back and kept watch of her underling out of sheer curiosity. Vanessa appeared to be withdrawing and examining different tops from a box in her car and putting them back. It was evident at some point she had changed into a fitting top, too.

Cora peeled her eyes off of Vanessa and looked back at the clothing items. Even from a distance it soon became clear that Vanessa was excitedly going through a number of increasingly smaller tops, tighter and more inappropriate than even the blouse she'd burst out of earlier. Again, Cora's face went beet red as a realization dawned on her: it had been an act.

Fury consumed Cora as she stormed away and into her own vehicle. She was determined to have **** for the way Vanessa had manipulated and bullied her.

Where does Cora go?

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