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Chapter 3 by Unknown7 Unknown7

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Her mother doesn't mind the sight

Jamie was laid on her bed, naked in front of her own mother.

"Hi" she said.

Her mother looked at Jamie's naked body.

"My, you have grown into a fine young woman" she said.

Jamie got off the bed.

"Morning, mother"

"I hope you're ready for your manhood ritual"

Jamie had been impatiently waiting for this day where she would finally be considered a man.

"You think we could have one more go?" asked Jamie.

Jamie's mother took off her shirt, showing her magnificent breasts. Jamie got down on her knees and suckled them. This had been a common habit since she was very young. As first it was normal breastfeeding but as Jamie got older, the more vague memories she got of being a horny teenage boy and she kept wanting to suckle her mother's tits.

Now while James would never have done this with his own mom, his memories never thought of Jamie's mother as his. The dissonance led to the mother and daughter having an incestuous relationship behind the father's back. They kept this secret from him partly for the obvious reasons you don't tell your dad that you're fucking your mom but also because he was insecure enough about having only one ball without being cuckolded by his own daughter.

"Okay, Jamie, you get dressed now before you have your breakfast"

After her mother left, Jamie got dressed and joined her parents and younger sisters for breakfast. The fact that all the subsequent children of House Smith were female only further their belief that their father lost the 'boy testicle'.

"I hope your manhood ritual goes well" said Liv, Jamie's sister, younger by three years.

"I've heard it quite painful" said Randi, two years younger than Liv.

"Really?" asked Signe, one year younger than Randi.

"I can take it" said Jamie.

"Now, Jamie" said her father, "there is no shame in crying or even pissing yourself. The ritual is extremely painful. It more about the willing to endure that pain than the actual ability to take it"

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"I remember what uncle Rocky said" Jamie told him.

Uncle 'Rocky', sometimes referred to as 'Rocky Balboa' was Jamie's mother's brother.

Rocky was not his real name but Jamie nicknamed him such after he said, "its not about how hard you can hit but how hard you can get hit and still on coming"

"I hear the womanhood ritual isn't any better" said Randi.

"Well, there's a bit of time before the ritual starts" said Jamie, "I'm gonna go see Revna"

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