Secluded Asylum

Based on FutadomWorld

Chapter 1 by Chappey Chappey

Disclaimer: Completely fictional, with no intention to portray anything in the real world. Includes Futa/Androgyny. It will probably be a long story, so if you're into that, enjoy! If you have any comments feel free to massege me and feel free to add to the story. If it fits the world build, it will be added; granted it doesn't have too many spelling mistakes or **** fetishes (like gore).


It was a few months ago in the hot summer when you last visited your best friend. His mental health seemed to decline, because of severe depression. His family left to visit a country ruled by futa, and have forgotten comeplety about him. He was left fending for himself. Throughout spring and into summer you stopped by every week to help him care for his families house. But slowly your friend declined and even tried pushing you away to live in solitude. But you didn't give up on him, for he never gave up on you, even while he was stuggling all his life. But the last time you visited you found him, lying on the floor, to your relieve he was still breathing, but you thought this to be enough. Your friend needed help, eventhough he always refused.

His family had found him once like this and sent him to the hospital where they only monitored him and sent him back home. There are not many psychiatrist left in this country and the once that were left were too expensive. You cleaned him up and put him in your car half unconsious by whatever **** he overdosed.

You never really had a family since you never knew your parents and your grandma, who raised you, was cold and distant towards you. She died three years ago and you inherited your families money and decided you would pay for whatever help Steve might need. You drove to the nearest hospital, and pretty much the only decent hospital left in your country. You told yourself on the way there you would agree to everything the doctors prescribe, being on wits end on what to do. When you reached the hospital and gave your friend over to the nurses, you went back to the reception. Here you gave information about the situation and the receptionist made an immidiate appointment with the psychiatrist.

The psychiatrist recommended a save place for Steve, a place where he couldn't hurt himself again. So you decided to pay for his stay in the asylum. First you were hasitant since you were suspitious of your goverment and all asylums were regulated by the goverment. But you remembered your promise to yourself and agreed.

But now, months later you still haven't heard from your friend after his first letter. The psychiatrist was nowhere to be found when you asked for her in the hospital. You had a bad feeling and you would not let your friend be subject to your goverments corruption. So you decided to investigate. Because of your mistrust you did get the location of the asylum from the psychiatrist when you pushed her for it, claiming you had the right to know.

Your father used to be a detective of renown. And you always aspired to be one yourself walking in his footsteps. It only stayed an aspiration and a hobby to just look up how detectives work. You never put on your dads uniform, but your felt like this would be the only way you would get in the asylum. As you stepped into your car, you felt confident you could pull off a detective role and started off on your journey.

It was long drive toward the west-coast, and you knew there was pretty much always bad weather on the rocky barren coast. You havent been out for a long while and were enjoying the senery. That is until you drove past a motel with propaganda that sent shivers down your spine. It was already pretty much dark, but the billboard was well lit and you read: "Tired of living with enxiety? Worried about the future? Come join forces with Futa Empire." Your eyes drifted over the billboard and saw the rather large woman sitting on a desk with her arms wide, as if you welcome you. Her legs were wide apart aswell and for some reason around her crotch area there was a text "This is your 'key' to a worry free life, the thing missing". Next to this text was pink graffiti. You could only make out the words "In' and "holes".

"Have the fucking Futa Empire finally invaded your country? But then why haven't you heard of it, is this even allowed?" Your thoughts raced through your mind and you thought it a good idea to ride on for a while hoping the next motel would not have this propaganda you thought to yourself.

You were guessing you must have missed something, since you pretty much never watched the news. But a fear went crept up inside you, as if to make you turn back. You dealt with it saying "I am on a mission, finding what happened to my friend". As the evening passed into the small hours, you finally came across another motel. And pulled up on the driveway without even looking for signs of proganda. You were tired and you needed something to eat and drink. You turned the key of your car and went inside the motel's restaurant. The name was strange and colered in pink neon "Aphrodite's Consumption"

You were to tired to think about it, and evenmore, needed a place to rest for the night. The interior was dimly lit, by the same kind of pink neon colors. Behind the counter was a tall woman with a smirk on her face. She looked more like a club bouncer then a cafe whench, but you were polite as always and didn't comment on her apearence. The small bar maid costume did attract your gaze more then you would like, it hugged her muscular frame, and all her faminine curves. "What can I do for you?". You heard her say just when your gaze was upon a bulge or something under her wavy skirt.

You just wanted drinks and food before you went to bed early, because tomorrow you wanted to reach the asylum. "I'll have a burger and some warm milk, thank you! I'll also like a room if it is possible?" "Sure thing dear, coming right up. Here, this is the key to room 2, it's on your left if you walk out of here. Next to where I sleep" She put her hands on the counter and pushed here self forward making you look into her cleavage. "I, I'mm, sorry. What? Yeah room 2, great! thanks!". You couldn't help thinking she did it on purpose as she gigled when you stuttered. You sat down on the corner table of the cafe, having huge windows on two sides. It looked darker outside from in here and the motel's neon did a bad job lighting the serounding area. "Here is your burger, dear. And our special milk." She said, as she whispered the last part almost in your ear. Her beauty and the tingling sensation made you not question what she meant with special milk.

It was indeed not normal milk, it tasted more like a vanilla/protein milkshake, but warm. It was actually really good, better than any milk or milkshare you have had before. When you finished your drink it almost felt like you had some weed and alchohol at the same time, a washing away of stress in the body. It made the burger taste like heaven, and you were content. The suspision of the motel dissapeared and the lady behind the counter seemed to get even more lovely.

She walked over to you when you finished eating. Her hips swayed as you looked at her skirt waving from side to side. Seeming to make way for something in her groin. But you were content, you didnt't really think and just let yourself enjoy the view. Not noticing she grimaced while she saw you staring. She took a seat next to you on the bench and placed another mug of milk in front of you. You felt the heat of her body as she sat extremely close to you. "Have another one, as you seemed to enjoy the first one. It's on the house!" She pushed the mug more toward you making it easy to look deep into her maid outfit. Her breasts seem to jump out when to pressed her arms more together and you could not get enough of the view.

You snapped out of your hypno when she put a hand on your leg whispering, "You'll feel even better when you drink this one. And as a reward I'll show you the recipe, deal?"

"I really shouldn't, you felt a voice say inside your head, but.............

Do you drink the milk?

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