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Chapter 3 by PenguinFatality PenguinFatality

How do the classes go with Rachel?

Optional Object Complete!

Math was super boring but talking to Rachel made the time class go a little faster than it usually did, he did his best to do things that would probably make her RP score go up so he can get the quest done faster what Mason was not happy about was if he was going to have to ask Rachel what TLR is. If she knew he knew that he could see if people were in some sort of secret society then she might imprison him or something, so he was pretty set on finding a way of hiding his true power to her faction. Rachel walked with Mason to the AP Science section, his school had a lot of funding because it was one of the top 5 schools in the state. There was no surprise that a school with top marks would have good facilities, the room was very large, with tons of different equipment. Since everyone in that class needed to be a senior to be in it, Ms. C didn’t hover over students as most teachers did. She gave instructions and told us to figure shit out, literally that's what she told us to do. With a few chemicals in powder and liquid form we had to create a chemical reaction with trial and error, all she told us not to do was spill or sniff anything from the containers. Mason and Rachel paired up, he was a very good science student always getting top marks rarely getting anything else other than a 100, he had an idea that might work. If there were skills in this “Game” would he be able to make an alchemy skill or maybe something else? His masturbation skill had experience added to it, and if he was half as good at jerkin the wang for science he should get at least 1 lvl if there is a skill.

New Skill Unlocked: Alchemy
Alchemy has leveled up!
Alchemy has leveled up!
Alchemy has leveled up!
Alchemy is now level 4!

With a smirk Mason finished his task he was given, it looked like Rachel also got something to turn blue his guess was vitamin C, water, hydrogen peroxide, and starch. Mason wasn’t usually a super outgoing student, science was just a class he didn’t have to try he would get A+ but when he did try oh boy he could get some shit done. He wanted to impress Ms. C and get some brownie points, maybe he could get her to be something other than his teacher? Ms. C had only been teaching here for 2 years, she still looked stunning for her age for any age really, she was prettier than most the girls here at school. Like all teenage boys, Mason likes to blow shit up and go over the top sometimes he grabbed a funnel and a cylinder and did his thing when he got an idea what if he used his Alchemy skill? A little GUI appeared in front of him on what he could do with his current tools. There were multiple folders, consumables, weapons, traps, and alarms. Alarms were something he was looking to make all the students jump and maybe get a little scolding by Ms. C, with a tap of his finger his brain knew what it had to do and in 45 seconds something similar to a high-pressure balloon bursting in sound occurs. With a little jump from everyone inside the room including Mason, Ms. C walked over.

“Well it seems like last year Mason you are the center of attention when you try but please try to keep the sound to a minimum I don’t want to have to shove anyone into a shower to get chemicals off them”

Mason chuckled that there was a common joke around last year in science class when he accidentally spilled something on his shirt when the flask burst and had to take a nice shower in the science lab he was poked at for that for a few weeks that year. The burn wasn’t so bad and went away in a couple of days.

“I would prefer to stay dry Ms. C and I’ll try to keep the noise to a minimum thanks.”

Mason used observe on Ms. C and Rachel to see how he was doing with their RP, he was also curious about Ms. C’s information.

Rachel Joy
Level 14
Knight of The Last Regiment
RP: 31

Bella Charmine
Level 7
Sexy scientist
RP: 100

Mason’s jaw went slack when he read Charmines RP score, and before he could make some hot-blooded thought Rachel snapped him out of it.

“That was kinda cool I didn’t know I made friends with the smartest kid in the class”
Mason blushed a bit, but when he heard a ding he already knew what it was about.

Optional object complete: Befriend Rachel Joy

Achievement unlocked: Somebody knows~
Someone knows you aren’t as normal as you look here's a little something to make sure it doesn’t happen to some guy that could tear your head off with his pinky finger
Rewards: Normal ring of normalness

The ring concealed his magical presence for all spells and skills, masks up to 250 mana on a person. If the level 14 knight didn’t prove that there were other people with special powers that sure did.

(Chapters might slow down if I post late it's cause I've got school stuff and some other issues that are personnel expect at least 1 chapter a week)
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