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Chapter 3 by Yabusa Yabusa

How does Sonja want to use the Ascend?

One week in a new identity

"I want to try the single-week option," Sonja said, fidgeting in her seat. "I've only been able to imagine what it's like for the outside world to see me as a woman every moment of the day, so I'd like to make it a reality."

Dr. Evans nodded, brushing back some of her gray hair as she poked around on a shelf nearby for some consent forms.

"I think that's the right choice for you," Dr. Evans said, as she sets a few pieces of paper in front of Sonja. "Based on what you've said, transition has many barriers, so an immersive week as a body you pick out could let you know if the benefits outweigh the risks and costs. For many in the trans community, they know that transition is the only viable option. But gender is a complex spectrum, and for transpeople, there is a varying range of needs versus the reality of the state of transitioning these days. It's getting better... but there's still much work to be done to overcome your concerns. But, I do hope that the experience inspires you to know what you want to do after the week is over." She sets a pen down in front of Sonja. "If you could just fill these out, we can then start talking about the process."

Sonja picks up the pen, and rifles through the pages of the consent forms quickly. "What all is in here?"

"Just your affirmation that you are beginning this process of your own free will, that you will accept responsibility for any actions you take in your Guide body, that you will adhere to any limits your Guide places upon you for acceptable use of their body, and that you're agreeing to a full week where you will assume the given identity provided by Re-Vital and not mention to anyone about your former life. If you run into your own mother on the street, for that week, she's a stranger. Don't worry about anyone recognizing the Guide though, along with the new identity we provide a randomized face so their own family and friends won't recognize them either. Your 'friends' and 'family' will be played by Re-Vital staff and others going through the Ascend guided body program."

A smile crosses Sonja's face at that thought. "You mean, I might have someone behaving like a dad or mom to me?"

"Sometimes, yes," Dr. Evans said as she sat back down, tapping at a tablet. "More common is siblings, given the age ranges for transition, but we do have some guided bodies that are old enough to play parent, and certainly some of our staff will do so as well. They're all highly trained to provide the kind of positive support you'll need during the week, especially if things get tough. And I will be honest, they likely will." Dr. Evans adjusts her glasses, clasping her hands together as she looks at Sonja. "The week in your new body will be structured with activities and a 'job' that will put you in public and have you interact with people. The job will be pretty easy and you won't be judged on your performance or anything, but you'll be seeing life through the lens of a woman--which is going to be differ from the male and trans experience, as you know. Most of it will be benign, but some will likely be uncomfortable."

Sonja nodded. While she had her preferred pronouns and used her desired name at Re-Vital, she presented fully as male when she left those doors. She was well aware that the way she was treated even when simply out grocery shopping was going to become a new experience, just because of the people around her. "Uh, one other thing. About acceptable use of the bodies, does that mean, like... sex and stuff..?"

"To a degree. All of the Guides expect that sex will happen at least once during the week, as it's part of the experience of understanding a new perspective for many." Dr. Evans took the pages Sonja started signing, as Sonja continued perusing the documents. "But each body has a comfort zone, certain acts being off limits, certain partners are preferred, and so on. Interestingly, the arousal of the Guide is what will, dare I say, 'guide' you through that. If you see someone the Guide is attracted to, their body will let you know. Likewise, someone you find attractive now may not spark anything in this new form, just be aware of it. Other restricted activities might be things like smoking, drinking, dangerous activities, and so on. Injuries sustained during this process, if deemed to be your fault or your negligence to be the cause, will be your responsibility to pay."

Everything was becoming clearer as Sonja signed the last document. "I think I understand. One week, I've got some parameters to work with and have to follow the rails of whatever this temporary job is, but as long as I'm not trying to contact my usual family and friends in person to tell them what's going on, I'm pretty free to follow my interests, right?" Dr. Evans nodded.

Sonja took a deep breath, fidgeting in her seat as she gripped the armrests. Her pen was taken, and a tablet replaced it. She stared at what Dr. Evans gave her: a grid of faces and names, about three dozen people who Dr. Evans thought might be suitable candidates for Sonja's temporary life. Each woman's features were strikingly different from one another--some were strikingly beautiful, others were fairly plain. Sonja could see the appeal of both, either standing out or blending in. While Re-Vital left the choice up to Sonja, it seemed like Dr. Evans had highlighted a couple profiles that seemed like they might be good matches or learning experiences for Sonja to try on her new life.

All Sonja had to do was scroll through and pick a Guide, and then wait until everything could be set up for her one week as her new self!

What Guide body does Sonja choose?

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