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Chapter 3 by WaspWoman WaspWoman

Does she go?

Of course

Janice pulled up into an old factory lot and got out of her car. She walked over to a completely inconspicuous door and went inside.

'Dr Zinthrop?' Janice asked loudly, as she looked around the small entrance room. She walked over to a desk and rang a bell on it. She noticed a wall with his various qualification and went over to have a better look at them.

'Do I meet with your approval, Ms. Starlin?' A voice from behind her said, a voice that could only be Dr. Zinthrop. Janice turned around.

'I don't know yet.' Janice replied calmly. She offered her hand to shake, which he took, 'Dr Zinthrop, Janice Starlin.'

'How do you do?' Zinthrop asked, shaking her hand.

'Your line of work's completely foreign to me.' Janice explained, 'You made some pretty far-fetched claims in your message.'

'Why are you here?'

'It may take something as far-fetched as wasp hormones to revive my skincare line. Can you show me some proof?'

'Come with me.' Zinthrop stated, going through the door behind him. Janice followed.

They entered a larger room, which had lab equipment and thin tanks of wasps on tables around it.

'The queen wasp paralyses its victims with its venom.' Zinthrop explained, as he led Janice around the lab, 'I paralyse the aging process with that same venom. By mixing the venom with a natural alpha hydroxy base, I can freeze the tissue before it degenerates further.'

'What about rejuvenation?' Janice asked, looking at the equipment and the wasps.

'That's the true discovery.' Zinthrop said excitedly, moving over to two mice cages, 'Come over here. Wasp hormones, mixed with that some alpha hydroxy base, not only wrest aging, they reverse it. The mice in these two cages are exactly the same age; 5 years old, old for any mouse.' Janice looked at the mice in the two cages, she couldn't see any differences between the mice. Zinthrop pointed to the first cage.

'The mice in this cage received my extract; noticeably more vibrant and youthful. Cellular tissues are the same as a one year olds.'

'This isn't proof, I can't tell the difference between them.' Janice interjected. Zinthrop thought for a moment.

'Perhaps I can demonstrate my extract with a scientist in a laboratory?' Zinthrop suggested. Then Janice heard a meow come from somewhere in the lab.

'I have a better idea.' Janice stated, knowingly. Zinthrop got the clue and nodded as he went to grab his cat. It didn't take too long before Zinthrop came back with his old cat and a syringe of yellow liquid in hand. He kissed the cat on the forehead and placed him down on a stool, holding him by the scruff of the neck.

'There, there puss. You'll get extra cat food tonight.' Zinthrop said quietly to his cat as he injected the syringe into the back of his neck, 'There. When will you be back to check the results?' He picked up his cat and cuddled him, trying to provide some comfort.

'As soon as you see them.' Janice stated and gave air kisses to the cat, 'I need to go, thank you for your time.'

'You too.' Zinthrop stated and showed her the way out.

What does she do while she waits?

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