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Chapter 3 by Sable Flame Sable Flame

Are you alone in your cabin?

No, your wife is waiting for you

As you open the door to your cabin, the light of your lamp plays on the naked woman in the other hammock. Kyrie has the classical Dusein features: tanned skin, dark slanted eyes, and hair so black it looks almost blue, especially in the flickering light of the lamp. Her build is like yours, slender but not emaciated or flat-chested. But it is her eyes that are your favorite part of her, dark and sparkling with a love of life that it always lifts your spirit to see.

As you close the door behind you, you thank Ama once again that you met this woman, that she accepted your proposal of marriage, and most of all that she could serve under you and come with you on your voyages. Even among those marines who are married, few have that luxury.

Kyrie smiles as she extends one hand. "Come on, Zee," she says, crooking a finger, "let's get those clothes off you. It's been a long day, and I want some fun tonight."

You hang the lamp from a hook in the ceiling and quickly shrug out of your leathers and helm, taking time to set them on a stand for easier donning the next day. You then slowly pull your linen shift over your head, dropping it to the floor and leaving you as naked as Kyrie.

Kyrie grins from where she is still lounging in her hammock, her legs now spread and her slit glinting wetly in the firelight.

"You look as good as ev-" she starts to say, before you step over and lean down to plug her mouth with a kiss. Your tongue slips between her parted lips to wrap around hers, and one of your hands comes down to slip between her legs, plunging one finger into her wet slit. One of Kyrie's hands tangles into your curly hair, while the other begins to stroke your breast.

You pull your tongue back into your own mouth and start trailing kisses down Kyrie's jaw and neck and across her chest, quickly ending with your lips fastened to her breast. You swirl your tongue around the hard point of her nipple, then switch to the other breast and repeat.

Kyrie is rocking beneath you now, the hammock exaggerating her every wiggle into a full-on sway. You pull your finger from her slit, plant your palm on the cloth of the hammock, and in a move practiced over many nights such as this one vault up into the hammock. You land with your elbows and knees on either side of her, her slit in front of your face and your slit presented to her.

You bend down slightly, pressing your breasts to her abdomen, and duck your head to plant your lips upon her lower lips. You plunge your tongue into her womanhood, wriggling about, caressing and stroking her button. At the same time, you feel her tongue between your legs, mirroring your own actions, stroking and caressing. Kyrie's hands come up to cup your breasts. She pinches at your engorged nipples, sending shocks of sensation through you, pain so exquisite it becomes pleasure in this moment.

"Oh Ama," you moan thickly into Kyrie's slit. "Oh Ama, Kyrie. Yes, yes, YES!!" You plunge over the edge, pleasure blasting through you like lightning, shaking and spasming against Kyrie's slender body. Below you, she jerks in her own orgasm, her moisture flooding your mouth, coating your tongue with her sweet taste.

You slump down onto your wife and for a moment you just lie there, feeling her warm flesh against yours, breathing in and out. You feel her breath on your slit, the sensation almost painful in your current oversensitized state.

"Ama's moon, that was good," you say after a moment. "Good for you?"

"Good for me," says Kyrie, and you can hear the smile in her tone. "I am going to so enjoy making daughters with you one of these days."

You smile. It's said that sex under the full moon, with Ama's blessing active, is even better than sex at other times of the month. Unfortunately, you and Kyrie are agreed that you're not ready for children just yet, so you refrain from sex during the five days of the full moon.

Taking a breath, you lever yourself up on hands and knees and flip yourself out of the hammock. While you and Kyrie share a bed back on Lesbos, hammocks simply are not designed for two people to sleep together.

You pull your shift back on, blow out the lamp, and slip into your own hammock.

"Night, Kyrie," you say into the darkness.

"Night, Zee," your wife replies.

The soft rocking of the ship and the splash of waves on the hulls soon lulls you to sleep.

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