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Chapter 2 by HotnHornyGuy HotnHornyGuy

What do you do?

No, you decide to head over to the tower to find help.

You head off into the forest, pushing through the undergrowth, getting tangled up in bushes occasionally, and falling over a few times as you struggle through the vast undergrowth, tearing your clothes and getting a few cuts and bruises. Aside from the occasional bird or badger you don't see or hear much wildlife, though you are sure that you catch a glimpse of something every now above you, and one of the times you fell over you are sure you heard laughter. A bit unnerved, you press on regardless and it's not long before you find yourself on what looks like a path heading straight to the tower. As the path clearly peters out when heading away from the tower you don't have much choice but to continue on, and which bends to the right and suddenly you find yourself standing right outside the tower itself, right in front of a pair of double doors in front of which stands what looks like a woman armed with a spear!

Suddenly, something small with wings hurtles past you and flies up the tower. "Don't move," shouts the woman with the spear, which she has pointed right at you. "By the goddess, you're a human!" she exclaims with shock, not that you are any less shocked yourself as you realise that she isn't entirely human herself. Standing about 5'4 with a lightly tanned body dressed in furs and leather armour, the girl (as she looks about 18 years old) not only has rather massive ears but they also stick out to the side and end in points while her green eyes are clearly slitted like a cats! Her tawny blonde hair is tied back in a ponytail, leaving a couple of bangs to frame her face, and she has a bow strapped to her back, not that you'd think that her well toned and lithe body would have any trouble catching up to you if you decided to run to warrant her having to get it out.

"Where did you come from? How did you get here?" she demands. Before you have a chance to answer the doors are suddenly flung open and three figures stride out, one leading and the other two flanking her. All three are women, and all three are clearly not human. The one in the lead is dressed entirely in black and though she has long black hair it does not hide the large pointed ears she has just like the guards. She leads the one on her left by a lead, who is crouched over and is following on all fours while the one on her right is incredible small, and has insect-like wings coming out of her back that are holding her aloft. "See, I told you so!" the one with wings exclaims to the woman in black.

"Stand down Neira, no need to be confrontational to our guest," the lead woman shouts to the guard, who reluctantly lowers her spear though you can tell she doesn't entirely trust you. The woman turns to you, "You must forgive Neira, it's not often we see one of...your sort around. My name is Kyrielle, I am sure you are quite confused by everything here, but don't worry, we shall help you," she smiles as she talks, but her eyes remain narrow. She is tall and slender, with a slender face, dark purple narrow eyes, her raven-black wavy hair reaching down to her chest, where it pools either side of an ample cleavage showing above the neckline, her black dress seemingly covered in what looks like cobwebs. She looks to be in her late 30s, quite pale looking which contrasts with her black hair, and holds herself with an aristocratic grace. "You've met my guard Neira, she is a wood elf, may I also introduce Lilleann, who was following you on your way here," the small winged one a cheshire smile. The winged girl also has pointed ears like the raven-haired woman, but is skinny rather than slender, with only a hint of breast shape showing through the red basque she is wearing with a bustle and striped stockings, and is barely three foot tall, her perfectly straight, blonde hair somehow not getting tangled up in her wings as she eyes you up with her almond-shaped green eyes set in a face that is currently set in a cheeky smile, though she also has her hand resting on the hilt of a knife on her belt.

"Do I get to eat?" the one on the lead asks, causing Kyrielle to roll her eyes. "Not yet, it's not dinner time, I'm seeing to a guest!" Kyrielle tells her, before turning back to you. "I apologise, Moyra is a bit wild and tends to only think about food." Dressed in rags, Moyra definitely looks wild and has a very wolfish look to her. She has big yellow slitted eyes like a wolf's, and long but ragged brown hair that has matted together from not having been washed for a long time. Her four canine teeth are also larger than normal, the top two sticking out prominently over her bottom lip that she seems to be chewing slowly, while a pair of wolf ears poke out from under her hair at the sides. She is short, being about five foot tall, but her body is more plump and curvy than the others, and she looks to have well-defined muscles, clearly stronger than the other three, and yet makes no move to break free of the lead.

"And what shall we address you as?" she asks. "You can call me John," you reply. "Well then, John, it is getting dark and you seemed to have ruined your clothes. Why don't you come in and let us help you?" Kyrielle beckons you to follow her.

Should you take up Kyrielle's offer of aide?

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