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Chapter 3

How does Malon end up naked?

Naked Night Ride

It was a hot summer night, and Malon couldn't sleep. There was no reason not to–things were going well at the ranch, Ingo had left and her father was in charge of things again–but she was just restless. She tossed and she turned, she wriggled out of her nightdress and undergarments until she lay naked under her sheets, and she kicked those off too, but nothing helped.

Finally, she got out of bed and stuck her head out the window. The cool night hair felt nice on her bare skin, but it didn't make her feel drowsy. Restless. That's what it was, and lying awake in bed wasn't going to make the feeling pass any faster, so she decided to take a walk.

She could have gone naked without fear of anyone seeing her. Her father, Talon, was never awake when he didn't have to be, and he would be snoring loudly in his bedroom, and no one else was on the ranch, but she grabbed a robe on the way out anyway.

She left the robe untied, though, and the cool air tickled her bare skin as she descended the stairs and went outside. She had an excellent body, with large, round breasts and generous, sloping hips, but nothing was around to appreciate her display except for the farm animals, and most of them were asleep.

Epona, though, seemed to be as restless as she was. Epona was Lon Lon Ranch's prize mare, red and spirited, like Malon herself. She belonged to Link now after he won her in a bet against Ingo, and honestly Malon didn't mind the solemn swordsman in green riding the beautiful creature. Still, Link went places where Epona couldn't follow, and while he could call her with a song Malon had taught him from across Hyrule Field, he often left Epona at the ranch.

"It's okay, girl," Malon said, approaching the horse. "He left me at the ranch too."

She shook that through from her head. She did not want to be thinking about him, about his icy blue eyes, his stoney, determined face, his earnest, passionate, and even rarely, gentle–no! Not now, not while she was practically naked.

She stroked Epona's white mane. "So, you couldn't sleep either, could you? Why don't we go for a ride, just like old times?" Before Link showed up, Malon was the only person Epona would let ride her, and she still did. Malon climbed up on her back and draped her robe over the fence around the corral.

She smiled to herself as Epona started off at a trot. She had often thought about naked horseback riding, but had never managed to talk herself into it. Now, with Ingo far, far way and her sleeping father being the only other person on the ranch, she had enough privacy to feel free.

And how free she was! Her breasts bounced gently with each of Epona's steps, her hair streamed behind her as Epona picked up speed, and as she leaned forward, her womanhood rubbed pleasantly against the horse's back.

Well, perhaps she shouldn't explore that aspect of the ride, but all in all, it was a pleasant experience.

Unfortunately for her, Malon's night was about to take a turn for the worst.

What happened next?

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