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Chapter 2 by majus majus

Creation of Avatar (name, occupation, race);Army(race, faction);World of choosing

Morgan Spencer - Yourself, Lawyers, Your world.

No, nonononononononono. NO!

You cannot be dead! You weren't supposed to die!

You were married! You had a family! It was to early for you to depart! It wasn't your time!

So when you see a 'chance' for reincarnation, you don't take your time to think about it, just jump in on it.

After some introduction, and some luck, you find a list with template characters... and one of them is you! With your looks! Your history! Your traits... if you weren't in such a hurry you would polemize about some of them. You quickly accept the chosen Avatar – yourself.

When it asks about your army, you quickly tapped first thing that came to your mind – 'lawyers'. You don't even check the option further – you don't really care about that. You can only think about return to the world of the living and your family.

The last choice: a world of choosing – your world, your place before your .

When you push 'Accept it' button or whatever it is that you are pushing, a red window to showed.


Avatar of your choice already exists in selected world.

Danger of space-time paradox.
Possible consequences upon contact:
Minimal possible destruction range: entire galaxy.
Maximum possible destruction range: entire universe.
Best case scenario in case of contact: passing out.

Please, choose different world or different Avatar.”

Annoyed you push the button few more times.

“Randomize your Avatar?


Impatiently, thinking only about returning, you choose Yes.

Then confirm your choices.

Moment later, you black out.

What is it that awaits you?

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