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Chapter 4 by defender2222 defender2222

When do Peter and Felicia join the furry side?

Mentally Push Them Into The Right Direction

It was amazing how the mind worked.

All one had to truly do was slowly push things in the right direction. A stray thought here, a memory brought up there, distraction from different paths while drawing the eyes to something else...

Venom normally hadn't gone such routes. In his youth he had been like a hammer, just pounding away. Honestly he until this last bonding he'd been just a blunt object. But this time, his longing to not only remained bonded to someone but to feed of their love and desire, it was making him try new things. To be more sly and cunning. And he was wondering why he hadn't considered doing this in the first place because it was so much FUN.

Case in point...

Peter frowned as he walked through his apartment and headed to his laptop. "There must be some reason I had cat people on the brain last night," he muttered as the strange, and admitedly sexy, dream flashed through his mind once again. "Now what was it..." He began to go through a web search but found his mind was distracted by just who had been in the dream with him: Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat. He remembered her well, how dangerous of a foe she was, how great of a partner, their time together chasing one another and meeting up, her curves, her touch...

Looking down he realized that at some point he'd stuck his hand down his pants and quickly pulled it out. "Get your mind of of the gutter there, Pete!" he grumbled before noticing that while he'd been daydreaming he'd fallen down a rabbit hole of internet searching... but found an article he'd been looking for. "Hmmm. Doctor Tricia O'Malley is working on a new Gene Sequencer. I bet THAT'S what my mind was trying to tell me! If someone like the Jackal or Osborn got a hold of that they could do some serious damage!" Peter moved and quickly suited up. "Better swing down there and make sure it is secured... and set up some monitoring devices!"

Arriving at the lab Peter was rather glad that Dr. O'Malley had apparently taken the day off as that would make his job easier. Unfortunately it looked like someone else was taking advantage...

"Well well well... look what the cat dragged in."

Felicia looked up at Peter hanging from the ceiling and rolled her eyes, turning her back from the device she'd been examining. "That was a very lame pun, Tiger."

Peter frowned at the use of that nickname, remembering it from the dream. But Venom quietly did a bit of wiggling in his brain and got Peter focused on the task at hand. "What are you doing here, kitty cat?"

Felicia's mind flashed to her own dream and Peter's 'cream' before blinking. "This device uses a rather powerful diamond to run it... I decided-"

"To steal it?" he asked as he dropped down to the ground.

"No!" Felicia said. "To make sure it was protected! if I can't get to it then no one can."

"Sure," Peter said.

"Come on now," Felicia said, walking up to him and trailing her fingers along his chest. She was still feeling the wonderful buzz from that dream and was in the mood for some flirting. "You know I've gone straight..."

"You always claim that kitty," Peter said, not realizing he was using his nickname for her from the dream. He took a step forward, forcing Felicia to move back towards the table the Gene Sequencer was on. "But it never sticks."

"Maybe I just need someone to help me make it stick-"

Felicia's rear end bumped the table... and the device hummed to life.

The two shared a shocked look before the Gene Sequencer fired up, blasting them both with energy.

Do they wake up suddenly Anthros or is it a slow transformation?

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