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Chapter 2 by Sky124 Sky124

Whose Journey Will We Begin With?


Student File Ley:
Sex: Female

Age: 18
Height: 5'9''
Weight: ???
Physical appearance: Green eyes. Pale Skin. Brown pixie cut with a green streak. Extremely skinny but with a good amount of muscle. Moderately sized chest with slightly bulbous hips.
Notes: refused to provide weight for reasons unknown. Seems to specialize in wind magic. There's something hiding within her...

Status: Student of Interest.

Fenix, South Maleficus home for orphaned girls; 9 O'clock in the morning, day of The Application.

Ley was never the model student. If she even counted as one with the modest education give at Fenix. Nor was she the most sociable of characters. In fact she was more likely to bite someone who got close to her than to greet them. This was in part do to her secret- she didn't want to risk anyone finding out- and in part because it was so seldom any one approached her in a friendly way. More often than not people greeted her with “hey, air-head!” or “how's our favorite loser?”

The insults mostly originated from Jannet. She had been the first to make fun of Ley regularly. Then Ley had beaten Jannet in a Magic Duel. Doing this did the opposite of helping. Ley got punished severely for starting the fight and had made an enemy of Jannet. This was particularly bad do to the fact Ley had won out of sheer luck. Jannet was more skilled with magic than any of the others. And Ley couldn't guarantee, or even hope to, beat her ever again.

Despite her deliquesce in the classroom and enemies among the girls Ley was in no way dysfunctional. She wouldn't sleep in late when she needed to get up early. She wouldn't simply miss the biggest day of her life. At least, she wouldn't if her waking charm had not been stolen. And if her ears hadn't been carefully plugged preventing the noise that the others made from waking her. But her charm had been stolen, and her ears had been plugged. So she was laying asleep in a room filled with nineteen empty beds. And it wasn't until a slight breeze from outside blew the curtains open letting the sun stream in that her eyes fluttered open. That she sat up and stretched. That she noticed the cotton in her ears.

“What?” Ley said aloud. She pulled to fuzz out and looked around. “Okay, who did th-” she stopped mid-sentence when she saw the room completely empty around her.

“Huh?” she said, immediately followed by a cough. Her sheets where covered with a white powder she could only assume was chalk dust thrown at her as a prank.

Ley coughed again and kicked her sheets away, a white cloud settling on her skin and tickling her throat and nose. Straightening her pajama top, which had slipped off her shoulder, and trying to brush the white powder off Ley slipped out of her bed and walked to the window. She pulled her the left side of her loose pajama bottoms back over her hip as she reached the curtain. Reaching forward Ley pulled it open the rest of the way and was instantly blinded by sunlight.

“Hey!” Ley shielded her eyes until they adjusted. “What the heck is going on?”

She looked outside and saw the crowds of people in the streets. Saw the bus by the orphanage. Saw the others getting into the bus. Saw the bus start to pull out.

This was insane. She couldn't miss The Application, it was the day orphans looked forward to their whole life. But right before her eyes the bus was starting to leave and Ley wasn't close to being ready or even presentable, not only was she still in her pajamas (which were ratty and entirely too large) but her hair was a mess and badly needed a bath.

Should Ley try to catch the bus or take time to get ready and try to get there before The Application is over?

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