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Chapter 2 by meteorbeat meteorbeat

Is over? No... open your eyes.

Last Introduction

Am I dead?

If I am then this must be really cheap, I mean, I thought there was going to be something more, maybe a Light at the end of the tunnel, or maybe someone guiding me, arriving at the doors of heaven or probably a guy with horns with a malicious grin in the face ready to me for all eternity.

But this… this was absolutely nothing, just me, or my soul at least, floating in a vast sea of darkness, no sound, no pain, just calm, it was so peaceful, like there was no worry, although considering how I died it had something to do with the peace.

I wonder if Julius is alright, I wonder what mom and dad will do, I hope they don’t suffer a long time, this definitely sucks, and how long will I be here? I just hope is not all eternity, that would be too boring.


What? Was that a voice?

‘Of course it is, now, don’t move, this won’t take long’

Oh, great, I’m hearing voices, not only I’m dead, I’m going crazy.

‘You were crazy already, and no, you are not dead, you are fine, just with a few scratches to maintain the image of someone trampled by one of your metal contraptions, I still need to search more information from this time, is so different from home’

Okay, what? I’m alive? And who the hell are you? Where am I?

‘Like I said, don’t worry, everything will be explained, and… thank you, I swear by my name and the oath I took with my creator that I will serve you proudly for all eternity’

Uh? Okay, mayorly confused here.

‘Open your eyes, there are people waiting for you, so, go ahead, rise and shine!’

Just as the voice finished a sudden pulled me and I left that sea of darkness and peace and was assaulted by everything related to living once again, noise, sensations and most importantly, light.

My eyes felt heavy and the bright light made my eyes stay unfocused just like after waking up, and I must say the sudden rush of emotions from my body was not peachy.

“So, how’s the patient doing? Hope everything works correctly, but at least you are alive, don’t you think that is one big pro in the list?” Wait a minute, I know that voice, moving my head to the left side I was practically face to face with one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen, and the voice was suspiciously similar to the one in my dream… or was it a dream?

“Wh… who are you?” Probably one of the less intelligent things I have ever said in my whole life, but try to understand I wasn’t working at full capacity yet and in response to that she only softly laughed, and I must say, that was a sound I pretty much enjoyed; she walked back to one side of the now obviously hospital room and sat in a chair.

“That is quite a big story, first of all I want you to listen to my story and I’ll try to explain your questions later, is that alright?” with only a nod I could answer so far but she only smiled at me “alright, believe it or not, I am a genie” one of my eyebrows went up, I swear my face was a perfect ‘what the hell are you talking about’ representation at what she said, did I hit my head too hard or something? “Yeah, I know what you are thinking, this girl is insane, but is the truth, how do you think you are alive? Although if it wasn’t for that I would still be inside that locket”

“Wait, locket? What do you mean? And a genie?” she put up one of her hands to stop my shower of questions.

“I said, first let me explain, then you can question me more freely; now, yes, the locket, the one your parents gave you; a lot of time ago, in the 13th century, when the Romans were beginning their expansion over Europe and Africa there was a very powerful Briton chief, believe it or not the guy had some contacts with other places in the world, one of them was very old and some people say, very powerful wizard which is true if my memory works right, this old man prophesized that the end of the chief’s world was coming, the chief misunderstood thinking that the whole world was going to blow up but the wizard was talking about the coming of the Romans, Julius Cesar and the chief’s dead; thinking that he was going to die along with his whole fortune and power he send his people in search of the old wizards friends, one of them was the last member of a very old clan, they studied what was known as Djin, very tricky creatures who one should never trust.

Once they were reunited the chief promised all the gold he could accumulate in the promise of power to cheat dead and that ‘end of the world’ prophesy, the wizard companions were looking for a last invention and spell knowing that they were getting old and they had no students to follow them now that the old believes would quickly disappear, first replaced by the Romans and later on by the Christians religion, they wanted to go with a bang it seems.

All that people then decided that the best way to assure someone power would be with a full blown genie, now this required several steps but everything at the end was alright, they finally created the genie, and the locket” at this whole session of his story my mind was finally registering more things, just like the way her legs were crossed showing up how defined they were thanks to the plated royal blue skirt finishing with small heeled boots, she was also wearing a blouse and a blue jacket; whoever she was she dressed well, and if she was really a genie then that would explain how beautiful the girl was, her face was so defined and her blue eyes were simply amazing.

“So, that guy, the…chief, he was your first owner or something?” Better go with the flow here, later on I could see if she was in fact a genie, right now I don’t care what she is if she continues to move her crossed leg like that.

“Of course not, the guys who created me were rather… let’s just say, careful in relation to whom they gave their most precious creations; to gain the power of a genie, specially one like me, you have to gain it, to prove yourself in a way; to seal me and make me sleep until my master was ready the wizards created the locket, the heirloom of your family, that locket would be closed until the time the right circumstances were met”

“What circumstances?”

“That’s the rest of the story; for what I gather the wizards finished me with the help of one of the mayor genies in that time, the guy was something like a council member for them or something like that; they also finished the locket and presented me to the chief, he was ecstatic to finally have the power to change his destiny, of course he didn’t know there was a genie inside, the wizards only told him that the locket would protect him… but alas, there I was, asleep for centuries and nobody opened the locket” she said while her smile turned something melancholic.

“Okay, I guess that chief wasn’t capable of opening the locket but, can you explain to me how I did it then?” If she was out then it was obviously the locket was open, at that she raised her hand and in there was the locket, but now it was in several pieces and her smile turned so bright I could only feel myself proud for some reason.

“Well, the chief never opened it because he never understood what was engraved in the locket”

“Engraved? You mean, all those Chinese, Latin and Egyptian words?”

“You mean you don’t know it? Now, that’s a surprise, you did it by your volition, that is quite amusing; well, the locket had engraved a phrase in a combination of different languages, ‘lose a life, gain a life’, yes, you understand, exactly what you think of, the moment you pushed him aside it was the moment the locket was supposed to break apart and set me free, in a matter of speaking of course; it needed the sacrifice of your life, that is the lose a life part, and then, after opening the locket your life would never be the same”

“So you mean that because I sacrificed my life now I have a genie with me?” at her nod I was very, well, amused, but how it could be truth that she is a genie and not something out of my crazy mind? I would to turn into someone who sees people that doesn’t exist; now THAT would definitely suck.

“You don’t entirely believe me, not a problem, just look at my chair” her chair? What’s so import… what was once a simple plastic and metal chair was now a comfortable leather chair that wouldn’t be out of place from a very posh corner office, okay, so maybe she was right about being a genie?

“Alright, you are genie, and until my mind stops and finally I see if I’m crazy or not I’ll go with the idea that you definitely exist, so, do I have a certain number of wishes? Do I need to wear the locket for it to work?”

“Oh, please” she said rolling her eyes in a very pissed off look “that stupid Disney screwed up everything we are, even the guy who wrote the original Aladdin was more correct that those stupid writers in that children movie, genies don’t work like that, from where the heck they got the idea of three wishes? A genie don’t have any set number of wishes it can grant, it all depends in the power one has, and no, the locket was supposed to be my place of resting until the moment I was set free, right now is only broken jewelry, I am after all in a life bind with you”

“I have definitely made more questions in a day than ever, but, what exactly is a life bind? Do you die when I die or something like that?”

“Kind of, it means that I don’t need an object to exist and delimitate my owner, the original spell binds me to the one who does the sacrifice and then if he dies the spell make it possible for him to survive long enough until my magic recovers him; after that, let’s just say that we would have a very long life”

“Well, that doesn’t sound bad, so any kind of forewarning I need to hear?”

“Oh ho, smart kid, nice question, first of all, rule number one, I am here for you, I will do as you wish since my life was created for that, second, try to hold your imagination, don’t make it run free and think carefully what you wish, sometimes what you wish will be granted literally and… you don’t want that kind of trouble, third, don’t wish for me to be free”

“What happens if I do?”

“I’ll die, and you too by the way; I am a full born genie bonded to her master, that means I would have my energy ripped off, and you were returned by magic, you will die without it too” gulping at that idea I decided to never ask for that “and finally, fourth, I cannot grant things that have to do with the whole world, while you could ask for things like accepting some ideas, or changing some of what humanity thinks don’t ask for changing all human being into monsters or anything like that, it takes too much energy that I don’t have” she said shaking her head making her shoulder length ebony hair move along too; I’m sure right now all this information has left my head dizzy, I need some time to think and finally understand my position, I mean, I have a freaking genie, one that, well, kind of belong to me, only me, infinite wishes! But first I need time to process this.

Just like I was saying that in my mind a soft knock in the door and with it opening it marked the beginning of my… no, OUR adventures together.

Who is it? A doctor, nurse, maybe the family?

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