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Chapter 2 by WriteMan WriteMan

Who's Story do you Follow?

Julia Cooper, an Aspiring Teaching after the Crisis

“It seems that everything is order.” Principal Morrison smiled warmly to the woman across from him, and she smiled back. She was quite beautiful, with soft feminine features and bright eyes. Her dark hair was kept somewhat short, but there was still enough length for a short pony tail that rested on her shoulder. The ill-fitting suit belied her curves, but they still shone through when she adjusted herself in the over-sized leather chair. “I would like to officially welcome you to our high school, Ms. Julia Cooper.” He rose to shake her hand, but she hesitated.

“Actually, sir, there’s one more thing I would like to discuss.” Julia spoke softly. Principal Morrison sat back down.

“What is it?” He stroked his graying beard curiously as he watched her rummage through her pockets until she produced a bright silver ring with golden etchings and placed in on her left thumb. Morrison’s expression darkened.

“Actually, I am infertile.” She held up her newly adorned hand. Principle Morrison stood up and looked out the window.

“You do realize this means that you lied on your application. And that doing so is grounds for immediate termination and even calling the authorities? Especially when it relates to matters such as this?” He turned to face her, and she withered slightly under his gaze.

“Yes sir, I understand.” Julia responded.

“Then why do it? And why bring it up now?” His tone softened.

“I…” Julia’s posture straightened as she looked him in the eye. “I simply wanted to make sure that I was the most qualified person for the position. I wanted to be hired because of who you saw as an educator.” Her voice firmed up as she spoke. “I had no intentions of hiding it from you past this point.”

“I see.” Principal Morrison sat back down and fell silent. “That’s quite noble of you.” He smirked. “I feel like someone such as yourself has much more to offer to our student body than I initially thought. I’m sure you’ll make a valuable addition to our staff.” Julia gasped, then beamed ecstatically.

“Thank you so much!” She sprung up and grabbed his outstretched hand, shaking it enthusiastically. “I promise you that you won’t regret this.”

“Don’t worry about your paperwork. I’ll have it all corrected on our end before it’s officially filed and on record.” He releases her hand. “There will be some more to discuss with this news, but we can save that for your introductory faculty meeting.” They said their goodbyes and Julia left, a new bounce in her step. The secretary gave her a congratulations on the way out, which she accepted happily before leaving the building.

What Happens Next?

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