Lusty Scales

The Dragons rule

Chapter 1 by shadedrakon shadedrakon

They renamed the continent Fenumia in honor of the new Kings. Their arrival was glorious - over a dozen ghostly shadows drifted over the horizon, their shadows stretching over entire cities. Humanity bowed down (except for a few cities) and gladly agreed to serve beings that were clearly gods in physical form. Most of the dragons quickly claimed their own territories, and were worshipped by all who lived in them.

You are one of these dragons, a large majestic being with scales of stone who will live for thousands of years. You aren't actually a god, although you might as well be. The only thing that can kill a dragon is another dragon. You came from the Old continent, escaping a terrible evil. Here in the New continent you can start a new life. Any life.

Before you are asked the inevitable question of which dragon you are, here's a rundown of each type of dragon so you don't go in blind. All dragons are gender-fluid, and can only become pregnant once in their lifetime, although they can sire multiple times if they would like.

True Dragons: (Four legs, four wings)
These three siblings come in bold colors, and are the most powerful type of dragon. Each one rules a wide expanse of the continent, and is constantly fighting to extend its territory. They are highly independent and domineering, have natural affinities for magic, and can breath fire.

Laurre - The Golden dragon. Majestic and holy, widely regarded as generous and forgiving.
Title: Dragon of Magic

Myorr - The Black dragon. Fierce and secretive, known to be strict but fair. Can summon lightning.
Title: Dragon of Night

Narrwa - The Crimson dragon. Unpredictable and carefree.
Title: Dragon of War

False Dragons: (Four legs, two wings)
They are blood siblings of the Trues, but the Trues dislike them because they only have two wings. They each have their own smaller kingdoms and are less prone to conquering neighboring areas. They don't usually adventure outside of their territory. They are extremely gifted with magic and can breath fire.

Parthurnax - The Purple dragon. His little kingdom is close to being a utopia. He closely oversees all industries, but also promotes equality and freedom within his territory and cares for the weak. On the flip side, he also demands more tribute than other dragons and always has human servants tending caring and pleasuring him.
Title: Dragon of Perfection

Alouin - The younger Black dragon. His kingdom lies in the East and manages the Wall, which guards the new continent from the old. He is easily annoyed and a little edgy/angry because none of the other dragons take his warnings about invasions seriously and he has to deal with all of them himself. However, he loves his kingdom and the humans in it. He also maintains a guild of Assassins.
Title: Dragon of the Wall

Odahviing - The color-changing dragon. He doesn't have a kingdom, really, more of a home base. He travels between the smaller kingdoms, checking on his fellow dragons. Is chill, rarely gets angry, and always there for other dragons whether they are there for him or not. He can control the colors of his scales (effectively becoming invisible) or just let them do what they want.
Title: Dragon of Unity

Wyverns: (Two legs, two wings)
These are a triplets. Together they rule one kingdom. Although physically less powerful than most other dragons, they are excellent strategists and hard opponents. They'll sometimes fight amongst themselves but it's rarely serious. Their rivals are the Ampitheres.

Coecin - The Green-Brown Wyvern. He is strongly muscled and a gifted warrior. He is completely lacking when it comes to magic, but he doesn't mind, leaving the magic to his siblings instead. He is the de-facto leader of the group and enjoys being domineering.
Title: Wyvern of the Earth

Vindya - The Aquamarine Wyvern. His wins are very fin-like and he has gills, which makes him supreme at underwater combat. He is much gentler and laid-back than Coecin, but he will protect his siblings to the **** just the same.
Title: Wyvern of the Ocean

Lailre - The White-Green Wyvern. In the air she is quick and agile, and on the ground she helps her siblings decide how to run their kingdom. In addition to the **** lust present in all dragons, she is also extremely submissive, especially around dragons she trusts. So she gets fucked a lot by Coecin and Vindya. Her magic is peaceful by nature.
Title: Wyvern of the Sky

Ampitheres: (No legs, Two wings)
Twins. Are always fighting, will sometimes work together against the wyverns. Each have their own kingdom. Sly, ferocious, and arrogant. Less powerful than Trues but just as skilled.

Uann - The Blue Leviathan. He likes being underwater the best. He takes what he wants and has no remorse, having a very dog-eat-dog viewpoint of the world.
Title: Serpent of the Sea

Arat - The White Ampithere. Dragons are usually very promiscuous, but he has a hard crush on Lailre, which in the process of trying to impress her has led to him becoming an expert flyer. Has some sympathy deep in his core, unlike Uann.
Title: Serpent of the Skies

Drakes: (Four legs, no wings)
Usually have lighter or pastel colors. Not very good fighters. Presumed to be siblings, but all of them are different ages. None have their own kingdoms, although some small settlements will choose to worship drakes as the nicest dragons. Work with humans well. Usually submissive; unable to breath fire.

Rovni - The Gray Drake. Because of her scale color and skill with **** magic, most assume that she is as independent and aloof as the Trues. However, she's actually extremely lonely and prone to nightmares - gifts from the dead. She's clingy and sexually submissive.
Title: Drake of ****

Echmel - The Pink Drake. Her scales are actually white with pink accents and underbelly. She is pretty, helpful, and happy to the point where she can seduce almost any dragon, even one who originally wanted to kill her.
Title: Drake of Love

Ambal - The Brown Drake. He is regarded as the "normal" dragon because of his dull coloring and lack of abilities. He cares vary little about the current wars between other dragons over territory and enjoys exploring. An underdog.
Title: Drake of Adventure

Hydras: (Four legs, no wings, multiple heads)

Qayldreos - The Hydra. Has no kingdom. Instead, he occupies the very center of the continent and protects the temple there. He would be the most powerful fighter but he never fights. Worshipped, but out of fear. Not understood or liked much. Has prophetic powers.
Title: Many-headed Phrophet

Dactyls:_ (_Two or four legs, two feathered wings, feathered manes)
Smallest type of dragon. Personalities and relationships with humans vary widely. Usually stick together for safety, multiple sets of siblings.

Orange, Pink, Blue

Which Dragon are you?

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