The Saviour Of Stupid

The Saviour Of Stupid

The gods bless Crystal with a cock and balls, a story of love vs lust and a lot of impreg

Chapter 1 by adstyle22 adstyle22


Warning: A few things in this story might offend some people. Things like male-bashing, intolerance to non-smart people, stereotyping. But considering the perverted sexual things you’re here for, I don’t think it will be too big of an issue.

No sex in this chapter.

Mount Olympus, 2021, Throne room

_“_Athena Darling, can you pass over one-eighth of that watermelon there?” Athena was momentarily stirred from her apathetic slumber, hearing a question from her left that she didn’t quite absorb enough sense from. “I beg your pardon.”

Aphrodite was by far the most patient goddess, and any of the others would’ve been irritable at having to repeat themselves. She smiled brightly, as if pleased to ask a second time. “Could you kindly pass over a slice of watermelon?”

“Oh. Sure...umm, anyone got a knife?” Athena quizzed the entire throne room.

“Oh now you’re taking the Micon, I specifically told you when I handed out the fruit platter to NOT lose the knife.” Hephaestus adorned a frustrated expression from his throne across the hall.

“Hey” Athena protested. “I did not receive said knife, hence why I asked.”

“Dionysus?” Hephaestus immediately glared at and accused.

“What?” The god on the end responded, wine dripping out from his lips. He swallowed his mouthful and also proclaimed his innocence. “I only desire the grapes, no need for a dagger.”

“Who used the knife last?” Hephaestus’ eyes were pure white, due to the irises and pupils being directed so far upwards that they crossed the boundary of his eyelids.

“Does it matter? I say not” Mother Hera admonished from the head throne of the room. “Now pipe down the lot of you, you know your father needs his forty winks.”

Athena couldn’t help being a smart-arse, especially when her father wasn’t awake to give out punishment. “You do know that is an exaggerated expression. You don’t literally have to sleep for forty winks.”

Hera never understands the evolution of humanity’s linguistic skills. The more modern ways of speaking; particularly sarcasm and modern culture terminology, she was simply too old-fashioned to even notice when these techniques are being used. “Nonsense. Whatever else could it mean?”

“It means sleeping for a short amount of time Mother.”

“Precisely my point, is forty years not a short amount of time?” Hera shot back, before effortlessly cutting off Athena’s retort. “Of course it is. Now hush I say, and Hermes...please relinquish the knife you stole, it’s causing too much fuss and squabbles.”

“Oh, why do we suck the fun out of everything?” Hermes grumpily complained, whilst relinquishing the knife to Hephaestus beside him. The knife and the fruit found their way to Aphrodite, who happily carved out a chunk of her cherished watermelon.

Everyone went back to what they were doing before the interjection. Hermes was fornicating with his hand, thankfully underneath his toga.

Hephaestus was carving another wooden horse, full size to a human but a figurine to a god of Olympus. And Apollo, who hadn’t been interrupted by the antics around him in the slightest, was writing poetry to one of his forty male and female lovers.

Dionysus was...well, you know already. And Aphrodite was braiding her hair before she requested a chunk of watermelon.

Hera and Athena were the only two present, or conscious, that actually gave a damn about the world. They were observing every event, little or small, happening in the world currently. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t boring though, and that’s why Athena herself nearly succumbed to sleep.

But at the same time, she was also very unhappy. The world was in utter ruins as far as she was concerned. There were geniuses in one out of fourteen humans, and three of the fourteen would be dumber than a cyclops. And who did she blame for this injustice, the humans?

No. It was not their fault they were born brainless. Not a single child in a thousand years has been a product of Olympus. Not since the big guns decided it was time for all Olympus to retire from their duties.

It’s alright for Poseidon. The world is now climatically damaged because of these “greenhouse gasses”. Which means his domain is only getting bigger by the day. He left on a fishing trip a hundred years ago and hasn’t been seen since. But he’s out there, there was a tsunami not long ago that was likely caused by him slipping in his rowing boat or something.

Hades doesn’t care one bit. Since nobody believes in us anymore, and are not our children, nobody even goes to the underworld when they die anymore. So free time for all eternity for him.

And Zeus cared, truly he did. But like Hera alluded to, he’s been asleep in his throne for the last thirty years. A lot can happen in earth in a time like that, and he certainly would detest the impact that “social media” has done to the world if he was awake to see it.

Hera was the one Athena had been trying to plead her case to. She was always watching, even when Athena herself wasn’t. She saw all and disapproved of a lot, but she needed persuading that an action was worthy. She didn’t waste effort for anyone, and unless her approval was granted nothing would ever happen.

Athena was the goddess of wisdom for a reason, if anyone could persuade the queen of the gods it was her. “Might I make a request Mother.”

“Oh not this again Athena, the world might be dumber but it’s not doomed” the queen correctly anticipated this topic.

“I beg to differ, that war eighty years ago that was the biggest earth has ever seen, it could happen again at anytime”

“I’m glad Ares is not hear to witness you speak, he still hasn’t stopped talking about that war” Hera distractedly brushed a splotch of dust off her sleeping husbands shoulder.

“Oh come on, everyone gets what they want except me” Athena argued. “Ares gets his war and Hephaestus can start making guns again. You’ve got your homosexual marriage as well as traditional. Dion only cares if his goblet has wine in it, and humans grow them better than ever now. Hermes and Aphrodite fuck all the time now, and that’s because humans have never been so sexually adventurous as they are.”

Aphrodite gasped beside her in outrage but her blush betrays the truth.

“Oh yes. And I suppose the advances in technology is idiotic to you” Hera countered.

Athena was **** to concede that point. “No, that’s something. But it’s not necessary...wise. I mean, it’s more intelligence than wisdom. And intelligence is associated more with Apollo than me.”

“Your pedantic words do not amuse me girl. Do not think I don’t recognise you’re manipulative ways. It’s been a thousand years since the gods have interfered with humanity. Nothing short of human extinction will ever sway that decision.”

Athena was overflowing with anger. “There was a time where we wouldn’t even need to discuss this, we didn’t have to. We had the finest minds in Greece from sculptors and architects, to philosophers and poets. We had them as far as the eye could see. But now...everything I loved about the world, everything I represented. It’s gone. And neither you or father care as long as there are clouds and weddings.”

“Now that is enough!” Hera’s power silenced and extinguished Athenas fire, her eyes fierce and demanding respect. “A decision was made, and that decision is final. I will hear no more about this, is that clear?”

Through her teeth, Athena answered. “Perfectly.” Then she stormed from the room and proceeded to her chambers. She cursed and broke things. She screamed and struck furniture. And when she was spent she laid flat on her front on the bed, burying her face into her pillow.

Five minutes later and there was a tentative knock on the door. Key word there: tentative. No god does tentative except for one. “Come in” Athena lifted her chin and called out.

The guest opened the door just as tentatively as she knocked upon it. “Sister, are you calm?”

Athena twisted her head to the side facing the goddess of love. “I’m calmER”

“May I speak with you?” Aphrodite asked.

“You already are” Athena returned.

“About your argument with mother”

Athena liked Aphrodite. Not as much as Demeter, and Artemis wasn’t bad either. Pretty much all the goddesses actually, except Hera. She had always resented Hera, what she did to Hephaestus was unforgivable, and Hera just never changed and thought only of her husband and herself. Punctuated perfectly by their argument just now.

Aphrodite was insatiably promiscuous and naive, but she wasn’t dumb. She knew the score, and always seemed to sympathise with Athena on pretty much everything. Except that whole Trojan war thing.

How was she supposed to know declaring Helen the most beautiful women would mean she’d be unfaithful to Menelaus. Besides, to Aphrodite love didn’t have to be ethical, hence why she herself was unfaithful to Hephaestus.

Disregarding that, Aphrodite was very understanding, and with Athena being the second most beautiful goddess of Olympus, Aphrodite admired her sister just as much.

Athena transitioned into a sitting position on the side of the bed. “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you in there.”

“It’s okay, I forgive you. I’m sure Mother already knew about me and Hermes.”

“I was thinking more about Hephaestus” Athena replied, recalling the sound of the blacksmiths knuckles cracking from across the room.

“Oh, yeah, well I suppose it couldn’t stay a secret forever” Aphrodite brushed off the mention of her husband without a trace of shame. “I do have to correct you though, the world might be filled with sex and passion, but it means nothing without love. So in that sense, the world isn’t a great place for me either.”

“Are you saying the world is without love?” Athena thought it mightily hypocritical of her adulterous sister to accuse humans of tarnishing the power of love.

“No, but humans are failing to understand it. I am in love with Hermes, I know so or I wouldn’t neglect the husband our father arranged for me to marry. There’s humans down on earth who have love in their hearts, but no companion to give it to. The humans who lack the true meaning of love spring from lover to lover without thought.”

Athena understood, mainly because she believed humans did in fact take love for granted. They were too stupid to know what they have in front of them. The people they **** were the diamonds and the people they desire they want just for their attractive shells.

The two goddesses shared an understanding and a common goal, and this was enough for Athena to start scheming. “Would you give anything to teach them what it means to love again?”

Aphrodite firmly nodded. “I would.”

“They need education. But Mother refuses our interference, so we can’t teach them ourselves. If we can’t teach them, they’ll remain ignorant.”

“Shall we ask father instead?” Aphrodite suggested.

“It could be ten years before he wakes up, and even so he’ll just take Mother’s side. And even if we do get permission, we can’t teach a stupid world to love again. What humans need is the brain capacity, more room in their heads to absorb information.”

“Then what do you suggest we do?”

Athena smiled and rose to her feet with excitement. “We need a modern day hero, a representative of wisdom and love, to carry out our vision.”

“Vision?” Aphrodite watched her sister pace back and forth.

“There are a few wise and intelligent people who have the gift of both wisdom and love, who are belittled and tormented for their beliefs. We need them to spread our the next generation” Athena conspiratorially grinned at the plan now formed.

“You mean procreation?”


“We cannot interfere sister, mother will banish us when she learns of this man”

“She won’t know if she’s too busy watching the humans. And it won’t be a man.”

“Why not?”

Athena stepped up beside her sister, throwing an arm around her shoulder. “Can you name one male god who knows anything about love? If the gods can’t understand love, how is man meant to.”

Aphrodite wanted to say Hermes did, but feeling love and understanding it are two different things. “No, I can’t say I disagree. So a smart women seduces stupid men?”

“No, no, no, no. A man is a man, he’ll never understand until women understand. To save humanity we need daughters of intelligent mind and caring hearts. That means women have to mate with women.”

Aphrodite had a funny feeling she knew where this was going, so she nipped it in the bud. “No Athena, Mother will severely punish me by hurting him when she finds out. I couldn’t bear that.”

“Hermaphroditus will be fine, he’ll only pass on the gift to our heroine” Athena turned Aphrodite around and embraced her head with her hands. “Listen, this is the only way, and if Mother finds out I’ll take her wrath. I will deny your very involvement, she won’t harm your child if you yourself did not wrong her.”

Aphrodite’s smile was nowhere to be seen, her protectiveness towards her androgynous offspring, even more so than her other children...because his father was Hermes of course. But she did finally relent. “Very well, but I must talk to Hermes and make him aware of the plan, and he must agree to it. And I’m holding you to that promise.”

Athena captured her sisters lips with her own, a completely common way to express familial love in Olympus. She broke away after a few moments. “We won’t regret this.”

Lost in translation

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