The Crystal Rose

Just relax.

Chapter 1 by glaum glaum

“The ancient town of Arpeggio lies at the base of Mt. Zabanya. Legend has it that a thousand years ago, Arpeggio was being attacked by a group of bandits. The villagers took whatever they could and tried to escape up the mountain to escape the marauders. The bandits chased the villagers up the mountain and so the villagers were **** to climb the mountain so they could flee to the other side. After days of climbing, the villagers found that the peak seemed no closer and the bandits were still hot on their tail while their supplies were dwindling. One day, while climbing, a villager started laughing uncontrollably at the absurdity of their situation. She told everyone that the mountain was naught but a divine trap. Nothing but **** awaited them. Behind them, ahead of them, everywhere and everything was doom. So she laughed and laughed. Perhaps out of desperation or enlightenment, the other villagers started laughing with her. As they laughed, they realized that the bandits chasing them seemed farther and farther away while the summit appeared closer and closer. In absurd laughter, they sang, danced and marched up the mountain. Even though doom was everywhere, they had to celebrate what life they had. Love was professed, love was consecrated, love was embraced in laughter as the villagers accepted what life they had and had left. With no food and no water left, they knew they were going to die. However they never stopped laughing, but they could not help but cry as well.

You see these tall stones at the top of the mountain’s waterfall there? Those are supposedly the bodies of these villagers, still laughing. They still cry and that’s where the waterfall comes from.

Mt. Zabanya is a holy place. Here at the Crystal Rose spa, we’re the only business in all of Arpeggi that is allowed to use the water from Mt. Zabanya. You’ll find out why people from all across the world come here to relax and reflect as soon as you enter our baths.

We’re only a thirty minute walk to town. If you need anything, you can find it in Arpeggio. We strongly encourage you to bring a flashlight with you since when the sun goes down, the road back becomes pitch black. It is the beginning of summer though, so the sun should set pretty late.

Anyways, my name is Antonio. Here are the keys to your room, the signs should point you there. Find me if you need anything Ms. Miller; I’ll be around the spa working here and there. Welcome to the Crystal Rose and I hope you enjoy your stay!”

It's been a long day.

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