Sucking Futanari Cock at the Interdimensional Gloryhole

Sucking Futanari Cock at the Interdimensional Gloryhole

From the creator of 'Futanari Demoness Ravages Your Virgin Ass', a new taker-pov story- this time, involving servicing huge dick at your local space-time anomaly!

Chapter 1 by Johnman13 Johnman13

As is typical for me, this story is a work in progress. Not much has been fleshed out just yet. Updates will most likely be spontaneous and irregular, so watch this space. I've created an online suggestion box [at] for characters you'd like to see. Don't be shy. It can be as mundane or as wild and wacky as you want. My only rules are no underage characters- apart from that, everything is welcome to help me brainstorm. The more ideas I have kicking around inside my head, the more I'm likely to add more to this piece! Thanks for reading. Enjoy.

You hurried down the pavement, hood of your jumper pulled tight over yourself, hunched forward as you warily made your way towards tonight's potential entertainment, route lit by the yellow glow of streetlamps. Your heart pounded embarrassingly into your chest. For a straight-enough guy looking to sate his curiosity, the rumours sounded too good to be true- that your local public toilets, the ones you walked by nearly everyday- were all of a sudden home to a glory-hole that housed all manner of exotic and ridiculously proportioned pricks. Long had you avoided entering due to its seedy outside appearance- and as you stepped into the doorway, you noted that such extended to the inside as well. Peering your way around the toilets, you saw nothing out of the ordinary so far- just a typical, run down public mess of a bathroom. The light hung precariously, the tap dripped incessantly, and the cracked tiles bared all sorts of scrawled profanities. A quick sweep of the stalls revealed no other patrons here this late at night- confident that you were alone, your pull your hood off your head and inspect the location. While the toilet to the left was in a similar state to the rest of the building, a cracked porcelain excuse for a dump-facilitator, complete with a broken lock and a distinct lack of toilet-paper, curiously, the stall on the right was pristine- as if someone was taking the time to ensure it was always operational. A further inspection reveals your prize- an exceptionally large, circular hole joining this stall to the one just opposite.

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You hurry yourself inside and shut the door, making doubly sure to lock it- if what you've heard is true, you don't want any unwanted intruders. With a brief hesitation, you sink down into a squatting position in front of the hole, awaiting something. Now at eye level with the object of your desire, you read the scrawled words on the otherwise graffiti-free wall- two words;

"Knock twice."

Steeling yourself, you bring your hand up to the wall, and rap two, swift, curt knocks on the stall wall. You retract your hand and wait with bated breath. Nothing happens, seconds pass with no sign of anything. Your brow furrows, impatient eyes darting. As you're about to curse yourself for believing such stupid, horny rumours as a bottomless glory-hole, you hear a noise-

What do you hear?

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