The Dealer Life

Becoming and Living as a Dealer

Chapter 1 by csg46x csg46x

![Damien]The Dealer

Damien is 18 years old. Always a big guy, he now stood at 6’3 and 225lbs of muscle. No one would find him pretty, but his face was relatively handsome and his physique was nearly perfect - a powerhouse of aggression when needed.

Black hair was shaved close to his scalp, and a 5’clock shadow seemed to always be present on his face. Obviously, puberty had done wonderful things to Damien’s body which he had then improved upon with working out and a healthy diet. His greatest weapons in life, however, were his brains and his 10” long and extremely thick dick that hung down to his mid-thigh.

With such a blessing of physical attributes and hard work giving him a leg up on his peers, one may wonder why his life was destined for the shadows. Damien could have told you immediately why. He was an **** sadist. He liked to hurt people. Sometimes physically, sometimes emotionally, but that is what he liked. The more depraved the better.

Recently, he had scored a position in a local **** gang. Small time, but busy. Damien’s job was to deal to the consumer, pay his boss, and keep the cops out of it.

One little thing his gang didn’t know though, was that Damien didn’t need money. His father had died when he was young and left him an inheritance for when he turned 18, but he currently lived with his mom and older sister in a crappy 3 bedroom apartment on the lower-east side of the city.

Damien didn’t need money, but no one knew that.

And so his story begins.

High School.

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